Max Prescribed dose for Testosterone Enanthate

I’m more concerned with the stigma if TSA or law enforcement finds my stuff and even though I have a prescription, some can be jerks about it and make an already stressful trip even more stressful.
As long as you have your script with you. There will be no issues. We have lots of threads about traveling with your meds.
I was mainly curious to see if any active members or vets have been prescribed larger than normal doses and why that might be? What was the doctors rationale for this high dose required?
I’m more concerned with the stigma if TSA or law enforcement finds my stuff and even though I have a prescription, some can be jerks about it and make an already stressful trip even more stressful.
In 2019 I was on 62 different flights and never had any issue bringing testosterone, needles, and GH. Not a single TSA agent at any airport around the US ever commented.
We had a moderator who traveled a lot. Who did daily injection. He would even inject on an airplane if he had to. Once he injected in he’s calf muscle. He would say, if he could reach it he could inject it.

I recently read a post that someone said they inject in their calf muscle. That’s two people that said that. I wonder if it would be a spot to inject in?
I have injected into my calves before. The pain of trying to stretch the muscle afterwards is worse than when you start quad injections. But, if you are only taking a micro dose you may be able to do calf injections with minimal pain.
TSA never gets involved in policing prescription drugs. I have flown many times with my testosterone, hcg, etc and syringes. Even when they go through my bag and see them, they say nothing. I also have a large pill box they see.

I am Latino and muscular, perfect for profiling a drug dealer :)
TSA never gets involved in policing prescription drugs. I have flown many times with my testosterone, hcg, etc and syringes. Even when they go through my bad and see them, they say nothing. I also have a large pill box they see.

I am Latino and muscular, perfect for profiling a drug dealer :)
“I am Latino and muscular, perfect for profiling a drug dealer.” LMAO!:) That made me laugh out loud! Thanks for the input and also a good laugh Nelson! ya lol, what is the highest prescribed amount people have seen?? I’m pretty sure there is a cut off for doctors allowed to prescribe... ya lol, what is the highest prescribed amount people have seen?? I’m pretty sure there is a cut off for doctors allowed to prescribe...
I've been prescribed 450 mg/week before. There is no cut-off point. It is at the discretion of your doctor. Obviously prescribing massive supraphysiological dosages such as 450 mg/week is not very ethical, but I've had it prescribed to me before.
“I am Latino and muscular, perfect for profiling a drug dealer.” LMAO!:) That made me laugh out loud! Thanks for the input and also a good laugh Nelson!
Just being blunt. It’s true :)

I also scare the hell out of them sometimes. Once an agent asked me “what are all those pills” and I replied loudly “ They are AIDS drugs”. They almost jumped and pushed my bag shut towards me and say “go ahead, Sir”.
Several people turned around while the big guy with AIDS walked out.
I've been prescribed 450 mg/week before. There is no cut-off point. It is at the discretion of your doctor. Obviously prescribing massive supraphysiological dosages such as 450 mg/week is not very ethical, but I've had it prescribed to me before.

interesting... and did the doctor give you an explanation for such a high dose?
My current doc said he can Rx up to 400mg per week of testosterone, but if he goes higher than that "the pharmacist starts giving him funny looks".
interesting... and did the doctor give you an explanation for such a high dose?
I was preparing for a bodybuilding show. It was a short-lived protocol. Progressive doctor. I would not recommend taking anywhere near this dosage. You will feel like crap.
Think a little deeper.....would anyone on trt need such a dose to achieve a healthy let alone optimal TT/FT level?

