You're injecting 196 mg of TC a week. That's approaching double the top end of normal testosterone production, and is about triple the production of average healthy young men. It's not remotely physiological. I assume HCT and HGB didn't rise with higher dosing because you'd already passed the saturation point with respect to effects on hepcidin.
What part of lower dosing didn't go well? When your body is accustomed to excess it can be uncomfortable to return to the physiological, but it's worth the effort.
If your absorption rate is typical then there's probably not going to be much benefit in increasing the dose frequency from EOD to daily, at least with a long-acting ester such as cypionate. On the other hand, a propionate blend should be injected daily, because it then creates a diurnal rhythm, somewhat mimicking natural variation in serum testosterone. The hypothesis is that some of the benefits of testosterone come from peak levels, whereas the side effects may be more correlated with trough or average levels.
You may not view it as realistic, but ideally you should spend a few months at 20 mg TC EOD to see what normal levels are really like. You can get there either via a slow taper or by going cold turkey. A sudden drop may be more traumatic, but a slow taper may also play with your mind, leaving you tempted to blame every problem on the slowly falling levels.
I've come across at least two guys with primary hypogonadism who successfully tuned their TRT doses to normalize their LH and FSH. There may be some independent benefits in having in-range LH.
For encouragement, here's my list of anecdotes from guys who found that lower is better:
Have been on clinic TRT after AAS abuse as a 24 year old male for 3 years. My natural levels were 691 at age 24 prior to my reckless, careless decision to hope on anabolic steroids at 24. Since then I've tried to come off several times but always ended up inevitably relapsing when the pct or...
I can’t really blame her. Most of what you read is of the mindset more is better. But here’s the approach I wish she would have taken, “Your test results reveal an 81 TT, let’s see what happens if we bring you up to 400.” Would have saved me those 8 years of countless blood donations, countless...
Hey Guys, Hope all's well and Happy 4th! I'm looking for feedback. As a young male battling ED and low T, hopefully sharing my experience on what worked helps someone too. Almost 32 now and I use to have severe ED as long as I can remember, maybe late teens. No clue on cause. Maybe it's...
My hematocrit was 0.55 with a normal range of 0.40 to 0.54. It is only slightly too high. My doctor didn't seem concerned about it. I'll post my full labs in the future. Very much appreciate your feedback. I'm also a bit confused how a dose of 120mg/week can have such a dramatic effect. It...