low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

I don't care what you want I showed you proof. People here can attest if my proof is valid or no. If it's valid but you don't think it's valid you can post all you want I just will not take you seriously never again.. another proof coming in soon. I am not medic or doctor I don't have access to studys. I am simple guy who started to feel like crap when he increased arimidex dose to 1mg a day and never bounced back THATS it
This is the thread that fueled my anxiety last year:


Theory 3 & 4 kind of applies to me since my ALT is still slightly elevated for over a year. And all tests shown my liver is healthy.

These cases are different than what some of the dudes on here are going through, the guys on this board that make these claims have E2 levels in the therapeutic range yet believe they have an insensitivity toward estrogen. These guys on peak testosterone just have low E2 numbers that have not raised since the crash, issues with methylation and certain SNP's in genes can cause this.
I see good point. I was in that mindset were I formed a health anxiety and with my hormones being all over the place which just added fuel to the fire. Still to this day I couldn’t figure out what caused my frequent urination.
I see good point. I was in that mindset were I formed a health anxiety and with my hormones being all over the place it just added fuel to the fire. Still to this day I couldn't figure out what caused my frequent urination.

Yeah, anxiety will fuel the fire, I have crashed my E2, I have been there bro, I bounced back and recovered. Believing you may have some sort of crazy insensitivity or permanent condition is not going to do ANYTHING for your overall wellbeing, my friend.
Yeah, anxiety will fuel the fire, I have crashed my E2, I have been there bro, I bounced back and recovered. Believing you may have some sort of crazy insensitivity or permanent condition is not going to do ANYTHING for your overall wellbeing, my friend.

I know man, just it is easier said than done with some people. It was a vicious cycle for me. Worried about dehydration on top of the amount of fluids I put into my body compared to the large amounts being exspelled. Also I was malnourished and was starving my body without calories because the anxiety triggered gastrointestinal side effects. I couldn’t stomach food well. I was on some harsh androgen substances for over a year, and coming off trenbolone tri-ester, anadrol, sust on top of the crashed E2 was pretty terrible lmao.
I know man, just it is easier said than done with some people. It was a vicious cycle for me. Worried about dehydration on top of the amount of fluids I put into my body compared to the large amounts being exspelled. Also I was malnourished and was starving my body without calories because the anxiety triggered gastrointestinal side effects. I couldn’t stomach food well. I was on some harsh androgen substances for over a year, and coming off trenbolone tri-ester, anadrol, sust on top of the crashed E2 was pretty terrible lmao.

You just need to detox off the anabolics, they are harsh on your system if you're not running organ cleanses and other potent antioxidant throughout your cycle. You gut health can go to crap real quick, once that goes, you aren't properly absorbing nutrients. Anxiety is also a killer, and mental thoughts can literally manifest as physical problems on your body, what the mind believes, the body will follow. I have crashed my estrogen to single digits, it took me a couple months to get back into homeostasis, but I briefly got caught into that dark web of "what if its permanent, what about my dopamine etc" and I could literally feel the symptoms starting to manifest, but I realized, at least for me, this was pure psychosomatic and fueled by anxiety. When I realized that, I started to get better and I improved. Look into fixing your gut/liver and nutrient deficiencies .
^especially those undeground anabolics which can have heavy metals and other poison in them this particular thing I agree with you Vitamin_C. not to mention that no matter what your testosterone levels are post cycle it's common to feel down with depression and anxiety because your comind down to normal levels of androgens after being in supraphysiological range it takes time to heal from that as well.
but it doesn't mean that you can't feel like dog crap because you crashed your e2
^especially those undeground anabolics which can have heavy metals and other poison in them this particular thing I agree with you Vitamin_C. not to mention that no matter what your testosterone levels are post cycle it's common to feel down with depression and anxiety because your comind down to normal levels of androgens after being in supraphysiological range it takes time to heal from that as well.
but it doesn't mean that you can't feel like dog crap because you crashed your e2

Medications and anabolics can interfere with methylation, if methylation is out of whack, you can have all sorts of nasty symptoms. I'd suggest a book "Dirty Genes" by Ben Lynch. Arimidex may have caused some guys to have issues with methylation, and some may be more genetically predisposed to it than others, but we don't know for sure.
For the guys that crashed their E2, besides the OP, were you under the care of a competent Dr? Did you go off your program for any reason which could have led to the E2 crash?
Medications and anabolics can interfere with methylation, if methylation is out of whack, you can have all sorts of nasty symptoms. I'd suggest a book "Dirty Genes" by Ben Lynch. Arimidex may have caused some guys to have issues with methylation, and some may be more genetically predisposed to it than others, but we don't know for sure.

You just need to detox off the anabolics, they are harsh on your system if you're not running organ cleanses and other potent antioxidant throughout your cycle. You gut health can go to crap real quick, once that goes, you aren't properly absorbing nutrients. Anxiety is also a killer, and mental thoughts can literally manifest as physical problems on your body, what the mind believes, the body will follow. I have crashed my estrogen to single digits, it took me a couple months to get back into homeostasis, but I briefly got caught into that dark web of "what if its permanent, what about my dopamine etc" and I could literally feel the symptoms starting to manifest, but I realized, at least for me, this was pure psychosomatic and fueled by anxiety. When I realized that, I started to get better and I improved. Look into fixing your gut/liver and nutrient deficiencies .

