Marijuana Use Prior to Sex Improves Orgasms in Women

Hmm, I have jokingly suggested this to my wife, we’re in Eastern Washington. She won’t smoke it, I suggested gummies.
My wife suffers from Proctaglia Fugax and describes it as “someone shoving a butchers knife up her ass”. So bringing my “A” game causes her a lot of anxiety.
She was seeing an internal therapist, but that was creeping her out as the therapist was literally internally exploring her “all up in there”.
Her mother really put the “fear of god” into her when it came to sex at an early age, I know she suffers from anxiety towards sex with me and was read the riot act when she experimented with a female friend of ours, real vanilla stuff, kissing, frottage, etc. She’s seen a counselor about how her mother really messed up her views on sex.
It was suggested that she try *** lube but she’s afraid it will get into me too as I get random tests at work as a GSA provider.
Her sister suggested it too, we have open sex talks, nothing crazy, we’re adults and we talk about it, it helps my SIL really get off too.
I honestly think it could help my wife, I may bring it up and show her the studies.
I would suggest Ghost Train Haze, wife loves it, Sour Diesel and Mimosa. All great strains for sex that are upbeat, not too stony, and increase tactile sensations.

MDavid you may want to look at SIP Elixir. You add it to a drink and imbibe. The effects take longer to kick in but no smoking, etc.

Personally, I like the quicker effect of smoking but understand why some people may not want to.


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