My current SHBG is 6-8 on a good day. I also use Masteron (close to pure DHT/ cosmetic anabolic) at 5mg per week to control my estrogen.
I have this same problem when the dose was too high. Guys like us cannot handle large doses as the conversion to E2/ Free T is massive.
And in all honestly, I tend to feel better on lower T levels. Remember for us its about E2 and Test balance. In the event the test is too high, E2 follows that as well.
200mg a week is WAYYY too much when divided amongst the week. Daily Injections show that you do not have to inject (Per Dr. Saya as well) as high doses.
Currently I inject 11mg of Prop a day. Before I was on 22mg Cypionate a day at 154 per week, and that was as high as I could possibly take it. The 140ish mg per week range, often had me feeling my best.
Before going with Masteron as well - I also had E2 all over (mucchh worse than now) and got up to 2mg a day of arimadex. I know how you feel here.
Additionally many have tried prop, some liked it, others did not. I feel pretty awesome on it myself. I find my estrogen levels stay lower, and the T "doesn't" stay in the system as long, which you would think is a negative, but for us, it is not.
I have blood work coming up soon, so I am interested to see where my labs fall.
Anyhow I hope this helps. I have been through hell and back for a decade, so I am sure I can answer any question you have about protocols (what has worked and what has not).
Additionally, I do plan on chatting with Saya about trying Test Cream + Prop to see if we can't get my DHT up a bit and then avoid the masteron all together.