labs after 1.5 months on TRT injections

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I tried enclomphiene for a while before moving to injections in late May. Urologist put me on 100mg, I take 50 mg. Split tues morning and Friday evening. Labs were taken just before Fridays shots(trough)
I came in at 541 total. Free was measured at FTI 47 percent. Range is 34-106. E2 was 34. I feel better than on enclomphiene. And feel better, with more energy, sexual interest etc. I know we are treating symptoms and not numbers. But isn't most peoples ideal to have trough around 650-700? I am taking no HCG. Would moving up to 125mg a week be warranted?
Thank you
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
In the thread below 22.7% of men in the poll feel their best with free testosterone at the top end of the ranges and 45.5%, almost half feel optimal above normal for free testosterone. Only 27.3% of men feel optimal with mid range free testosterone and 4.5% of men felt best on the bottom 25 percentile of the ranges for free testosterone.

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@Systemlord thank you. Do you know how we can calculate peak levels from a measured trough? Or do peak levels even matter? Also, do you know when hematocrit, usually peaks after starting TRT? It came in at 47 this time 1.5 months in. Pre TRT I was usually between 44-45. Obviously how hyrdrated you are makes a difference. I tried to drink water well the day before, but nothing excessive, to get an accurate number. Thank you!
Do you know how we can calculate peak levels from a measured trough?
I have no idea, everyone metabolizes testosterone differently. Measuring peak is problematic because it’s difficult to know the exact hour your hormone levels peak.

Often times you’ll see an exaggerated peak level that drops very quickly before stabilizing.
I tried to drink water well the day before, but nothing excessive, to get an accurate number.
You’re actually rigging the results, you started actively drinking extra water the day before, but if you don’t do that every single day, then you’re not getting accurate results of where you are 24/7.

That would be like losing weight before your boxing match so that you qualify for the fight, but that’s not where your weight is when you’re living life normally.
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I have no idea, everyone metabolizes testosterone differently. Measuring peak is problematic because it’s difficult to know the exact hour your hormone levels peak.

Often times you’ll see an exaggerated peak level that drops very quickly before stabilizing.

You’re actually rigging the results, you started actively drinking extra water the day before, but if you don’t do that every single day, then you’re not getting accurate results of where you are 24/7.

That would be like losing weight before your boxing match so that you qualify for the fight, but that’s not where your weight is when you’re living life nor
@Systemlord No. As mentioned. I drank normally, I was aware enough to not go in too dehydrated, or over hydrate. To get hopefully accurate results.
I tried enclomphiene for a while before moving to injections in late May. Urologist put me on 100mg, I take 50 mg. Split tues morning and Friday evening. Labs were taken just before Fridays shots(trough)
I came in at 541 total. Free was measured at FTI 47 percent. Range is 34-106. E2 was 34. I feel better than on enclomphiene. And feel better, with more energy, sexual interest etc. I know we are treating symptoms and not numbers. But isn't most peoples ideal to have trough around 650-700? I am taking no HCG. Would moving up to 125mg a week be warranted?
Thank you
Your levels are too low for somebody like me. I need higher levels to feel good. You may want to add 500 IU of HCG on your injection days. You can combine both in the same syringe. That's what I do.
Your levels are too low for somebody like me. I need higher levels to feel good. You may want to add 500 IU of HCG on your injection days. You can combine both in the same syringe. That's what I do.
@Vince what is your exact protocol if I may ask? And what are your trough total and free?
Thank you
I tried enclomphiene for a while before moving to injections in late May. Urologist put me on 100mg, I take 50 mg. Split tues morning and Friday evening. Labs were taken just before Fridays shots(trough)
I came in at 541 total. Free was measured at FTI 47 percent. Range is 34-106. E2 was 34. I feel better than on enclomphiene. And feel better, with more energy, sexual interest etc. I know we are treating symptoms and not numbers. But isn't most peoples ideal to have trough around 650-700? I am taking no HCG. Would moving up to 125mg a week be warranted?
Thank you

What method was used to test your FT as this critical!

The only way to know where your FT level truly sits is to have it tested using an accurate assay.

