Low Libido while on TRT


New Member
Hello Everybody,
Im pacho 38 years old and found after a blood test that I was low on T. (319 ng/dL)

I am currently on my 6 week on Cypionate
Having 200mg twice a week.
By the 3rd week I was feeling a great increase in vital Energy overall and sex Drive. After the 4th week I feel a drop in energy went back to feeling sleepy during the day and the Biggest RED FLAG. No Libido
Even worse than never before in my life.
On week 5th I started on ARIMIDEX 1mg. (1 pill every other day) But I have not see results on my energy levels as I had on the begining of the Therapy.

Looking for solutions I am starting with the HcG today, any other advice will be greatly appreciated !!
I would remove the word cycle from the title otherwise people may not even bother posting at all, the phrase cycle is associated with abusing testosterone.

Your TRT dosage isn't common and is absurdly high, so unless you are hyper excreting or metabolizing testosterone, it's a excessive dosage that will only cause problems in the form of excess estrogen and high hematocrit.

When my estrogen is high or low, there is no libido. I'm also very sleepy when estrogen is high. Whoever is incharge of your TRT isn't doing you any favors, 400mg weekly and 1mg AI EOD is insane!

It's got T-mill written all over it.

We cannot make any suggestions without labs.
Based on your dosage and use of the term "cycle", perhaps you've simply wandered into the wrong forum? This is a TRT forum.

No dis on what you're doing at all - that's your choice - but this isn't the right place for that kind of stuff.
I dont get it tho. On 400mg a week shouldnt his libido be ravaging? Thats what most roidheads report when using such large amounts of test.

Maybe his doc is of the more "liberal" types :D
Not if you're not working out it won't. All 400mg a week will do is destroy your lipids and your health. A fat guy who doesn't exercise with that type of intake will be dead inside 6 months.
Not if you're not working out it won't. All 400mg a week will do is destroy your lipids and your health. A fat guy who doesn't exercise with that type of intake will be dead inside 6 months.

This is false, tho. 600mg a week on tons and tons of men showed no negative side effects even after 6 months. And this study was replicated several times.
All fat will do is raise E2 more. 400mg per week wouldn't kill anyone no matter in what state they're in, though there will be a few exceptions just as some die from taking Asprin.
So many issues here. Let me ask why you're taking one milligram of anastrozole every other day?? A perfect dose - if you are a woman recovering from breast cancer.

You may well have crashed your estradiol by this point. Please...post labs.
Instead of adding to your protocol, have you discussed simply reducing your dose by half and seeing if you tolerate it better? Should always start low and go slow with hormones. I'm surprised at your dose but we don't know much about your history so I can't pass judgement there.
All kinds of guys, no idea if they were fat or not. Google: "study 600mg testosterone".

You are talking speaking of the ground breaking study from 1996 by the well known and highly respected Shalender Bhasin.

If you take the time to read it thoroughly the 600 mg/week dose of testosterone was only used for 10 weeks.

We randomly assigned 43 normal men to one of four groups: placebo with no exercise, testosterone with no exercise, placebo plus exercise, and testosterone plus exercise. The men received injections of 600 mg of testosterone enanthate or placebo weekly for 10 weeks.

The study was divided into a 4-week control period, a 10-week treatment period, and a 16-week recovery period. During the four-week control period, the men were asked not to lift any weights or engage in strenuous aerobic exercise.

- so the study was a total of 30 weeks and only a 10 week treatment period (600 mg testosterone/week).

You just stated "All kinds of guys, no idea if they were fat or not. Google: "study 600mg testosterone"

- the study was a total of 40 men and out of those 40 men only 11 were on testosterone (600 mg/week).....whoopee!

Of the 43 men, 3 dropped out during the treatment phase: 1 because of problems with compliance, 1 because illicit-drug use was detected by routine drug screening, and 1 because of an automobile accident. Forty men completed the study: 10 in the placebo, no-exercise group; 10 in the testosterone, no-exercise group; 9 in the placebo-plus-exercise group; and 11 in the testosterone-plus-exercise group.

You also stated in reply to maxadvance "This is false, tho. 600mg a week on tons and tons of men showed no negative side effects even after 6 months. And this study was replicated several times"

-Really? tons and tons of men and no negative sides after 6 months even though only 21 men were using 600 mg/week of testosterone for a whole 10 weeks.....AMAZING!

You might want to take the time to look into the research more deeply before you claim higher doses are side effect FREE as the end of the paper states:

Our results in no way justify the use of anabolic–androgenic steroids in sports, because, with extended use, such drugs have potentially serious adverse effects on the cardiovascular system, prostate, lipid metabolism, and insulin sensitivity. Moreover, the use of any performance-enhancing agent in sports raises serious ethical issues. Our findings do, however, raise the possibility that the short-term administration of androgens may have beneficial effects in immobilized patients, during space travel, and in patients with cancer-related cachexia, disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, or other chronic wasting disorders.


Hello Everybody,
Im pacho 38 years old and found after a blood test that I was low on T. (319 ng/dL)

I am currently on my 6 week on Cypionate
Having 200mg twice a week.
By the 3rd week I was feeling a great increase in vital Energy overall and sex Drive. After the 4th week I feel a drop in energy went back to feeling sleepy during the day and the Biggest RED FLAG. No Libido
Even worse than never before in my life.
On week 5th I started on ARIMIDEX 1mg. (1 pill every other day) But I have not see results on my energy levels as I had on the begining of the Therapy.

Looking for solutions I am starting with the HcG today, any other advice will be greatly appreciated !!

400mg/week (200 mg twice weekly) is not trt!

You are on the wrong forum for advice.
Hello Everybody,
Im pacho 38 years old and found after a blood test that I was low on T. (319 ng/dL)

I am currently on my 6 week on Cypionate
Having 200mg twice a week.
By the 3rd week I was feeling a great increase in vital Energy overall and sex Drive. After the 4th week I feel a drop in energy went back to feeling sleepy during the day and the Biggest RED FLAG. No Libido
Even worse than never before in my life.
On week 5th I started on ARIMIDEX 1mg. (1 pill every other day) But I have not see results on my energy levels as I had on the begining of the Therapy.

Looking for solutions I am starting with the HcG today, any other advice will be greatly appreciated !!

Hi Pacho,

In my opinion,

1. a big increase in well-being can be the T flooding your body; many guys see this on a much lower dose in the beginning stage, so 400mg would be no different.

2. the initial great feeling can wear off a bit while your body adjusts and adapts, 400mg is no different.

3. unless you have specific physique goals, even half that at 200mg / week and in many cases, less would probably make you feel great in all respects with less side effects; guys feel great in the medium range, others at the higher range.

4. 1 mg AI EOD is usually way too much in most cases; need to get sensitive E2 test, then decide on the AI, if any.

5. HCG has helped many with libido and increased sensitivity, so this may help; you need to dial in your T and AI (if any) with your HCG, which could take a month or so; better to start on the lower end rather than overkill.
No Im not talking about that study, Im talking about the replicated studies with a longer period, not 10 weeks but 6 months.
Not if you're not working out it won't. All 400mg a week will do is destroy your lipids and your health. A fat guy who doesn't exercise with that type of intake will be dead inside 6 months.

So being fat and not exercising will take years to kill you yet 400 mgs of testosterone a week will get the job done inside of 6 months?

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