Low energy - low/mild depression - new to trt


New Member
Hi Im 32 and new to trt. I have been on for 4 weeks and 4 days. My dose is 180mg split into 3 doses. m/w/f. morning - afternoon - night. Other than the antihistamine I take thats all my meds. Pre trt I was around 650tt/ e2 was 15. I gave this a try for low libido, weak erections and I miss the energy I had throughout most of my 20's. It was getting to the point where I wasn't even completing workouts or even working out at all etc. Just looking for some advice here want to give this a shot before I just stop using it. Anyways, my current problem now is about 3 or 4 times a week Ive just recently been getting waves of depression and lethargy bad. I didn't not have this depression before and during these waves I have less energy than before. I have this strange I want to jump out of my skin feeling. I can't deal with this. The other days I feel mostly normal with a better libido and decent energy - not as much as I want. I did labs 15 days into trt the day after a 100mg/ 0.5 injection. Took that much because I was traveling and didn't want to take everything. Day after injection results Total test - 1040 Free Test - 22.4 E2 Sensitive - 14.6

I also just did labs again at 31 days still waiting on those.
Because your pre labs were so good I don't expect you to feel any benefits. What other labs have you had, it would be nice if you could post all of them with their ranges. Did you have a full thyroid panel with TSH, free T4, free T3, reverse T3 and antibodies.
honestly it wasn't smart to jump on trt with your natural testo levels.. natural test > trt because trt might stop working one day and you will wonder why you feel like an ass even with high numbers on bloodwork. to your question - some men don't tolerate high t levels, nothing to do with estrogen or other hormones it's just everybody has their sweetspot for testosterone
It would be best if you posted your entire labs. I am surprised at first glance that someone would begin testosterone replacement therapy with the total T you have. Hypothyroidism can present symptoms similar to low T so if your have not had an entire thyroid panel completed then you really should do that.
Anyone saying that you jumped on TRT possibly too early due to your total T being 650 isn't necessarily wrong, but they are absolutely not right. No offense, but you guys shouldn't be telling him this without knowing his SHBG and free test levels prior to treatment.

I personally had a total t around the same as his pre TRT, but had a free testosterone at the bottom of the range, and actually below range on another test pre TRT, due to my high SHBG of 57.1. Guys on this forum by now should know that total t doesn't paint the whole picture. Again, no offense, I know we're all here with good intentions and to help each other.

Also, how did your total t go up so much on TRT, yet your E2 is 0.4 less now? You're not on any AI? Only thing I can think of was that the E2 test before TRT was the standard E2, which usually over estimates, and then the E2 test while on TRT was obv the sensitive test, as you indicated.
Anyone saying that you jumped on TRT possibly too early due to your total T being 650 isn't necessarily wrong, but they are absolutely not right. No offense, but you guys shouldn't be telling him this without knowing his SHBG and free test levels prior to treatment.

I personally had a total t around the same as his pre TRT, but had a free testosterone at the bottom of the range, and actually below range on another test pre TRT, due to my high SHBG of 57.1. Guys on this forum by now should know that total t doesn't paint the whole picture. Again, no offense, I know we're all here with good intentions and to help each other.

Also, how did your total t go up so much on TRT, yet your E2 is 0.4 less now? You're not on any AI? Only thing I can think of was that the E2 test before TRT was the standard E2, which usually over estimates, and then the E2 test while on TRT was obv the sensitive test, as you indicated.

Gman beet me to it, if SHBG is elevated then a man can experience low testosterone with a high Total T level. An E2 of 15 pre-TRT with a Total T of 650 ng/dL hints at elevated SHBG which can bind up bioavailable testosterone, the active hormone. You haven't been on TRT long enough to reach a stable state, most require adjustments to their TRT protocol before all receiving all benefits.
Agree with your comments. I stated "at first glance" and basically recommended posting labs so we could see things like SHBG, thyroid levels, and others. SHBG, if high, could dramatically affect Free T levels. I should have clarified further.
No worries, I know everyone here is just trying to help. Thanks for not taking my reply the wrong way. You are absolutely right though. Thyroid issues do mimic low testosterone symptoms, so getting thyroid checked thoroughly is an absolute necessity.
Also, how did your total t go up so much on TRT, yet your E2 is 0.4 less now? You're not on any AI? Only thing I can think of was that the E2 test before TRT was the standard E2, which usually over estimates, and then the E2 test while on TRT was obv the sensitive test, as you indicated.

