Marijuana Use Prior to Sex Improves Orgasms in Women

Nelson Vergel

Scientific research on the effects of marijuana on sexual functioning in women, including libido, arousal, orgasm, and satisfaction, is limited.

To evaluate women’s perceptions of the effect of marijuana use before sexual activity.

A cross-sectional design, from March 2016–February 2017, within a single, academic, obstetrics and gynecology practice, was performed. Patients were given a questionnaire at their visit and asked to complete it anonymously and place it in a locked box after their visit.

Main Outcome Measures
The primary outcome was satisfaction in the sexual domains of drive, orgasm, lubrication, dyspareunia, and overall sexual experience. The secondary outcome was the effect of the frequency of marijuana use on satisfaction.

Of the 373 participants, 34.0% (n = 127) reported having used marijuana before sexual activity. Most women reported increases in sex drive, improvement in orgasm, decrease in pain, but no change in lubrication. After adjusting for race, women who reported marijuana use before sexual activity had 2.13 higher odds of reporting satisfactory orgasms (adjusted odds ratio = 2.13; 95% CI = 1.05, 4.35) than women who reported no marijuana use. After adjusting for race and age, women with frequent marijuana use, regardless of use before sex or not, had 2.10 times higher odds of reporting satisfactory orgasms than those with infrequent marijuana use (adjusted odds ratio = 2.10; 95% CI = 1.01–4.44).

Marijuana appears to improve satisfaction with orgasm. A better understanding of the role of the endocannabinoid system in women is important, because there is a paucity of literature, and it could help lead to the development of treatments for female sexual dysfunction.

Lynn BK, López JD, Miller C, et al. The Relationship Between Marijuana Use Prior to Sex and Sexual Function in Women. Sex Med 2019;7:192–197.
Effects of Cannabinoids on Female Sexual Function

With the legalization of both medical and recreational marijuana in some countries and a few US states, its use has become more widely prevalent. Both exogenous cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) have been shown to affect female gonadotropin pathways and female sexuality. Yet, our understanding of the mechanisms and effects on female sexual function is limited.

To review the literature regarding the effects of both endogenous and exogenous cannabinoids on female sexual function in both animals and humans.

We performed a PubMed search for English-language articles in peer-reviewed journals between 1970 and 2019. We used the following search terms: “cannabinoids,” “endocannabinoids,” “marijuana,” “cannabis,” and “female sexual function” or “sexual function.” The main outcomes of the papers were reviewed.

Main Outcome Measure
The main outcome measure was sexual function in females.

A total of 12 human studies and 8 animal studies that evaluated the relationship between cannabinoids and female sexual function were included. Study types in animals were blinded, prospective, placebo-controlled trials. Human studies were based primarily on questionnaire data. The data indicate dose-dependent effects on female sexual desire and receptivity, such that low doses generally facilitate or have no effect but high doses inhibit.

More research is needed to develop a better understanding of the effects of cannabinoids on female sexual function. There does appear to be an effect on both animals and humans, but whether the effect is positive or negative along dose and species lines requires more study. With the legalization of marijuana occurring in more countries and more US states, there needs to be more well-controlled studies evaluating the effects.

Lynn B, Gee A, Zhang L, et al. Effects of Cannabinoids on Female Sexual Function. J Sex Med 2019;
My wife has back pain and has 14 rods in her back. She has chronic pain, which she manages with exercise, gabapentin, and medical marijuana. She did not want opiates, so she takes meds and an occasional *** pill during the day and only uses marijuana at bedtime. Ironically, she started that at the same time I got on TRT. Our sex life has never been better, despite being 65 and 63 and together for 32 years. Maybe anecdotal, but she says that she has never had orgasms so strong and also that she has many more different types of orgasms. A lot of guys on the forum have low desire wives. Maybe a little marijuana smoked or ingested as a tea, a few great orgasms, and some attention from her man, will get her craving sex again.
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My wife and I sometimes use marijuana before sex and in the end, we both feel the orgasm stronger. I think many people would be interested to try it as well because it's a completely new and cool experience. Our sex lasts longer and is more passionate. Also with my wife, we tried kratom extract, which is safer because it can be taken simply by eating. The effect of this extract is similar to the effect of marijuana and it is completely legal which is a plus for people from other states and countries. Btw, did anyone try using kratom during sex and did you like it as much as I did?
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For those who report positive effects, does the same apply when consumed as edibles? I understand it takes longer to have an effect via edible vs inhaled.
For those who report positive effects, does the same apply when consumed as edibles? I understand it takes longer to have an effect via edible vs inhaled.
I notice more so with inhalation methods. Although the edibles are still better than baseline. There are several very nice vaporizers on the market for consuming dried herb and or concentrates. I had a “storz & bickel crafty” but there are even better ones. Check out “vape critics” website if this interests you. It’s smokeless. Doesn’t smell like burning it. Healthier. Easier to convince a partner to use if that’s your issue. It worked for one of my girlfriends and she became a regular user to deal with PMS symptoms she would have. Just take tiny hits until your used to it because it works very well!
Thanks I may look into that since she already uses diffusers for essential oils. Neither of us do or ever have smoked so the inhalation via a burning joint is not something we'd even try.
My wife uses all kinds but finds smoking in a bong much better for sex purposes. Edibles are a totally different "stone" she says and yes, takes way too long (hours).

