Muscle building in TRT


Hi Folks,
I was wondering if its possible to build muscle on TRT( 75mg twice a week)? Lets say i go 5 times a week n do 30 mins workout. I know the obvious answer is yes but would be equal to someone who take 500mg per week. I am actually not very keen on getting huge muscle but just curious. I know it comes with lots of side effects but wondering if any of you guys tried 500mg 3 months cycle just to put up enough muscle and then back on regular TRT(75mg/2 times a week) Or any experience with any other anabolics for short period of time like deb n tren?
Hi Folks,
I was wondering if its possible to build muscle on TRT( 75mg twice a week)? Lets say i go 5 times a week n do 30 mins workout. I know the obvious answer is yes but would be equal to someone who take 500mg per week. I am actually not very keen on getting huge muscle but just curious. I know it comes with lots of side effects but wondering if any of you guys tried 500mg 3 months cycle just to put up enough muscle and then back on regular TRT(75mg/2 times a week) Or any experience with any other anabolics for short period of time like deb n tren?

If injecting 75 mg of T every 3.5 days gets your TT/FT levels in a healthy range than as long as your diet/training/recovery are on point than you will see improvement in body composition (muscle gain/fat loss) but it will be in no way comparable to the muscle/strength gains one would achieve using steroid doses of T (300-600 mg) and muscle/strength gains would be more significant when using the higher doses of 500-600 mg/week and even than not only do you need to have your diet/training program on point but most importantly how you respond overall to said dose of T comes down to ones GENETICS.

On average most on trt are using anywhere from 100-200 mg/week which would put ones TT/FT level in the high/normal physiological range or higher (supra-physiological range).

When one uses steroid doses (300-600mg/week).....ones TT/FT levels would be well into the supra-physiological range which would allow one to attain greater gains in muscle mass/strength when following a proper diet/training protocol.

"I know it comes with lots of side effects but wondering if any of you guys tried 500mg 3 months cycle just to put up enough muscle and then back on regular TRT(75mg/2 times a week) Or any experience with any other anabolics for short period of time like deb n tren?"

Would honestly like to give you advice/feedback but as you should very well know this is a men's health/trt forum and we do not discuss steroid use whether cycling, blasting/cruising.

You would be better offer using one of the numerous steroid forums littering the net.
I do injections plus cream along with other enhanced anabolics therapies (Nandrolone and Stanozolol). I can tell you that the substances only put your body in a state where you are more likely to decrease fat and increase lean tissue. If you want to build muscle, you need to work out, eat a lot of (good) food, get enough sleep, and give your body time to recover. If you don't do all of that then you are only wasting money on medications and increasing risks for nothing and you will be disappointed.

We don't discuss AAS cycles here. This forum is for improving health and wellness and not taking unnecessary risks for gains. The therapies I'm on are low doses, prescribed, and monitored. You don't need huge doses to see results. You need science and hard work.
Thanks for the response Madman, Jason and fifty.
I totally understand what your trying to say and agree to it. I know there is risk involved too.
I understand that TRT only make you as a normal man with all the functionalities working properly if otherwise was lacking due to testosterone deficiency.

I understand the risk involved in using anabolic but as I mentioned earlier I am really very thin and don t have enough muscle or mass due to long duration of low T I guess. So was thinking to increase doses for 3 months and then start using TRT at 100 or 150mg per week. I am not looking to become body builder but just want to grow my full potential

I have been on good diet but was not gaining muscle when I used to workout and later realized that I am suffering from Low T and now in the process of starting my TRT as self medication. So I was thinking to increase my doses first (like 300 or 400 per week)and then once its mid normal keep it at 100mg per week to maintain it( Just to see some quick results).

Thanks for sharing it. Yes I have read and have read almost all the articles in this forum and have been huge fan of all of you guys.
I guess, what I am trying to do here is to get results quickly. I know its not feasible solution considering I am suffering from Low T. I guess my first step here is to improve my health so that all symptoms go away like ED, low energy, sleep apnea and high body fat percentage(Yes, I am thin with 30% body fat).

Let me know if you guys have any advice for me. Thanks again for the response.
I have been on good diet but was not gaining muscle when I used to workout and later realized that I am suffering from Low T and now in the process of starting my TRT as self medication. So I was thinking to increase my doses first (like 300 or 400 per week)and then once its mid normal keep it at 100mg per week to maintain it( Just to see some quick results).

Let me know if you guys have any advice for me. Thanks again for the response.

I had low T most of my life from taking Accutane until I finally suffered enough and started getting into this at 35. I had so little muscle in my body that lifting a small piece of furniture would cause horrible back spasms for a week because there was nothing supporting my back. On 150-200mg a week, I lost 40 lbs getting on a rowing machine with all the energy and motivation that I suddenly had for the first time ever. Then I started lifting weights and gained back nearly 20 lbs, and it wasn’t fat.