Because he is blood testing way too early and doing 100mg booster shots because he's traveling or something.

Everybody know it take 40 days of a steady T dose of T cyp to reach steady state and you can't really determine much until then.
That said I am all for mini peaks at bloods mid protocol if something is really wacked there is no reason to continue a bad protocol.
I had thyroid tests done and they were normal. The only test that was not done that I wasn't aware of until this post was SHBG. I will get that checked. Its just so weird to feel fine somedays then like a foggy and depressed feeling. I can't put my finger on how to describe it. Sometimes it only lasts a couple hours - my appetite is less during this as well. But there are some times where I feel great its awesome. I felt pretty awesome, pretty much the first 2 1/2 weeks. Now obviously Im thinking of stopping trt. I will get some more testing done first though.

Testosterone,Free and Total

Testosterone, Serum 1042


ng/dL 264 - 916

Free Testosterone(Direct) 22.4

pg/mL 8.7 - 25.1

Estradiol, Sensitive 14.6 pg/mL 8.0 - 35.0
01 02

Estradiol 15.0 pg/mLRoche ECLIA methodology

Estrone, Serum


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I only scanned in paper pages from results thatI was looking into so a whole page was not scanned into my computer. I have 2 of the thyroid results but I can get the rest durning the weekday. Ive provided the 2 that currently I have below. BUT - a couple of you seem to be incredibly fixated on my thyroid. Stop. I have my thyroid checked every year and it has been the same since my mid 20s and is not the issue. The results I had on paper were extremely similar to all the other results from when I was feeling fine. They all fluctuate up and down year to year but are very very close. Again they are the same now as they were before when I felt fine. I also felt just fine before trt a month ago. Whats not the same as all those other years I felt fine is my natural testosterone levels that were always over 950 and a couple times what they tested would've been high on lab corps new testosterone ranges. Hence, me wanting to use testosterone cyp. Part of 2017 and so far in 2018 I just don't have the same libido, hard ons fullness or firmness, or same energy I used to have. Those are my only symptoms besides not being able to gain muscle as easily, but am not fat - very athletic build. Check my test twice over a month apart - not over 950 anymore. Lightbulb. Take testosterone - 2 1/2 weeks I feel amazing - check test, high again. Lightbulb. Then a week later - thats a guess - I start feeling the way I did when I originally made this post. Don't have new labs yet since feeling depressed, a little moody, fuzzy and low energy that is worse way worse then before I started trt. Should have labs monday. IF my thyroid changed on trt - It would mean its from trt and then I wouldn't take testosterone anymore. Im going to take a bunch of shit everyday - just test and maybe AI if needed. My goal is to restore my test levels to 950+ consistently with all other labs in healthy normal ranges and see if it helps the original problem.

TSH 1.340 range was .5 to 4.5

T4 Free 1.24 rang .82-1.77
Got my my new labs. These were taken a little over 24hrs after injection. Since Im basically injecting eod Id say they are staying pretty stable. Im sure someone will comment on free test and think Im pissing it out. No matter when I draw though my test is always 1050-1400. My energy has been fine since saturday and I have felt pretty awesome. I don't know what the deal was lat week.

Testosterone, Serum 1262 High
ng/dL 264 - 916
Testosterone,Free 48.71 High 5.00 - 21.00

Estradiol, Sensitive 18.8
pg/mL 8.0 - 35.0

you should try reducing dosage to bring your total, free t and dht down.. you seem to not convert to e2 a lot but all that free t will convert to dht if it's barely converting to e2. too high dht with low e2 to antagonize that high level of dht can make one feel bad it's all about balance of hormones not just getting androgens high. try lower dose and report in few weeks. maybe if you would inject once a week it would generate more e2 than eod injections i suggest trying this aswell. sometimes we overcomplicate things with more frequent shots etc etc and end up not receiving any benefits that optimal testosterone levels should do to a male

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