New Member
Looking to order these tests.Post pre-trt labs.
Always include the assays used/reference ranges
Need to post your most recent labs and we can calculate your FT using your TT/SHBG/Albumin.
Going to take it that you are injecting 175 mg T/week split into EOD injections with an AI thrown in to boot.
Hopefully your most recent blood work was done at true trough (48 hrs) post-injection.
Where does your TT, SHBG, estradiol, RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit sit.
175 mg T/week is a fair dose and chances are your trough FT level is too high and you are trying to manage elevated e2 with the use of an AI.
Would be a good idea to get a current thyroid panel.
I'm seeing several RBC tests. Folate, Zinc and Magnesium.
They're pretty expensive so just want to make sure I need all of them.
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