You need to have your FT tested using what would be considered the most accurate assay which would be the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis especially in cases of altered SHGB.

If you do not have access to such (live outside the US) then you would need to use/rely upon the linear law-of-mass action cFTV.

What is your SHBG?

Keep in mind one may have high SHBG and with a trough TT just below the mid 500s FT would be shitty!

The only time your dose should be increased 6 weeks in is if your trough FT is still too low which can very well happen for some.

You were started on a standard dose of 100 mg T/week split twice-weekly (50 mg every 3.5 days).

Keep in mind that the majority of men can easily hit a healthy/high trough FT injecting 100-150 mg T/week especially when split into more frequent injections.

Yes there are some outliers who may need the higher end dose 200 mg T/week but it is far from common as in rare!

Always best to start low and slow on a T only protocol as there will always be time to increase the dose if need be let alone it is much easier going up if need be than having to come down.

Trust me on this one!

Ideally every protocol needs to be given a fighting chance 12 weeks before claiming whether it was truly a success or failure.

The first 6 weeks in means nothing when looking at the bigger picture as hormones will be in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks TC/TE) and it is common for many to experience ups/downs along the way during the transition as the body is trying to adjust.

Even then once blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks TC/TE) it will still take time (a few more months) for the body to adapt o it's new set-point and this is the critical time when one needs to gauge how they truly feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-t symptoms and overall well-being.

The only time one should deviate from such is if your trough FT was still too low 6 weeks in (highly doubtful) in most cases.

If you happen to be one who is hitting a subpar trough FT 6 weeks in than a dose increase would be justified.
I tried enclomphiene for a while before moving to injections in late May. Urologist put me on 100mg, I take 50 mg. Split tues morning and Friday evening. Labs were taken just before Fridays shots(trough)
I came in at 541 total. Free was measured at FTI 47 percent. Range is 34-106. E2 was 34. I feel better than on enclomphiene. And feel better, with more energy, sexual interest etc. I know we are treating symptoms and not numbers. But isn't most peoples ideal to have trough around 650-700? I am taking no HCG. Would moving up to 125mg a week be warranted?
Thank you

The goal here would be to hit a healthy trough FT which will allow one to experience relief/improvement of low-T symptoms and overall well-being.

Where that happens to fall only time will tell.

Forget getting caught up on this so called everyone needing a high/absurdly high trough TT or better yet high/absurdly high trough FT in order to experience such!

Need to tread lightly here when it comes to numbers especially trough FT as there is a big difference between one hitting a high or in some cases absurdly high trough FT injection once weekly vs daily or EOD!

Always need to keep your injection frequency/trough in mind when speaking on such!
I tried enclomphiene for a while before moving to injections in late May. Urologist put me on 100mg, I take 50 mg. Split tues morning and Friday evening. Labs were taken just before Fridays shots(trough)
I came in at 541 total. Free was measured at FTI 47 percent. Range is 34-106. E2 was 34. I feel better than on enclomphiene. And feel better, with more energy, sexual interest etc. I know we are treating symptoms and not numbers. But isn't most peoples ideal to have trough around 650-700? I am taking no HCG. Would moving up to 125mg a week be warranted?
Thank you

Congrats on feeling better with the injections! Your numbers look decent, but I understand your concern about not being in the ideal range.

Yes, many people aim for a trough level of 650-700 ng/dL, but it's essential to remember that everyone's optimal range is different. Since you're feeling better, that's a great sign!

Considering your current dose and labs, moving up to 125mg a week might be worth discussing with your urologist. However, it's crucial to monitor your estrogen levels, as they're already on the higher side. You might want to consider adding HCG to your protocol to support fertility and potentially improve overall results.

Before making any changes, have an open conversation with your urologist about your goals, concerns, and potential adjustments to your treatment plan.
I would stay on your current regimen for a few more months to test drive it and see if will continually bring you benefits without side effects.

Then, I would try 125mg/week to see if it's better and decide between the two regimens. Don't add any other stuff, which may complicate things and interpretation.
I have been taking 70 mg per week for over a year and my numbers are in the low 400s and I feel 10 times better than I did before I started when my total test was 170
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