Latest labs after 2 months on TRT


Hey guys, I've been on 50mg of 10% T-gel and 500 IU of hcg per week in divided doses. Just got my labs back:

My latest labs came back after 2 months on 50mg of 10% t-gel per day.

TT 541
Free T 90.6 (35-155)
SHBG 39 (10-50)
Estradiol 21 L (26-61)
TSH 2.75
T4 1.2 (0.8-1.7)
T3 3.5 (2.0-4.8)

Estrogen test was NOT sensitive...

We are upping the T-gel to 100mg per day, we will see if that will raise it up, I want to be over 700. Subjectively I have felt decent, no low t symptoms but not that "edge" I was hoping to feel. I would like to have subjective experience in the upper end of range first, that is why we are upping the T-gel to 100mg. I was in the low 500's, high 400's naturally so I definitely want to know what life is like in the 800's-900's. I have suspected some sluggish thyroid and my TSH seems a little elevated, ideally I'd like it 1 or below. My doc can prescribe Naturethroid if I want it but I want to try some natural options first, I make sure I take iodine and selenium and other nutrients. The Estrogen test was non-sensitive, so realistically is my estrogen higher or lower than the current number if it was a sensitive test?
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Topical T has a low overall success rate. Or to say it another way, lots of guys start with topical T and switch to twice weekly injections because they can never get over 500 total T with the topicals.

Many guys here started that way and are now on twice weekly T injections and would never go back.
I was on a relatively conservative dose (50mg). I am going to up it to 100mg and see if I can budge it out of the 500's. I will run 100mg per day for 6 weeks and get labs. If I can't get into the upper end of the spectrum I will switch over to IM injections. I'd also like to get my thyroid dialed in as well, like to see my TSH 1 or below.
That is a solid plan. You may be lucky and the higher topical dose will get you there without sending your E2 too high.
Man, every test that comes back with estrogen I am low or normal low, these aren't sensitive however, so take it for what it is worth. If 100mg of T-gel doesn't elevate my TT to where I want, i will simply switch to IM injections. I didn't "feel" like my TT was elevated very much but at the same time I didn't have any low-T symptoms either, but I am pretty sure I can come close to 541 naturally so I want to get into the higher end to experience what its like and get a subjective feel for it.
Its worth giving it another 4 weeks at a higher dose since you are already taking it. Your E2 of 21 on the regular is gonna put you probably 15 or lower on the sensitive, which is borderline at being too low. Raising your total T (if it does go up on your higher topical dose) should bring it up a ways though.
I originally thought my estrogen was running high because I thought I had nipple sensitivity while applying lotion so I started taking DIM. I was about 5 days into DIM at 200mg when those labs were tested, I might drop down to 100mg or maybe 200mg per week of DIM since I just don't aromatize that well, I actually might need to start boosting estrogen.
I am one of those who started on gels, saw no response, switched to injections, and have been very successful. If a topical works for you - great stuff. Keep ERO's thoughts on E2 being low - you don't want to go there.

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