low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

Wow! That is eye opening! What sides do you still suffer from? I Have lethargy and am faggy headed so bad I can’t even function, my work and school are suffering hard and it hasn’t gotten 1% better. It’s like a light-switch that turned off and won’t come back on. I workout with zero pump, can’t gain a pound of muscle but have a little belly, my shoulders and knees ache and my libido is weak. This is terrible for work cuz I’m a manager but this makes me a passive bitch with social anxiety that can’t think clearly enough to have a normal conversation This is insane!

This guy you shouldn't take too serious i've read some of his threads, he's been given advice on splitting up doses, geting his estrogen down, using hcg, but he don't wanna do any of that, no wonder he hasn't recovered.

Guy is walking around with skyhigh estrogen, not using hcg, dosing 1 time a week.
I can actually sympathize with OP. I can relate and know what he is going through. I have crashed my E2 last year April 2017 hard with TT at 86. So I went a whole year without addressing my crashed E2. I tried Clomid which didn’t help.

Now that I have started TRT in March 2018 and my TT is now 700-800’s with 100mg spilt in half taking twice a week, and HCG 350iu three times a week. I still am experiencing low E2 side effects in a way. While all my numbers show otherwise, E2 now >50. I still have frequent urination, low energy, anxiety, light headed, bloating, loss of appetite which coke in waves with random symptoms for each day. BUT, I am actually starting to feel better but it’s taking longer than usual. My frequency to urinate goes as long as 2-3 hours. Also anxiety and panic is decreasing, I can sleep a bit longer. Appetite is coming back, bowel movements are stabilizing. Cognitive thinking and brain function is improving, and a lot more. It almost seems users who have crashed E2 really hard have a longer, rough recovery process.

I truly believe Arimadex destroyed my E2 and receptors which may take months to years to fix.
I am in the same boat I think, glad I stumbled upon this thread. I took arimidex for few months as monoteraphy to try and boost T levels.. its been 2 years and I feel like shit most of the days. My symptoms are terrible sweating all day, eyes feel fatigued all the time with dark circles, mild itching in nipples, brainfog, scalp itch with hair thinning etc. Labs show normal results, my e2 has been in range although higher end couple of times which led me to try the poison again but no difference in symptoms, I believe actually taking AI made symptoms worse. My blood DHT has been at the very bottom end of the range, could DHT have something to do with this? This sh*t is killing me..
when this shit happened to me nobody wanted to believe me.. now i see more and more people coming here reporting same stuff happened to them.. was I wrong johndoesmith?? who is right now. you really put me down when you wrote im hypochondriac when in fact everything i wrote was real. thank you guys for reporting about this because nobody wanted to believe me
hypochondriac my ass
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when this shit happened to me nobody wanted to believe me.. now i see more and more people coming here reporting same stuff happened to them.. was I wrong johndoesmith?? who is right now. you really put me down when you wrote im hypochondriac when in fact everything i wrote was real. thank you guys for reporting about this because nobody wanted to believe me
hypochondriac my ass

I am in the same boat I think, glad I stumbled upon this thread. I took arimidex for few months as monoteraphy to try and boost T levels.. its been 2 years and I feel like shit most of the days. My symptoms are terrible sweating all day, eyes feel fatigued all the time with dark circles, mild itching in nipples, brainfog, scalp itch with hair thinning etc. Labs show normal results, my e2 has been in range although higher end couple of times which led me to try the poison again but no difference in symptoms, I believe actually taking AI made symptoms worse. My blood DHT has been at the very bottom end of the range, could DHT have something to do with this? This sh*t is killing me..

You guys are not alone, because I am in the same boat. AI totally messed up my endocrine system and it has been over a year and even with TRT and HCG I still feel like crap. And all my levels are just about normal. I was given gym crap info when taking an AI 1mg everyday for 2 weeks!!!! and took it as a PCT?! BOY was I mistaken and learned my lesson. Not only did my T levels plummeted, but my estrogen was non existent. On top of that every doctor I saw at the time said I would bounce back. So I waited months without knowing how low my levels were, and by waiting that long it did damage for sure. I was given anti-depressants, benzo’s, vesicare, and other bladder medication and nothing worked. The Ativan worked, but I dug my hole deeper with that shit. *** oil helped me get away from benzodiazepines.

I have been practicing mindfulness meditation and vaping *** oil throughout the day and it has helped tremendously. There isn’t really much for us to do but hopefully wait out this storm. Anxiety creeps in but I try to remind myself I am healthy and focus on meditation and taking a long hot shower. I used to urinate every 15 minutes for a f’ing year straight and now I am up to 2-3 hours which is a huge step and I am truly happy. Everyone is different, my fixation was towards my bladder. Probably spent $10,000 co pays for tests and surgeries WITH insurance lol.

