I've struggled with low sensitivity my whole life, with it just getting worse as I get older. I'm 53 and I've been on TRT now for about eight years. There are some magic times when it seems like everything is normal, but those are few and far between. I have tried various things (HCG, raising/lowering estrogen, Wellbutrin, etc) with nothing helping at all. Recently, I had a bad sinus infection for which I used Sudaphed (pseudoephedrine). One night I forgot I'd just taken two and took two more for a total of 120mg. After a couple hours I noticed that my penis was extremely sensitive and I was able to orgasm very quickly. So, my question is... what exactly caused this to happen? It sounds like it's neurotransmitter related, and I'd like to see someone, but what kind of doctor? I've read that an andrologist would be better than a urologist. Anyone else have any input? Sudafed acts as a vasoconstrictor as well as messes with norepinephrine. It would be great to take something that worked without creating erection issues.