Her favorite is Super Critical Silver Haze for sex but as others have said, anything helps.
I didn't know that marijuana has such properties, thank you for sharing. To update my post, I want to say that it really works. In addition, I found products containing cannabis on Buy Cannabis Gummies & THC Edibles Canada that can be used as a cure for various health issues. Frankly, I became very irritable and nervous during the pandemic, so I was looking for ways to solve this problem. I ordered weed gummies and use them as a medicine to get rid of anxiety and bad thoughts and I'm really glad that it works for me. But I first consulted with my doctor to know where I should stop in time. Do you use such products for treatment? Share your experience.
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I didn't know that marijuana has such properties, thank you for sharing. To update my post, I want to say that it really works. In addition, I found products containing cannabis on Buy Cannabis Gummies & THC Edibles Canada that can be used as a cure for various health issues. Frankly, I became very irritable and nervous during the pandemic, so I was looking for ways to solve this problem. I ordered weed gummies and use them as a medicine to get rid of anxiety and bad thoughts and I'm really glad that it works for me. But I first consulted with my doctor to know where I should stop in time. Do you use such products for treatment? Share your experience.
I haven't yet, takes so long ot kick in but now that you meniton it I might try. The wife prefers to smoke for sex as it's much more immediate, like 1 or 2 minutes.
Theres a new version of gummies that are faster acting. Wana brand makes them but I'm not sure who else, though I'd expect others to close the gap soon if not already.
A fascinating study. It is not surprising that after smoking marijuana, women get a more colorful orgasm and better sex. The thing is that the grass relaxes and removes unnecessary thoughts. Then the woman stops thinking about her shortcomings and how she looks during sex. In short, it gives her confidence and does not distract them from the process. I noticed this on myself, and it is so. In general, smoking marijuana adds self-confidence, and it's fantastic. I'm not talking about the medical properties of marijuana.

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Absolutely. My wife smokes a little every time we have sex now and she definitely cums harder. She says it lets her focus on what she's feeling and minimizes distractions.
My wife has back pain and has 14 rods in her back. She has chronic pain, which she manages with exercise, gabapentin, and medical marijuana. She did not want opiates, so she takes meds and an occasional *** pill during the day and only uses marijuana at bedtime. Ironically, she started that at the same time I got on TRT. Our sex life has never been better, despite being 65 and 63 and together for 32 years. Maybe anecdotal, but she says that she has never had orgasms so strong and also that she has many more different types of orgasms. A lot of guys on the forum have low desire wives. Maybe a little marijuana smoked or ingested as a tea, a few great orgasms, and some attention from her man, will get her craving sex again.
Saw a recent post on another forum. Gent, used high thc plant which he grows, distilled and filtered to concentrated oil which he placed in gel capsules then used as suppository. Claims this provides the relaxation and pain relief he needs to sleep better but without the high. Much better than edibles also he claimed. I found this approach very intriguing. Perhaps it would produce similar orgasm effect. Certainly more healthy for the lungs.
I am weed lover
Totally agree that marijuana or weed will effect Positively during Sex
but the point is it will temporary. After smoke you will focus on it, not only focus but also enjoy
but the other hand it will effect your health after 10 to 15 years and will decrease your sexual power as well
i might be Wrong sorry again
A fascinating study. It is not surprising that after smoking marijuana, women get a more colorful orgasm and better sex. The thing is that the grass relaxes and removes unnecessary thoughts. Then the woman stops thinking about her shortcomings and how she looks during sex. In short, it gives her confidence and does not distract them from the process. I noticed this on myself, and it is so. In general, smoking marijuana adds self-confidence, and it's fantastic. I'm not talking about the medical properties of marijuana.

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So same as drinking alcohol then. My wife always more relaxed after couple of glasses of wine.
I am weed lover
Totally agree that marijuana or weed will effect Positively during Sex
but the point is it will temporary. After smoke you will focus on it, not only focus but also enjoy
but the other hand it will effect your health after 10 to 15 years and will decrease your sexual power as well
i might be Wrong sorry again
Depends how much you smoke. My wife only takes 2 or 3 tokes every couple of days. Not like shes smoking cigarettes. Shes been doing this since her teens and she's 62 with no issues. I think eating fast food would be much more harmful long term than 6-9 puffs a week.
Depends how much you smoke. My wife only takes 2 or 3 tokes every couple of days. Not like shes smoking cigarettes. Shes been doing this since her teens and she's 62 with no issues. I think eating fast food would be much more harmful long term than 6-9 puffs a week.
Agree on max points

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