Jet Black Stools - Is This A TRT Side Effect?

No ER would dismiss jet black stools without at a minimum a fecal occult test. This story is sounding more and more like a story

So you're saying I should give Geoffrey Fieger a call?

Funny how everyone thinks they are so brilliant and could run a full scale hospital.

Ever been to an ER? They don't even know how to run an IV properly.

For the serious posters in this thread. Thank you for your time and comments.

For the wannabe Gallagher's out there... don't quit your day job.
Had an appointment with my PCP today. After discussing all of my symptoms here's what the doctor suggested.

The following lab work was ordered.

CBC w/Auto Diff
CK/CPK (Creatine Kinase) Total
Ferritin Test
T3 Reverse
Thyroid Peroxidase AutoAntibody

Also, take home Hemoccult Test.

I should have the results of the lab work tomorrow or Wednesday.

My PCP also recommended that I should get a 2nd opinion from another Endocrinologist.
Had an appointment with my PCP today. After discussing all of my symptoms here's what the doctor suggested.

The following lab work was ordered.

CBC w/Auto Diff
CK/CPK (Creatine Kinase) Total
Ferritin Test
T3 Reverse
Thyroid Peroxidase AutoAntibody

Also, take home Hemoccult Test.

I should have the results of the lab work tomorrow or Wednesday.

My PCP also recommended that I should get a 2nd opinion from another Endocrinologist.
Now your finally getting somewhere.
Had an appointment with my PCP today. After discussing all of my symptoms here's what the doctor suggested.

The following lab work was ordered.

CBC w/Auto Diff
CK/CPK (Creatine Kinase) Total
Ferritin Test
T3 Reverse
Thyroid Peroxidase AutoAntibody

Also, take home Hemoccult Test.

I should have the results of the lab work tomorrow or Wednesday.

My PCP also recommended that I should get a 2nd opinion from another Endocrinologist.

Anxiously awaiting results
Some of the test results are back already.

White Blood Cells - 7.1 Thous/uL (Standard Range 4.0 - 11.3 Thous/uL)
Red Blood Cells - 6.01 Million/uL (Standard Range 4.30 - 5.90 Million/uL)
Hemoglobin - 18.0 g/dL (Standard Range 13.6 - 17.6 g/dL)
Hematocrit - 52.6% (Standard Range 40.0 - 50.0%)
Mean Corpuscular Vol - 87.5 fL (Standard Range 82.0 - 97.0 fL)
Mean Corpuscular Hgb - 29.9 pg (Standard Range 27.3 - 33.4 pg)
Mean Corp Hgb Conc - 34.2 g/dL (Standard Range 32.0 - 36.0 g/dL)
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width - 13.9% (Standard Range 11.6 - 14.8%)
Platelet Count - 275 Thous/uL (Standard Range 150 - 450 Thous/uL)
Mean Platelet Volume - 8.9 fL (Standard Range 7.4 - 10.4 fL)
Neutrophils - 54.9%
Lymphocytes - 31.0%
Monocytes - 11.4%
Eosinophils - 2.2%
Basophils - 0.5%
Absolute Neutrophils - 3.9 Thous/uL (Standard Range 1.8 - 8.0 Thous/uL)
Absolute Lymphocytes - 2.2 Thou/uL (Standard Range 0.6 - 4.5 Thous/uL)
Absolute Monocytes - 0.8 Thou/uL (Standard Range 0.2 - 1.4 Thous/uL)
Absolute Eosinophils - 0.2 Thou/uL (Standard Range 0.0 - 0.8 Thous/uL)
Absolute Basophils - 0.0 Thou/uL (Standard Range 0.0 - 0.2 Thous/uL)

CK/CPK (Creatine Kinase) Total
Total CK - 1,212 U/L (Standard Range 40 - 230 U/L)

Iron Serum - 277 mcg/dL (Standard Range 65 - 175 mcg/dL)
Transferrin - 245 mg/dL (Standard Range 163 - 382 mg/dL)
TIBC - 343 ug/dL (Standard Range 250 - 425 ug/dL)
Iron Saturation Percent - 81% (Standard Range 13 - 48%)

Ferritin - 217 ng/mL (Standard Range 14 - 338 ng/mL)

I don't have the T3 results or the Thyroid Peroxidase AutoAntibody yet.
CK/CPK (Creatine Kinase) Total
Total CK - 1,212 U/L (Standard Range 40 - 230 U/L)

This is about 6 times over the range. I’m sure your doctor will point this out. I would do some research on how to lower this. There is a list of recommendations, but definitely pursue figuring out the cause of the black stool color. Could be something as simple as diet. But your best interest is to follow through and check everything.

but from these readings I would continue using your TRT... there are no indicators that it is causing the black stool, besides donating some blood.

if it were me I would be scheduling an appointment for a endoscope, and colonoscopy lol.
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Thyroid Peroxidase Auto Antibody - <10 IU/mL (Standard Range 0 - 35 IU/mL)

TAT Thyroid Peroxidase Auto Antibody - 2 Days

I have no idea what that score means?