Oh no I agree, cruising on TRT obviously you want to find a safe dosage which is not problematic in the long run. I just weight ~221lb so I figured 200mg a week is reasonable, but like @DS3 stated, would be nice to cycle once and a while to look great again like back in the days for a short period of time. Obviously we are taking about a small amount if we are relating it to muscle performance, pro body builders I would think are exceeding 1200mg a week for their cycles, also probably stacking.
Oh no I agree, cruising on TRT obviously you want to find a safe dosage which is not problematic in the long run. I just weight ~221lb so I figured 200mg a week is reasonable, but like @DS3 stated, would be nice to cycle once and a while to look great again like back in the days for a short period of time. Obviously we are taking about a small amount if we are relating it to muscle performance, pro body builders I would think are exceeding 1200mg a week for their cycles, also probably stacking.

There is no cruising on trt.

You are on the wrong forum if you want to discuss blasting/cruising let alone using such doses for the sole purpose of muscle/strength enhancement.

Hrt has absolutely nothing to do with abusing hormones.

This is a men's health/hrt forum and cycling, blasting/cruising T/AAS has nothing to do with maintaining health long-term.

There are numerous forums littered on the internet where you can discuss such in-depth.

I can get deep and pull you down the rabbit hole but this is not the place!
Just as a reference, I'm 53, 5'9" & 190 lbs. I inject 80mg/wk (broken up into two injections) This puts my total T at 1000 and I can bench 315 lbs and deadlift 450.
Just as a reference, I'm 53, 5'9" & 190 lbs. I inject 80mg/wk (broken up into two injections) This puts my total T at 1000 and I can bench 315 lbs and deadlift 450.

I think the intent of the thread here is for @Checkdis to get a feel for how far he could push his doctor to in terms of T dosage (no judgment there).

There’s no doubt that 100 mg per week can put you near the top of the reference range, but that dosage is one that will only aid in slight body composition changes. Supraphysiological dosages are needed to experience notable anabolism and subsequently more drastic physical changes (alongside training and diet).

Im not advocating for supraphyiological dosing. But we need to keep it real with why people use higher dosages and the fact that there are notable differences in physique between replacement dosages and supraphyiological dosages.
Just as a reference, I'm 53, 5'9" & 190 lbs. I inject 80mg/wk (broken up into two injections) This puts my total T at 1000 and I can bench 315 lbs and deadlift 450.

When do you get tested? For ex if you inject Monday morning and Thursday evening, when do you draw blood to see 1000ng/dL?
As far as the OP's question, my doctor has mentioned going up to 250 mg/week and didn't make it sound like it was anything crazy, so I'm pretty sure I could get him to go up to 300mg/week, maybe even more if I really wanted to.
I’m more concerned with the stigma if TSA or law enforcement finds my stuff and even though I have a prescription, some can be jerks about it and make an already stressful trip even more stressful.

TSA does NOT question, at least not for me having travelled extensively the last two years. I am an elite member with a frequent flyer program, so I travel a lot.
My body just feels better with the higher dose I guess. My doctor is Dr. Saya, and I have great respect for him. The last thing I want to do is push boundaries, but I would like to know the hand I am playing before I facilitate throwing additional money directed towards my treatment protocol. It has been a couple of years since I have had a taste of Testosterone, and now that I am back on Testosterone Enanthate I feel amazing, and all my issues have vanished. My body was so used to supraphyiological doses back when I was 24 being a bouncer and trying to make a living while I was in college. Now that I am 31 and work for a fortune 500 company specializing in computer forensics, I have made lifestyle changes wanting to better myself. I know I have caused permanent damage to my HPTA, and Enclomiphene just did not do the trick being on it for 6 months straight. The highest my levels were was 600 TT and I still felt like crap; Hypogonadism inducing Graves Disease is absolutely hell. So I will do everything in my power to feel great again, now that my body knows what it has been missing lol.

From what I keep seeing and reading, “...We don’t treat the number, but how the patient feels”. Something like that lol.

This thread can be locked if needed, I believe I received the answers I was looking for, thank you all for the constructive comments. Any added comments can be carried over into a new topic. There are plethora of reasons why people may be on superficial doses, but the intent of this thread was not to exploit the system but to open a discussion with the community to see protocols in place.
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