Labs coming up. Have to stop HCG


New Member
Hey guys. Been on prescribed dose of 100mg weekly split into Mon - Thurs for the past 10 months. No AI or other meds. Feeling fine.

Over the past few months I've added 250 IU of HCG twice weekly and began using liquid tadalafil to help with urinary hesitancy (very faint BPH I assume and PSA has always been .6 or .7) and for it's pumps in the gym.

My first labs with my doc looked fine. TT up to 600 from 268. During that visit he refused to discuss any ancillary meds such as HCG. So I've been doing it on my own. next visit is in 5 weeks. How soon do I need to discontinue the HCG and/or tadalafil to ensure no effect on my labs? He's a Urologist and quite opinionated on the issue. I'm active duty and do not have the option of pursuing another doctor.

Thanks for any info!
Yes, but I'm quite certain a dosage reduction of test would follow. He's uncomfortable allowing my TT to get any higher than 600.

Despite your statement that he's your only option, you might consider finding another doc.

Free T is more relevant than total T in dosing decision. At 600 total, your free T may still be quite low. And I cound mot imagine being on active duty with low T. (meaning usable Free T.)

Great though that you state your doing well! That's what counts
Despite your statement that he's your only option, you might consider finding another doc.

Free T is more relevant than total T in dosing decision. At 600 total, your free T may still be quite low. And I cound mot imagine being on active duty with low T. (meaning usable Free T.)

Great though that you state your doing well! That's what counts

Good points on free T vs total. I wish my Dr. understood such nuances in dosing protocol.

Unfortunately, military personnel have very little control over whom they see for treatment. If you're on base, there's usually one doc per specialty. Off base, such as Tricare remote (like I am), there are so few providers willing to take the terrible payments that I'm stuck with the only network physician I can get. Even with that, I'm making a three hour round trip to see the guy. It took me a year to convince my branch of service to allow me to try TRT. Then another 6 month "trial", followed by a plea to HQ to request to remain on active duty with a waiver for my "condition".

I have no option but to discontinue any ancillary meds that may jeopardize my Test prescription. I'll just quit HCG for a month and things should drop back to the previous levels. Thanks all.
I know how this will sound to you, but sometimes you have to forget your rank and take action. Its your health. There are great DRs in the system, you just have to find away to get to a larger base. Balboa or any other one has more than one Dr. available. I would try contacting Defy or anyone else you can research, and relate your history, and see if they have an active duty discount. Empower has a 25% discount for active/inactive military. There is no reason a phone consult will not work. Hell pm me, and I will give you my Dr. number. If you got your labs already done you might work out something pretty reasonable with her. I do not think she even charged me last time when the nurse called with the dosage change after my blood work, and told me to cancel the physical appointment.

Lastly while this may sound pretty insubordinate, it is not, well okay maybe a little. You are a valuable, highly expensive piece of equipment that is currently being leased to the government. If your not being maintained in proper order a letter from your congressman or senator inquiring into the lack of health care of a constituent can open a lot of closed doors.
You should stop 4-5 days before labs. I have been to these doctors and if they knew what you was doing they would show you the door. These doctors treat numbers on a paper. I have had them say 200 total T is all you need and others say 550 is max and call you like your going to die if labs are over. You may have to take advantage of discounted labs so you know your levels. Some have to do this so they can get their TRT paid for by insurance. Some times it's not as easy as finding a different doctor as 90% of them are the same as what you got.
Good evening everybody I wonder if any of you can help me? I've posted stuff about being on trt for over two and a half years and I stopped about 5 months ago! I had some stuff going on I recently started the T a month ago and I just got my HCG like a week ago! I just started going on my third shot started on a low dose 250ius 2 times a wk! But I have a question I noticed this past September right before I stopped! But for the longest time I don't know if it's from the HCG but my eyes underneath and my face just seems very Puffy all the time eyes cheeks! I always look like I have allergies got tested last Feb and I dont! So I'm thinking it could be from the HCG? I don't want to have that again and I just started it ! Maybe I could I be allergic to it? Please anybody that can help me or give me any imput! Id really appreciate it because it doesn't look good and I don't feel good from it! Please advise anybody thank you
Rockyo317.....I have had this puffy face/eye issue arise when my estrogen is too low or too high and/or my test is too high. You should check your levels after another few weeks on your protocol. What is you T dose protocol? And are you taking an estrogen blocker?
Thanks for the Reply o started my T about a month ago low dose split up on Mon÷Thurs 1/2 Ml! As far as the Hcg started with a low dose to 250 is Mon=Thurs to!! As far as estrogen blocker None yet I started back in Trt its been 5 months want on it was for over 2 yrs! That Fuffyness was annoying under my eyes and I was on estrogen blocker! So I dont want to go threw that again with my eyes face! Before I stated my t again got tested in mid Feb total 257 and Free 16.3 no estrogen ck so any input or more help maybe im just not good my body with the Hcg in my body? Thanks please anybody Chim in
On a 3Ml Syringe its The 1/2 Line Of 1 ml! I break that up so mon-thurs 1/2 of a Half Ml mon-thurs so 1/2 ml total a wk! I'm on Testosterone Chypionate 200 mg/ml

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