I couldn't control my shoulder acne and some back acne this whole first year until recently. Nothing I did mattered from a hygiene/soap perspective. My clinic has been rotating me thru a couple of different pharmacies (Absolute in FL/Rite Away Rx in Texas) for some reason and my most recent testosterone is test cyp from Empower. Is it possible that the carrier oil affects acne or have other people noticed this happening? Empower uses Grapeseed oil and Rite Away Rx uses sesame I think. I was nearly ready to go to my dermatologist and beg for help bc nothing I did worked and now I'm completely acne free nearly a year in and I don't know why. I did use primobolan as an adjunct twice fro 8 week periods (200mg once and 100 mg the next run) during the year which despite the "safety rep" caused my hair to literally fall out and big time acne flares (it took my estrogen to near zero) that went down in intensity but never went away.