Lyme Disease and Hypothyroidism


Long story made short...
Daughter lives in Atlanta and is 33.
She had 1/2 her thyroid removed due to LARGE nodule that was NOT cancerous.[
Was on NDT.
6 to 9 months ago she started getting tired, brain fog, no energy,sleep issues. Got worse and worse.
Recently had to take a month off from work then was only able to work 1/2time, or less, before overwhelming tiredness set in, and now can not work at all..
Had a falling out with her DR in Florida that was treating her thyroid.
She thought the operation was the cause of all the current issues.
Decided to stop all meds and that reaaaaaly messed her up.[
Ended up going to a naturopathic DR in Atlanta that clearly has made some$$$$$$$$ selling supplements, etc., to her.
Did put her back on NDT.[
Last labs by the naturopathic DR were in December and she had an appointmentwith her a week or so ago.
Daughter is still a mess and DR did not run any blood work to see wherethyroid levels are at BUT did tell her she needed to take additional supplements.
Can we say QUACK!!!!!!! AND an expensive one at that...... Can we say $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
She has felt sooooo bad forsooooo long and does not know what to do.
She is a MESS.
I talked her into doing a Western Blot Lyme test.... ALL her symptoms were same as a person with lyme...
She is positive on IgG P41 Ab. and IgM p23 Ab.
Now trying to find a LLMD (Lyme Literate MD) and that is like trying to win a $500M lottery....
We have 3 names BUT they are not much different than the ND...... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and more test $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
They look like QUACKS also.
So...... If someone has significant issues like my Daughter, and no one can figure out what the hell is going on.... A simple lyme blood test might answer the question but open up another Pandora's box...
Found this short article from Holtorf that does a good job of tying the 2 together:

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