My journey so far with low testosterone.

That is odd, the glucose levels, usually they decrease significantly on TRT. In fact it's a warning on the testosterone label for diabetics to be careful of hypoglycemia due to suddenly being overmedicated.

Fingers getting swollen sounds a bit like high E2. Not sure what's going on, but maybe reach out to your doc?

I know right? Nothing about my body chemistry makes sense. :(
Nope, Thanksgiving was just a small gathering and everyone helped with the cooking. No stress. Except for all the carbs I ate. LOL

Earlier this year when I started the HCG mono I was also taking A Lipoic Acid around 1200mg. That stuff is supposed to lower BG. It didn't touch it either.
This morning my FBG was 116. Granted 20% error range with these things but. We have 126, 134,119 and 116
So running a little experiment. I am do for my shots today. I will track daily over the next 3.5 days to see if there is another spike after the injection and if so, does it fade like last week.
Regarding E2, I am beginning to think that maybe 500iu HCG is too much. But I don't want to change anything until I get blood work. If E2 is indeed to high I will talk to him about cutting it back to 250 every 3.5 days.
Day after injections FBG 110. So it continues to fall from a high last week of 134. Maybe it was all the carbs that I ate? I can't believe it would linger for days but my body is messed up.

Also, Still experiencing hot flashes from time to time pretty bad. Even after 500iu HCG and 50mg T Cyp. The questions on this are: 1) Is this E2 getting high? 2) Is it still my body adjusting to T increases, 3) Is 50mg 2x per week not enough T for me?

Would there be any harm in getting blood work done sooner then 4 weeks since starting T injections? Perhaps get blood drawn right after an injection to see what my peak is? Then in a couple of weeks go for the trough blood test?
Day after injections FBG 110. So it continues to fall from a high last week of 134. Maybe it was all the carbs that I ate? I can't believe it would linger for days but my body is messed up.

Also, Still experiencing hot flashes from time to time pretty bad. Even after 500iu HCG and 50mg T Cyp. The questions on this are: 1) Is this E2 getting high? 2) Is it still my body adjusting to T increases, 3) Is 50mg 2x per week not enough T for me?

Would there be any harm in getting blood work done sooner then 4 weeks since starting T injections? Perhaps get blood drawn right after an injection to see what my peak is? Then in a couple of weeks go for the trough blood test?

So FBG is coming down now, the further we get from thanksgiving? Heh, I was making a joke before, but maybe I wasn't so far off the ball. That's a good thing though, although I have very little experience with FBG.

Can you describe your hot flashes a bit? Do they itch? Are they at night? I had that before, and it was not from HIGH E2, but LOW E2.

I think it would be a foolish idea to get labs done early, because what exactly will you do with the information? I sure hope you won't change your protocol based on them, so if that's off the table, what will it tell you? If it's only for peace of mind, go for it IMO, anything else wait it out until week 5-6.

Personally, I think you're just overthinking things too much, and the best thing to do is not worry so much. I don't mean this offensively in anyway, just someone from the other side of the fence.
Day after injections FBG 110. So it continues to fall from a high last week of 134. Maybe it was all the carbs that I ate? I can't believe it would linger for days but my body is messed up.

Also, Still experiencing hot flashes from time to time pretty bad. Even after 500iu HCG and 50mg T Cyp. The questions on this are: 1) Is this E2 getting high? 2) Is it still my body adjusting to T increases, 3) Is 50mg 2x per week not enough T for me?

Would there be any harm in getting blood work done sooner then 4 weeks since starting T injections? Perhaps get blood drawn right after an injection to see what my peak is? Then in a couple of weeks go for the trough blood test?

I've never found any solid evidence that hot flashes accompany high E2 but low E2 can definitely cause them. Just like a woman going through menopause.
Well, the only way I would change my protocol after a test three weeks in would be if the day after I inject I am still reading under 300 total T. But I just can't imagine that getting 50mg and the HCG that I would be that low. I dunno - maybe I am a really unique case and I will need like 500mg per week. LOL

Tonight still having hot flashes. Its a royal pain in the ass. I was working in my cold garage and feeling OK then went into the house and the fire place is going. Instant hot flashes - It's like I stepped into an oven!
Well, the only way I would change my protocol after a test three weeks in would be if the day after I inject I am still reading under 300 total T. But I just can't imagine that getting 50mg and the HCG that I would be that low. I dunno - maybe I am a really unique case and I will need like 500mg per week. LOL

Tonight still having hot flashes. Its a royal pain in the ass. I was working in my cold garage and feeling OK then went into the house and the fire place is going. Instant hot flashes - It's like I stepped into an oven!