Still waiting on the Reverse T3 lab.
Test Date Monday February 24, 2020

Reverse T3 - 23.8 ng/dL (Standard Range 9.0 - 27.0 ng/dL)

All the blood labs drawn on Monday are in...

I don't know what you can tell on a stand alone Reverse T3 without a TSH, T3 Free, and T4 Free test? But the only data I have on those tests prior are below...

Test Date Monday February 3, 2020
- 4.67 ulU/mL (Standard Range 0.4 - 4.5 ulU/mL)
T3 Free - 3.5 pg/mL (Standard Range 1.7 - 3.7 pg/mL)
T4 Free - 1.00 ng/dL (Standard Range 0.8 - 1.8 ng/dL)

When they did this previous test I wasn't taking T4 Levothyroxine medication at the time. I started taking 25 mcg of Levothyroxine Friday February 7, 2020. Naturally, this was prescribed without checking Reverse T3.

I don't even know where to go from here? Usually my PCP sends follow up notes through the medical web... nothing so far. Either the doctor was waiting for the Reverse T3 results or... waiting for me to complete the Hemoccult test? Who knows?
What a mess. Your story contains many red flags about your care.

Your thyroid care is a complicated issue that requires a comprehensive set of labs taken at the same time for proper assessment, and a Doctor that knows what they are doing. Unless based on your RT3, the Dr wants a comprehensive set of thyroid labs now, I would find other care pronto. Your choice of course, YMMV, but RT3 above about 15 is a canary in the coal mine.

Tired Thyroid

Stop the Thyroid Madness™ - Hypothyroidism and thyroid mistreatment

Optimal vs Normal Thyroid Levels for All Lab Tests & Ages
Took the home Hemoccult test to my doctor today. Don't know how long the results will take?

I've done a low carb to protein ratio for the last 8-10 years. It's a 1 to 1 ratio. Sure, there are times in which you pig out at a Summer BBQ or Thanksgiving or Christmas... but basically my diet never changes. I eat the same thing practically over and over and over again.

I typically don't have bowel movements like everyone else? I mean literally sometimes with this diet... you could go as long as 4 days without a movement. But, throughout the years there were never signs of abdominal pains etc. I never had heartburn... or belching... any of that stuff.

To make the Hemoccult test quicker... I increased my carb to protein ratio to 2 to 1... could be as much as 3 to 1. You're probably saying why don't you normally eat like this? Well, who wants to have fat belly? I don't. And it seems (for whatever reason) when I have a 2 to 1 carb to protein ratio... my waist never decreases. This was way before TRT. So anyways... the Hemoccult test went smoothly... Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... like clockwork. And of course.... Tuesday was dark but not full blown jet black. Wednesday was normal.... and Thursday was normal. I just ate brown rice with chicken breast and green apple for every meal.

Yes, I still have dull pains in my stomach.... they occur after every meal. I've never had this problem in my life until now. It pisses me off. Also, my chest cavity aches... it's like right at the breastbone... could be some cartilage? Could be muscles? It doesn't hurt to take a full deep breath several times. It does ache when I extend my left arm and right arm outward... stretching out the chest cavity. And no... haven't had a chest workout at the gym in about 1 month. Everything doesn't make much sense.

Everything is questionable as to why? I was injecting about 190-200 mg a week of Test Cyp... and was the high levels of Testosterone covering things up? Giving you more firepower and less feeling of inflammation? Did the drop from 190-200 back to as low as 120-125mg a week cause these issues? And you're saying well why did you do this? Well because Hemoglobin at the Red Cross was 19.2 around January 3, 2020. And it snuck up on me. I didn't know my body would react that way to Test Cyp. It seems to have any control in regards to blood thickness... and if I wanted to go back to around 200mg of Test Cyp weekly... I may need to donate every 2 to 2.5 month. Don't know if this is good or bad? But it's FACT.

