MK-677, Starting Use


This thread looks appropriate to post my LabCorp baseline labs before starting MK-677. I don't see any links to upload my lab results, so I will type my baseline labs below. Blood collected on 11/22/16.

Test Result Flag Units Ref. Range

Tot. T 612 ng/dl 348 - 1197
Free T 16.4 pg/ml 6.6 - 18.1
Hemoglobin A1c 6.4 High % 4.8 - 5.6
Prolactin 16.6 High ng/ml 4.0 - 15.2
IGF-1 63 NG ng/ml 47 - 192
IGF-BP3 1135 Low ug/L 1926 - 5487
Estradiol 29.9 pg/ml 8.0 - 35.0
Insulin 8.0 uIU/ml 2.6 - 24.9

For the record, I am 69, be 70 in December. (Yikes!). I am on HCG Monotherapy and 12.5mg of Aromasin EOD to counter estrogen.

I will likely do labs after two months to see where I am at with the MK-677. I have a few questions about the above lab results. The Hemoglobin A1c is high. I did fast for these labs, I've read fasting can effect this reading, true? Looks like I'm borderline diabetic, low dose Metformin?

If my blood sugar is high, will MK-677 lower my blood sugar? I've read MK-677 will lower blood sugar levels, I'm not to keen on blood sugar-diabetic stuff. So any info here appreciated.

My last two Prolactin labs have been high. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with using HCG or just a sign of aging? I did have a MRI done recently to rule out a prolactinoma tumor. Still waiting on the results. The MRI tech injected 10ml of contrast into my right arm, as opposed to in the vein, then couldn't read the MRI scan because of it. Arm swelled up to orange size. Then two more failed attempts to get the IV tube in my left arm vein. And a 4th attempt by a nurse called in to fix it. Then re-inject another 10ml of contrast into my vein. Ouch, ouch, ouch and ouch again. WT_?

My IGF-1 levels have been reading low or below normal the last 3-4 labs. And the reason for looking into MK-677. I ran a bottle of 60-10mg. caps of MK-677 a few months ago at 20mg. a day, but I didn't do any baseline labs. Basically a 30 day supply. So not really sure what it did for me. I did eat more that's for sure and had that lethargic feeling most of the day. One 10mg. cap in the morning and one at bedtime.

If and when I receive the MK-677, I will do 25mg. before bedtime, to see if it will alleviate the daytime lethargy somewhat?

Sorry about the labs looking all packed together, but they were spread out initially to be readable, but once I clicked the save or post button it packed the lab results all together again, so ??

Regards, newguy128
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Any updates?

R. Only been 2 weeks today on MK-677, so got another 6 weeks to go before doing followup labs.

Started Berberine 900mg for my borderline Insulin 8.0 uIU/ml levels, Ref. Range: 2.6 - 24.9. See how that works.

Q. If my blood sugar is high, will MK-677 lower my blood sugar?

Started .25mg Cabergoline twice a week for my borderline high prolactin levels.

Still waiting on my MRI results.

First week of MK-677 made me real lethargic, which has subsided somewhat. But still having a problem getting out of bed in the morning, as I just want to sleep till midday. Hopefully the lethargy will subside after awhile?

Doesn't seem to help with staying asleep though. Not experiencing too much of hunger pains, but always thinking about snacks once I go to bed if I can't fall asleep. Wish I had some chips, cookies, cashews, etc. to munch on.

Also taking 300mcg Huperzine A too see if it will help suppress somatostain for a better GH I've read?

My MK-677 although a good price for 2 Grams is mixed with Everclear, tastes like shit! Won't buy anything with Everclear again. Even with extra flavoring you can still taste the Everclear...gross stuff. Don't see how some people can drink this stuff? I take a NAC cap right after dosing just in case. I prefer to use the MK caps.

I have been considering TRT, but I am on the fence whether to go on it or stay on HCG mono-therapy.
What benefits does TRT have over HCG monotherapy, etc?

Q. If I was going to post a thread relative to that (TRT), where on the forum would be best to do that?

TRT vs HCG mono therapy...Try HCG mono therapy first and if it does not make you feel better and/or raise your T levels to where they should be, then explore TRT.
You asked where to post in regard to TRT. Either in "Testosterone Basics and Questions" or "Blood Test Discussions," whichever seems more appropriate.
@Nelson, Ero & CoastWatcher:

Thanks, Thanks & Thanks.

I'll post a separate thread relative to HCG/Test in Testosterone Basics-Questions while completing my MK-677 research experiment. :rolleyes:
Before labs:


I started out with 50mg for a few days, but the lethargy was pretty bad. So I lowered the dose to 25mg every night before bed. Took a couple of weeks to get over the lethargy.

My IGF-1 levels only increased by 49 points, so not much of a change in IGF-1 or IGF-BP3 levels. I was hoping for the upper Ref Range.

I have had low IGF-1 levels for awhile now. I had my pituitary checked via MRI and my PC doc said the MRI scan looked normal, so not sure what the cause of the low IGF-1 is?

I have previously tried a Sermorelin/Ipamorelin combo for 6 months at 600mcg every night, but my IGF-1 levels were still low. Waste of good money.

So given my prior experience with the peptide therapy, I can't say the MK-677 was bunk.

My insulin levels almost tripled from 8 to 21.2 uIU/mL, but still within the Ref. Range of 2.6 - 24.9. So MK-677 does raise insulin levels.

I didn't get much of the munchies. But I did stock up on the Hershey's White Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Cups, Peter Paul Almond Joys and Sea Salted Cashews just in case! Yummo! LOL.

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