What we are going through is brutal and I have yet to find an explanation, but my money is on crashing E2 does not bounce back quicker than expected.

So I take 100mg of Cypionate and split it into 50mg twice a week, and take HCG 350iu three times a week (1050iu). Also I take amitriptyline 50mg for sleep once a night. But now my E2 is high and I was prescribed an AI which I am gonna be very very careful with and take a quarter of a quarter once a week until my blood work dials in.
^please don't take AI.. we don't respond to AIs same way as normal folks.. even lowest dose will do damage to you man I am telling you now avoid AI at all costs. stop hcg and use it periodically only if it's the reason for your high e2. we talked with nurselife about this.. any more AI damages us more
you, me, simeoni, nurselife and other folks who crashed their e2 and probably messed up our e2 receptors we get more low estrogen symptoms as our e2 rises (frequent urination, weakness, fatigue, anhedonia, anxiety, eye fatigue, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, dry joints, hot flashes, brain fog, dry skin, paranoia, hesitation before urinating, itchy burning scalp, dht rage, bone loss).. its possible you would get temporarily symptomatic relief from AI but it will damage you (receptors or whatever) even further. we can't seem to figure out why get more low e2 symptoms when e2 goes up but 3 of us had some talk about this and all of us noticed it. AIs for us is same thing as post finasteride sufferer would take more finasteride because his dht got too high on bloodwork.. it has no sense
there is a study where it states that estrogen induces apoptosis (death of the cell) in estrogen deprived breasts so be carefull
What is also weird that I seem to have both high and low E2 symptoms. There is tingling on my nipple area daily but I also get this same itchy feeling on my stomach and hip fat from time to time. I have low BF but after the AI I definitely gained slight amount of fat in my hips and stomach. The most annoying things are the tired eyes and black circles which hurts my appearance alot and I hate going in public looking like shit. But when I tried AI again for my itchiness, it seemed not to help but in fact made it worse. So did the AI somehow upregulate my sensitivity to e2 in certain tissues in effort to combat me crashing my e2 but same time having low E2 issues in other areas.. So confusing.
You may have high estrogen but still have the low E sides. That’s exactly how it feel.

I never get gyno, but I tried rubbing estrogen cream on a bit ago and it did nothing for my current low E sides... all it did was destroy my libido completely for a few days.

So for some reason my body is stuck with a few of the low e sides but when E2 goes too high, I will get the high E2 sides as well.

I have lost over 30 lbs since I crashed E2, working out consistently to gain size and eating 4K+ calories a day and I’m going backwards.

Just started HGH last night. (Assuming it’s legit) praying that I can kick something back on with it!
You may have high estrogen but still have the low E sides. That's exactly how it feel.

I never get gyno, but I tried rubbing estrogen cream on a bit ago and it did nothing for my current low E sides... all it did was destroy my libido completely for a few days.

So for some reason my body is stuck with a few of the low e sides but when E2 goes too high, I will get the high E2 sides as well.

I have lost over 30 lbs since I crashed E2, working out consistently to gain size and eating 4K+ calories a day and I'm going backwards.

Just started HGH last night. (Assuming it's legit) praying that I can kick something back on with it!

Lost 30lbs.....muscle, adipose, water?

How do you expect to gain size eating 4000cal/day on trt doses?
Lost 30lbs.....muscle, adipose, water?

How do you expect to gain size eating 4000cal/day on trt doses?

Mostly water im sure. But strength is really plummeting, could be the achiness preventing strength, idk.

Im really not expecting to gain size(of course that would be a plus), but at least not continuessly go backwards!

One thing that has gotten better in the last month was I had stomach cramps a month or 2 w/ IBS symptoms. (Not positive it was from the crash) That is now completely gone tho, so at least something is improving!

Trying a bit of HGH now Hoping I can kick-start my endocrine system with it, prolly a stretch, but worth a shot as I start university in August and am SCREWED if I still have these symptoms.

If anybody has ideas of what to try would love to hear em.

Will keep thread updated as I continue to try stuff to see if I can get some pointers for anybody else fighting with this.

I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.
Mostly water im sure. But strength is really plummeting, could be the achiness preventing strength, idk.

Im really not expecting to gain size(of course that would be a plus), but at least not continuessly go backwards!

One thing that has gotten better in the last month was I had stomach cramps a month or 2 w/ IBS symptoms. (Not positive it was from the crash) That is now completely gone tho, so at least something is improving!

Trying a bit of HGH now Hoping I can kick-start my endocrine system with it, prolly a stretch, but worth a shot as I start university in August and am SCREWED if I still have these symptoms.

If anybody has ideas of what to try would love to hear em.

Will keep thread updated as I continue to try stuff to see if I can get some pointers for anybody else fighting with this.