I think the issue you're having is attributing your existing symptoms to an insufficient TRT dose.

Think of it this way, before TRT you had these symptoms right? TRT takes about 6 weeks to work at least, so having symptoms still at 3 weeks in is normal.

It'd be like taking a tylenol for a headache, and being annoyed that it hasn't gone away, but it's only been 5 minutes! It needs time to work.

I hope you take this in a friendly way, as I am not meaning this in a condescending way.
I understand perfectly were your coming from and thanks for responding to my rants. :) For all I know there could be an underlying other issue that is causing this hot flashes etc. But within two days of going on the cream I knew something was up. And it a bad way, The hot flashes hit me like a ton of bricks. I guess time will tell..

By the way 112 on the fasting blood glucose today. I feel better that it's down from that high of 134 last week. That was crazy and was concerning. Guess I can't enjoy the "good" stuff until I get my other stuff corrected (hopefully!) I feel confident that if I can get the T to normal range for an extended period of time that my FBG and A1C will creep down and my insulin resistance will improve.
I understand perfectly were your coming from and thanks for responding to my rants. :) For all I know there could be an underlying other issue that is causing this hot flashes etc. But within two days of going on the cream I knew something was up. And it a bad way, The hot flashes hit me like a ton of bricks. I guess time will tell..

You're absolutely welcome. I went through it myself, in fact at week 5 I got tested, total, free, and sensitive E2, 862, 25, and 29 because I was hoping something was off. I even called defy and was upset nothing had improved yet. I understand how it's frustrating not getting the results you think you should have.

I think we have spoke about the hot flashes before, I can't recall, but they're itchy and feel like pin pricks, and it'll spread, and sometimes caused by anxiety or heat?

I had a few of those the past few days, I also notice it happens if I take a quick shower and don't really spend time on my back or other large skin areas. They really really blow.

By the way 112 on the fasting blood glucose today. I feel better that it's down from that high of 134 last week. That was crazy and was concerning. Guess I can't enjoy the "good" stuff until I get my other stuff corrected (hopefully!) I feel confident that if I can get the T to normal range for an extended period of time that my FBG and A1C will creep down and my insulin resistance will improve

Good! FBG will most likely improve, I'm fairly sure that it's almost a fact of TRT. I've seen numerous studies showing an improvement.
You're absolutely welcome. I went through it myself, in fact at week 5 I got tested, total, free, and sensitive E2, 862, 25, and 29 because I was hoping something was off. I even called defy and was upset nothing had improved yet. I understand how it's frustrating not getting the results you think you should have.

I think we have spoke about the hot flashes before, I can't recall, but they're itchy and feel like pin pricks, and it'll spread, and sometimes caused by anxiety or heat?

I had a few of those the past few days, I also notice it happens if I take a quick shower and don't really spend time on my back or other large skin areas. They really really blow.

Good! FBG will most likely improve, I'm fairly sure that it's almost a fact of TRT. I've seen numerous studies showing an improvement.

Yes! The hot flashes are mainly in my back area and radiate from the neck downwards. Prickly and sorta itchy. Now that we have the fire place doing pretty much all day I think that is also having an impact. Maybe it's related to ambient temps I dunno. But I also notice when I am driving down the road and I have my coat on. Seems like if I take my coat off I feel a bit better.

I do have more good news to report today though. My Libido is really kicking into high gear now. It seems to be the best on day 2 and 3 after a shot. I felt it the first week and it kinda slackened off last week but the past two days - Holy cow! I love it! LOL I honestly have not felt this way for a very VERY long time. :) I hope it will continue that is for sure. But ED is still not great. I got a prescription for Cialas and will use it when needed. However, I can confirm that this issue is better just not great. Too inconsistent, but before it was to the point of 0 functionality. So with the inconsistency I want to enjoy the increased libido while I can just in case it fleeting.

Energy is also picking up a bit too. So much so that my bad back is saying WTF are you doing!? LOL

FBG today was 113. So not terrible (but I did have some sweet stuff yesterday and a slice of a burger bun. Maybe total of 50 carbs which is 30 over my normal daily intake.

