No don't change hCG without your doc's consent. He used a conservative approach that yielded a surprising result. It will take a while, possibly 6-12 months for you to realize the full benefit of higher endogenous T. Your free T is high. I didn't see an SHBG result. You don't want to overshoot 30 on a men's sensitive E2 assay. Order it and the SHBG along with another full T assay from Discount if your doc can't provide it.
It's how you feel that counts. You may have low SBHG. Ultimately you and your doc may try splitting your 1,000 IU out to three days. For now though I doubt anyone would want you to mess with a protocol that is working and certainly not just to chase numbers. Upping the hCG will likely push your T higher but at what cost? So far you are sidestepping E2 issues and AI. That's a more sensible goal than higher tot T. Continue to pay attention to dietary support.
Look to the NO stack for ED resolution. If your doc approves I'd try Arginine + L Citrulline by themselves first then add in HGW then the others one by one if you need them.