So again... who really knows what the hell is going on? Don't know if Test Cyp high or lows can change your Thyroid? I don't know if my Thyroid was already failing to begin with... even before TRT? Maybe I shouldn't even be on TRT and my Thyroid was the issue all along? All I know is majority of the videos on YouTube talk about all the positives of TRT... but hardly any of them tell you the side effects and risks! Sure... if your John Cena or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson... it's all good... they have the best doctors money can buy. But, for everyone else... we don't have the luxury.
Well if it was serious you would have been in the hospital by now, seeing you posted on 02/14.

Personally I think it’s the diet, and you have stomach ulcers. But you will not know that until you see a specialist and get an endoscope.

before you start doing home remedy things to try and fix yourself, I highly recommend you be further evaluated by a specialist and not your PCP. Yes it will cost money, but this is your health.
Well if it was serious you would have been in the hospital by now, seeing you posted on 02/14.

Personally I think it’s the diet, and you have stomach ulcers. But you will not know that until you see a specialist and get an endoscope.

before you start doing home remedy things to try and fix yourself, I highly recommend you be further evaluated by a specialist and not your PCP. Yes it will cost money, but this is your health.

I appreciate your post. Thanks for the comments. It's funny in life... you think you're doing it right... and you were always doing it wrong.
Lucky enough to get in to see a different Endocrinologist for a 2nd opinion later on today. From the reviews online... seems top notch. I called this morning and someone cancelled in the afternoon. So, I'm gladly taking that spot. People have told me it takes 2-3 months just to get in with this guy. I'm driving 40 minutes one way to see him. Hopefully I'll have some good news.

Honestly guys... I'm a total mess right now. I never knew you could go totally insane battling something like this. Hoping for the best.
Met with the new Endocrinologist. What a down to earth doctor. Wow. What a blessing to run into him. He basically said... tell me about your personality... and your drive and ambition. I said to myself... (in my head what??) And I just basically answered his question. Then he said how are you feeling right now? I said this is probably the worst I've ever felt and I really thought I was getting better. And I explained to him the sequences in which I believed caused my problems the last 4-5 years.

After reviewing all of my labs for 30 minutes and thinking things over... he said I think I know what's wrong with you. And honestly I hope I'm wrong... because it's not good. But I want to recheck your Iron profile tomorrow. I'm hoping it's just a lab error. He said you know what happens when you have an iron saturation at 81%? He said... all the symptoms that you just described to me.

1. Pituitary dysfunction
2. Low testosterone levels
3. Low libido and no erection
4. Tired all the time
5. Can't recover at the gym anymore/don't feel like working out.
6. Stomach pains

He also mentioned how is your breathing? I said... good. He said another issue is once you have iron saturation that high your oxygen percentage drops. He said I want to get this corrected as soon as possible.

He also believed my thyroid is in working order and T4 really didn't need to be prescribed. He said for right now we can keep you on it. 25 mcg isn't that much and if I decide to take you off the T4... your body will recover naturally. Won't be an issue.

Labs Ordered

Creatine Kinase (CK)
Testosterone Total
Iron And Transferrin Saturation
Iron/Transferrin/TIBC/% Sat
Insulin Like Growth Factor 1
Cortisol Level AM
Estradiol E2

He said I'm going to check your Growth Hormone but I want you to know that if it's low... your insurance won't cover it. You'll need to find another alternative.

He said go to the lab tomorrow morning and get the lab work done. Wednesday, go to the Red Cross and donate blood.

He gave a lot of good pointers. He said I advise all of my patients that anything over 400mg of Test Cyp a month is automatically supraphysiological dosing... and I do not advise this. There are so many complications that can result because of this. Most people do not donate blood in a timely manner. Most people do not realize how serious this is. He said... the body doesn't need more than 400mg of Test Cyp a month to operate properly. He also mentioned that no matter what people are saying now I promise you that your prostate will enlarge with dosing above 400mg a month. I can't tell you the exact time or date it will happen... but I promise you it will. Furthermore, I want your Hematocrit under 50%. There are no exceptions. If you don't get your Hematocrit under 50% I will never write a prescription for you like your old Endocrinologist did for high dosing. I said that's understandable.

He was also a big spokesman for Trimix. He said I am a 100% believer in this for erectile dysfunction. (I honestly couldn't believe this man's honesty. lol) I said ok... but I won't write you a prescription for it. I said what??? lol How does someone promote a product but won't write a prescription? He said once you watch the instructional videos it's a piece of cake. I said what if you accidentally inject too much? He said... now now now don't do that. You're smarter than that. He said always inject less. You'd be amazed how it works. I guess I'll have to talk more about this on a follow up session with him?

I'll post the lab results when they become available.

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