Tomorrow is shot day and I this begins week 3 of T Cyp. and 500iu HCG.
Yes! The hot flashes are mainly in my back area and radiate from the neck downwards. Prickly and sorta itchy. Now that we have the fire place doing pretty much all day I think that is also having an impact. Maybe it's related to ambient temps I dunno. But I also notice when I am driving down the road and I have my coat on. Seems like if I take my coat off I feel a bit better.

I've been trying to figure out the cause for myself, but it seems to be temperature fluctuations, not JUST heat. I had almost no problem in the summer. At all. I notice it mostly when I get warm and it's cold outside, say a cold cloudy day and the sun comes out suddenly, or I go for a jog.

I do have more good news to report today though. My Libido is really kicking into high gear now. It seems to be the best on day 2 and 3 after a shot. I felt it the first week and it kinda slackened off last week but the past two days - Holy cow! I love it! LOL I honestly have not felt this way for a very VERY long time. :) I hope it will continue that is for sure. But ED is still not great. I got a prescription for Cialas and will use it when needed. However, I can confirm that this issue is better just not great. Too inconsistent, but before it was to the point of 0 functionality. So with the inconsistency I want to enjoy the increased libido while I can just in case it fleeting.

I highly doubt you're experiencing much just yet. These things do not improve quickly enough to actively notice it. It's like getting fatter, one day you wake up and say "holy crap!", but you don't notice the weight gain day to day, that's how TRT improves things. Slowly. Like the frog in the boiling water.

You're at week 3, in terms of TRT time(like dog years) you're at the object permanence stage. You're not even at steady state yet, levels are still climbing.

I don't mean this in a rude way, so please don't take it that way, you're very excited and are attributing anything and everything to TRT. False attribution error, sort of.
I do have more good news to report today though. My Libido is really kicking into high gear now. It seems to be the best on day 2 and 3 after a shot. I felt it the first week and it kinda slackened off last week but the past two days - Holy cow! I love it! LOL I honestly have not felt this way for a very VERY long time. :) I hope it will continue that is for sure.

That's good news! Enjoy it. :)

BTW do you have night sweats along with the hot flashes?
That's good news! Enjoy it. :)

BTW do you have night sweats along with the hot flashes?

Not really. BUT, if I sleep with a heavy blanket over top me then yes. Pretty drenched when I wake up. Most nights I sleep with no covers or blankets or just a light sheet.
Not really. BUT, if I sleep with a heavy blanket over top me then yes. Pretty drenched when I wake up. Most nights I sleep with no covers or blankets or just a light sheet.

Well, in women hot flashes and night sweats are undisputed signs of low estrogen. In men there are few clinical studies to guide us as to the symptoms of low or high E2. Online articles and lists are quite confusing on this subject and often list nearly identical signs for low and for high E2. I'm inclined to agree with Nelson that we have little or no proof of high E2 symptoms other than perhaps gynecomastia. However I know from personal experience that I had severe hot flashes and night sweats when I crashed E2 on Anastrozole (2.5 mg. BIW). Just my 2 cents.
Well, in women hot flashes and night sweats are undisputed signs of low estrogen. In men there are few clinical studies to guide us as to the symptoms of low or high E2. Online articles and lists are quite confusing on this subject and often list nearly identical signs for low and for high E2. I'm inclined to agree with Nelson that we have little or no proof of high E2 symptoms other than perhaps gynecomastia. However I know from personal experience that I had severe hot flashes and night sweats when I crashed E2 on Anastrozole (2.5 mg. BIW). Just my 2 cents.

Well, I sure hope it's not still low E2. Started week 3 today so I won't know for another 3 weeks when I do my first test after starting injections.
Well, I sure hope it's not still low E2. Started week 3 today so I won't know for another 3 weeks when I do my first test after starting injections.

Keep on a steady course till your labs then the great folks here will be able to offer pointers based on a combination of labs and symptoms. Hopefully your doc will be able to help you fine tune your protocol.
Lowest FBG since starting TRT at 108. Yesterday was 110. I am beginning to think it was all that Thanksgiving food that did me in. I really went overboard on the carbs. Apple Pie, stuffing, pumpkin pie, candied sweet potatoes, apple cider etc. :/

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