Honsestly IM and SubQ are equally easy for me.... I use a 27g 1 1/2" needle for my IM injects in the Buttox and you can't even feel it going in and literally takes me the same amount of time to inject as SubQ... For SubQ I use 27g 1/2" insulin needle alternating left/right buttox.... as I posted earlier, my Testosterone levels were higher and more steady on SubQ as it was just the jump in E2 that pushed me back to IM.... I've been over 10yrs on TRT doing IM and never have gotten dialed in... time to switch it up.. Especially because of my single digit low SHBG I'm thinking eod SubQ would be the way to go right now... Looking at going to test Cyp 160mg total 3xWK - Monday 50mg, Wed 50mg and Fri 60mg (to account for the xtra day)