I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

Yeah bowel movements were bad too, I took probiotics for a few months to clear that up. Let me know how HGH works, but for me I just used *** oil and mindfulness meditation. Took me a few weeks but when I was able to calm myself down, most of my symptoms went away. But everything started in April 2017 and just about ended around June 2018. I’m almost there but i’m like at 90%. Still have flare up days where when my anxiety is the highest symptoms come back. As if this is all adrenal fatigue.

P.S I was 245lb back in April 2017, and by May 2017 I weighed in at 210lb. No joke.
Just to add to my issues.. Could anybody explain why taking A.I would make gyno WORSE and not take care of itching breast area even if E2 is lowered to normal-low normal area according to bloods? Progesterone has been normal, 0.8 ng/ml when I measured it last year, prolactin always low to mid range. DHT was very low end of reference range twice. Is DHT measurement in blood of any use?
Yeah bowel movements were bad too, I took probiotics for a few months to clear that up. Let me know how HGH works, but for me I just used *** oil and mindfulness meditation. Took me a few weeks but when I was able to calm myself down, most of my symptoms went away. But everything started in April 2017 and just about ended around June 2018. I’m almost there but i’m like at 90%. Still have flare up days where when my anxiety is the highest symptoms come back. As if this is all adrenal fatigue.

P.S I was 245lb back in April 2017, and by May 2017 I weighed in at 210lb. No joke.

Were there any other changes you made recently that may have sped up the process besides ***?
Just to add to my issues.. Could anybody explain why taking A.I would make gyno WORSE and not take care of itching breast area even if E2 is lowered to normal-low normal area according to bloods? Progesterone has been normal, 0.8 ng/ml when I measured it last year, prolactin always low to mid range. DHT was very low end of reference range twice. Is DHT measurement in blood of any use?
one can get gyno if he has androgen resistance. judging by symptoms that AI induced in me it's similar to androgen resistance it may explain gyno when crashed e2.
Just to add to my issues.. Could anybody explain why taking A.I would make gyno WORSE and not take care of itching breast area even if E2 is lowered to normal-low normal area according to bloods? Progesterone has been normal, 0.8 ng/ml when I measured it last year, prolactin always low to mid range. DHT was very low end of reference range twice. Is DHT measurement in blood of any use?

Low DHT does make one predisposed to gynecomastia (or worsening of pre-existing gyno). Outside of the US a transdermal DHT to the nipple area is sometimes used as a gyno treatment (not approved/available in the US).
Were there any other changes you made recently that may have sped up the process besides ***?

Time, you will have to wait it out and remain on TRT + HCG. Just try and keep your mind rested, anxiety makes it worse.

Trust me YouTube mindfulness mediation and do 20 minutes a day and focus on your breathing. I choose HempBomb for my *** oil and vape it which also helps me focus on my breathing. For some reason our body’s are extra sensitive and aware which makes us focus on things that we shouldn’t be focusing on. But I would rule out all physical medical issues first before resorting to meditation and what not.
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I also crashed my e2 and had a hard time recovering. I never have experienced any libido issues though, even when i was 10pg/ml on a standard assay. My **** was rock hard back then.

After the crash though, i was very scared of taking arimidex and i lowered my dose further than ever.

After a long while and my e2 rebounding, i felt no effect of the testosterone. I was agitated, moody, depressed, anxiety, and i was thinking damn, am i ever going to feel good again? Maybe there is some truth to this permanent damage.

Then i increased my arimidex dose again, to a level wich 100% of people would consider is going to crash your e2. But not as high as the dose i crashed it on.

And voila, anxiety gone, depression gone.

I think iam one of those people that probably need my e2 pretty low to feel ok. Maybe low shbg or whatever.

But when i see you guys stopping your arimidex and being off it for months and reporting you havent recovered or don't feel good yet, well no shit… there was a reason you needed it in the first place, also having to high e2 doesn't make you feel good.

Sure, it's alot better to have high e2 compared to crushed levels, by far alot alot alot alot better. But even so, having slighty elevated e2 makes at least for me the testosterone totally useless.
^ I didn't need it in first place I took too much of it to nuke my e2 to kill gyno because I thought that is worst thing that can happen to man on trt. boy I was wrong
before I crashed e2 I always felt better with higher e2 now post crash I feel agitated, moody, anxiety, depression, almost no energy and other symptoms with high e2. there is a study where it says estrogen deprivation destroys dopamine neurons and you can only restore them if you get estrogen back into your body (maybe we feel this bad now with high e2 because it recovers our dopamine neurons thats my theory). I think you are doing dangerous thing Harold imo.
imo it's better to feel like shit for a while than to lose some of your dopamine producing neurons permanently that can lead to parkinsons disease as far as I understand

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