You raised some interesting points. I am not familiar with Methylation, and now that i’m on TRT, how does one detox if they didn’t?

How do we correct Methylation?
You raised some interesting points. I am not familiar with Methylation, and now that i'm on TRT, how does one detox if they didn't?

How do we correct Methylation?

So depending on person's genetic makeup, certain medications will disrupt methylation, once methylation is not optimal, you can get a myriad of side effects. Bad diet and poor lifestyle choices can also continue to "dirty" your genes and interfere with methylation. There is a genetic component to how we metabolize estrogen and its possible Arimidex effects these people more and others can get away with it. Correcting methylation is a process that involves cleaning up aspects of diet and lifestyle, healing the gut etc. The book I suggested, "Dirty Genes" goes into great detail on how to do this. I really feel those people who have ever been affected poorly by medications (Finasteride, Accutane, Arimidex) may be more genetically susceptible towards unwanted side effects and require a genetic "cleansing" to start feeling better.
You just need to detox off the anabolics, they are harsh on your system if you're not running organ cleanses and other potent antioxidant throughout your cycle. You gut health can go to crap real quick, once that goes, you aren't properly absorbing nutrients. Anxiety is also a killer, and mental thoughts can literally manifest as physical problems on your body, what the mind believes, the body will follow. I have crashed my estrogen to single digits, it took me a couple months to get back into homeostasis, but I briefly got caught into that dark web of "what if its permanent, what about my dopamine etc" and I could literally feel the symptoms starting to manifest, but I realized, at least for me, this was pure psychosomatic and fueled by anxiety. When I realized that, I started to get better and I improved. Look into fixing your gut/liver and nutrient deficiencies .

Quick disclaimer: Do not associate me with any of the statements or comments that lowE2sucks makes. I don't agree with 90% of the stuff he says.

The difference between you and I was that I did this over a year ago, have 20+ symptoms, and have no history of gut issues, improper eating, anxiety, etc. You're making an assumption that everyone needs to clean their diet or fix some kind of deficiency. You do not know me or anyone else on here. Being a soon to be practitioner, you should be asking questions and making assessments first before offering advice. You have yet to do this.

My symptoms have become worse and worse. They're visible to the eye, everyone sees it and no one knows what is going on. Very extensive blood work covering every single base you can think of has been completely unrevealing. There's no point in rambling on with my symptoms but once again, I have absolutely no anxiety or symptoms of depression. I've been evaluated by many physicians at the pinnacle of their field and they have not found anything wrong with me, yet I display objective symptoms.

I am currently working on getting in to the Undiagnosed Diseases Network to be further evaluated on a molecular/genetic level. I have already submitted my application with the help of Dr. Saya.

I will not explain my theory here on what has happened but I will say that it is extremely rare and it has nothing to do with the side effects of these drugs (Accutane, Finasteride, Arimidex), they're safe drugs. But rather genetic predisposition and what some peoples body's do to adapt in hormone deprivation.
I didn’t make an assumption that “everyone needs to clean their diet ,” that is in reference to the book I mentioned on how to clean up genetic issues and improve methylation . As for your case , you’re not my patient , and I don’t have labs or diagnostic imaging on you in front of me to look at . It’s hard to make a diagnosis off anecdotal reports on an Internet forum .
I didn’t make an assumption that “everyone needs to clean their diet ,” that is in reference to the book I mentioned on how to clean up genetic issues and improve methylation . As for your case , you’re not my patient , and I don’t have labs or diagnostic imaging on you in front of me to look at . It’s hard to make a diagnosis off anecdotal reports on an Internet forum .

But you have told me in different threads I need to "fix my gut" and no one is asking for a diagnosis. You offer advice without asking questions pertaining to the members situation or life style. Practitioner or not, that is not good practice
And like I said, I am going to do everything I can to attempt to figure out the etiology with the UDN and I will report back here. Praying I get accepted.
It seems to me Vitamin C isn't trying to diagnose you or push one specific treatment to fix your issues. He seems like a very reasonable and understanding guy. Everyone can benefit from healing their gut. It's probably not the primary etiology for your issues, but I can guarantee that healing the gut can only help. But ya I think he only meant well, maybe he came off like he knew more about your situation than he does possibly, but his intentions were in the right place it seems.

But either way I'm glad to see you're taking the steps necessary to get to the bottom of what's causing your symptoms. I've never heard of someone taking this route to do so, so definitely keep us posted in regards to how this unfolds for you and if any progress is made towards getting yourself healed up. Good luck, and hope looking into things on a molecular/genetic level reveal some answers for you.
Can you medically define "Healing your gut?" This sounds like voodoo bro science. How do you know my gut is damaged?

I have normal bowel movements same time every day, normal formed stools, normal colored stools, no abdominal distension, tenderness, cramping, or pain. I don't have elevated WBC's or neutrophils. My diet is extremely well balanced and I definitely get all of my micro nutrients in through actual food, not supplements. I'd say my gut is just fine and has no relation to any of my problems.

Thanks, I should know in about 2 months if I get accepted or not.

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