Labs coming up. Have to stop HCG

Like I said just started the T after 5 months not being on it only 1 month into it! Just started the Hug laJustk 3 injections in only 250ius!! I'm fine as of now feeling good! But I just don't want to blow up under my eyes and my face like I did from being on it for over 2 years! Actually I was on testosterone and HCG for 2 and 1/2 years after a little over a year! I started the HCG and I went up to 500 ius twice a week! But like I said in September I stopped for 5 months but before that my eyes my face were swollen! I look puffy in pictures! I look swollen people even said something to me you couldn't even see my eyes that well! so please any advice would be much appreciated from you or anybody else cuz if this is what's going to happen again! I don't want to take the HCG cuz it's going to start happening along the way please advise thank you
Smokey thanks for the replies I'm not on estrogen pill right now like I said I just started the Tea about a month ago half a mil a week and I just started the HCG at 250 I use I'm on my third or fourth shot at one time yes I wasn't 500 I use and I was taking estrogen blocker only twice a week I think was .25 but I took a piece of it so I was a little baby piece of it and I took that twice a week so I'm not sure what's causing it but I'm going to stay on this 250 I use for now and this lower T dose I go get my blood tested he said come back after 2 months of doing everything so that'll probably be in April like around the 15th I guess 18th of April and then I'll see where I'm at and if I need to add an estrogen blocker or up my HCG I really don't want to I don't want to have this puffiness be swollen in my face that's annoying and I probably you probably didn't like it I know that so any other input please thank you Smokey or anybody else
PS sorry for the misspelled words it's actually a voice text as I was driving I was trying to only use a voice text so the words are all scrambled hopefully you'll understand yes any other input Smokey I appreciate it or anybody else on this HCG situation I don't want to be puffy under my eyes again or in my face thank you
Boatdriver, this is just my non-medical opinion. I would stop several weeks before. No good will come from having your military record reflect you are taking medications without a rx. Once you start back up and get to steady state, I would get labs from discountedlabs, assuming those are kept private, so you know your true levels and check E2 sensitive, which I bet your main Dr is not testing. This is good to know and to keep within range.
I suppose it is dependant on the individual, but I can tell you how HCG affects my labs (not sure tada will affect the labs). A couple of times I was due for labs, I had either ran out of hcg or it expired, so I was close to one week without it. My total T was 325 one visit and 500ish another visit. Free was 13.25 and 20.3. I was taking .25 anastrozole and 500iu HCG 3x per week (self reduced this to 300-400 bc of puffiness). Estrogen got too low so I stopped the ai completely. My next labs were with normal HCG routine - my free test was 23.5 and total was 585, and estrogen was over 50( not sure which E2 they used). I knew it was high bc I had the emotions of a pregnant woman lol. I feel like I am rambling but for me T dose kept constant at 85mg IM 1x week, hcg does affect mostly free T and E2, and 1-2 weeks off does affect my labs.

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