It’s going to take time to both build up muscle and strengthen bones. After 5 years on TRT I’m in a good place. Don’t rush - especially when you are starting. You will regret over-complicating and over-thinking things and end up frustrated not knowing what caused what. You will start to go in the direction where you want to be and you will start to see results on standard TRT after a few months. It’s not just getting you back to normal, let’s not kid ourselves. TRT isn’t natural at all and you are at a biological advantage. You will have youthful hormone levels for the rest of your life, possibly extending it. Take your time, be safe, and learn to enjoy it.

After you’re feeling great for a while and optimized, talk to your doctor about a low dose of Nandrolone if he/she is progressive.
Thanks Jason. I get it. I will start at 125mg twice a week and start my workout. I think rushing will only put me in more trouble. Btw, i am 37 and wanted to put on some muscle before i start dating again. I guess, I will have to wait for another year for that to happen:(
Btw, Were you on Cypionate or Enanthate? which is better? I heard Cypionate will cause water retention.
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Thanks Jason. I get it. I will start at 125mg twice a week and start my workout. I think rushing will only put me in more trouble. Btw, i am 37 and wanted to put on some muscle before i start dating again. I guess, I will have to wait for another year for that to happen:(
Btw, Were you on Cypionate or Enanthate? which is better? I heard Cypionate will cause water retention.

Sorry, but 30%+ body fat isn’t “thin” any of these guys at 30% bf look “thin” to you? You admit your diet, sleep (apnea), lipids, triglycerides, and ED are awful, and you think jumping on a steroid cycle is going to be the magic formula. Get a doctor either online or in-person that understands TRT. You’re just begging to mess yourself up even more. TRT can make sleep apnea worse.

Get on a standard TRT dose and lose weight, get to the gym, get your sleep problems fixed and clean up your diet. Blasting 250 mg or 350 mg straight out of the gate is just going to have your aromatization to estrogen go thru the roof. You didn’t let yourself go overnight, it’s going to take some time 1 yr plus to get yourself back into shape.

I think you have a very unrealistic idea of what TRT is going to do for you. YOU will still have to put in A LOT of work. A LOT!

How to Estimate Your Body Fat Percentage (BF %) - Ketogains
Have u heard of skinny fat. Its even more dangerous than regular fat people bcas fat people atleast have some muscle but skinny fat people dont have muscle to burn fat. My bf was calculated by machine in the gym.
Btw, i stopped going to doctor as i believe they dont have practical knowledge about hormones or have experience.
Ofcourse, i will follow proper plan if i am taking high doses of TRT like AI,HCG,Clomit to recover post cycle.
Anyways, i am starting now at 125mg per week along with HCG. Thanks for the advice.
Also, I have read almost all article in this forum and have been researching since 1 year so i have some idea about it.
Thanks Jason. I get it. I will start at 125mg twice a week and start my workout. I think rushing will only put me in more trouble. Btw, i am 37 and wanted to put on some muscle before i start dating again. I guess, I will have to wait for another year for that to happen:(
Btw, Were you on Cypionate or Enanthate? which is better? I heard Cypionate will cause water retention.

The two esters are nearly the same. The only practical difference is the preservative. T Cyp uses benzyl alcohol and I think I'm allergic to it and my arms and back break out worse. So I use Enanthate. I think the water retention specific to Cypionate is just in people's heads because we tend to get tunnel vision and focus on what we want to see as an answer to something.
Thanks Jason. Thats what i figured based on my research but its great to hear from someone who has used it. It gives me confident. Btw, Cant wait to start my TRT. I am totally depend on you guys and this forum to get advice. Thanks again.
I do injections plus cream along with other enhanced anabolics therapies (Nandrolone and Stanozolol). I can tell you that the substances only put your body in a state where you are more likely to decrease fat and increase lean tissue. If you want to build muscle, you need to work out, eat a lot of (good) food, get enough sleep, and give your body time to recover. If you don't do all of that then you are only wasting money on medications and increasing risks for nothing and you will be disappointed.

We don't discuss AAS cycles here. This forum is for improving health and wellness and not taking unnecessary risks for gains. The therapies I'm on are low doses, prescribed, and monitored. You don't need huge doses to see results. You need science and hard work.
You get Winstrol from Lipshultz?
I have not personally tried a 500mg per week cycle, but I heard from others that it can be successful. However, it comes with the risk of side effects, so it is important to be aware of that and seek for professional advice. I would not recommend using anabolic steroids to put on muscle quickly.
Hi Folks,
I was wondering if its possible to build muscle on TRT( 75mg twice a week)? Lets say i go 5 times a week n do 30 mins workout. I know the obvious answer is yes but would be equal to someone who take 500mg per week. I am actually not very keen on getting huge muscle but just curious. I know it comes with lots of side effects but wondering if any of you guys tried 500mg 3 months cycle just to put up enough muscle and then back on regular TRT(75mg/2 times a week) Or any experience with any other anabolics for short period of time like deb n tren?
In short, comparing the muuscle building capacity on 75mg/wk to 500mg/wk, the answer is NO. There is no comparison. You can build muscle, but not what you can do on 500mg/wk.

I have quite a lot of experience with tren acetate, enanthate, hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. Nothing better for building muscle and trength IMHO. I do know some who claim they use these for TRT at very low doses. But I would not jump on this band wagon.

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