Issues with Empower Test-CYP?

Nah, pharma cyp and enanthate both use carrier oils that are junk, imo, and I would not like to be injecting either into my body, in a perfect world. I switched due to enanthate having less excipients than cyp
I hear you. I ask Defy if any of the pharmacies can compound a Test in MCT oil but nothing, not sure why it is so hard to do.
I hear you. I ask Defy if any of the pharmacies can compound a Test in MCT oil but nothing, not sure why it is so hard to do.

It’s not hard to do, it’s actually very easy. A lot of UGL sources use mct oil, including the ugl that I use, when needed. It’s just more expensive. Big pharma, and compounding pharmacies are all about profits, and are greedy. UGL sources still make an absolute killing, in regards to profits, while using mct oil. Greed my friend, the answer to ur question is greed. Sucks, I know. It’s all about money over people, with most businesses. And big pharma is just a business at the end of the day. Helping people comes second to money, always
Yup, been getting pharma test via empower, by way of prescription from Defy, for years now. I’m in Massachusetts, and it’s not legal to have Defy call in a test script to my local pharmacy, unfortunately. But luckily I can still get pharma test through Empower. Been getting that exact test that u have in the pic, for a while now. Hikma test enanthate. Like u said, I’m sure I pay a markup getting it through empower, but hey, everyone’s got to make money, can expect people to offer services for free
Makes sense. Knew there was some reason behind it. Don't blame them for working for profit, my doc should have known to rx this in. Live and learn
... Greed my friend, the answer to ur question is greed. Sucks, I know. It’s all about money over people, with most businesses. And big pharma is just a business at the end of the day. Helping people comes second to money, always
You neglect to factor in all the government rules and regulations, which are the real reason for the big differences in price. UGLs do not need to worry about conforming to good manufacturing practices, etc. You might instead argue that big pharma doesn't mind the red tape too much because it tends to stifle smaller competitors that don't have the resources to commit to compliance. Econ 101: Of course big pharma is a business, as are UGLs. They are not charities. I assume you are not working for free. Is that because you are greedy?
You neglect to factor in all the government rules and regulations, which are the real reason for the big differences in price. UGLs do not need to worry about conforming to good manufacturing practices, etc. You might instead argue that big pharma doesn't mind the red tape too much because it tends to stifle smaller competitors that don't have the resources to commit to compliance. Econ 101: Of course big pharma is a business, as are UGLs. They are not charities. I assume you are not working for free. Is that because you are greedy?

Being greedy and wanting to make profits/ a living are not the same thing. When it comes to profits, big pharma, and these compounding pharmacies, are thinking selfishly, and prioritizing money, over people. I’m sure both are well aware that MCT oil is a healthier and more desired carrier oil by their consumers, but they would make less money. So due to selfishly putting profits over their consumers/ customers, I would consider both greedy.

But that’s a good point, obv big pharma and compounding pharmacies have expenses that UGL sources don’t, and therefore need to cover those costs, before they can even begin to see profits. Testosterone raws are so unbelievably cheap tho. The profit margins are still going to be insane, after covering whatever additional costs big pharma and compounding pharmacies have to cover. They could use mct oil as the carrier oil, cover additional expenses that UGL sources don’t have to worry about, sell the testosterone products for very little, and still make a ton of profit. Again, when testosterone raws are bought in bulk, the profit margins are insane once the products are mixed up and ready to be sold. It literally all comes down to trying to squeeze every last cent of profits out of their products as possible, over using ingredients that would be healthier for the consumers. People are going to buy their products no matter what carrier oil they use. That’s evident by just looking at all of us. Even though we prefer a better carrier oil, we’ll still use their products regardless, including me. So I don’t blame them for using crap ingredients if people are gonna buy their products regardless, and profits are the #1 priority. Still sad that this is what big pharma/ the government/ compounding pharmacies prioritize, over their customers, but I do understand the logic behind it all. Still sad tho, imo
Being greedy and wanting to make profits/ a living are not the same thing. When it comes to profits, big pharma, and these compounding pharmacies, are thinking selfishly, and prioritizing money, over people. I’m sure both are well aware that MCT oil is a healthier and more desired carrier oil by their consumers, but they would make less money. So due to selfishly putting profits over their consumers/ customers, I would consider both greedy.
Sorry, you can't thread this needle. If these companies are greedy then so are you. You are undoubtedly making plenty more than needed to live. You could instead accept the minimum necessary and work free the rest of the time, thus prioritizing people over money. This is especially true with the current nursing shortage. Essentially you're preaching socialism, but don't want it to apply to you.

Did it occur to you that switching to MCT oil might have significant costs for companies abiding by government regulations? Or that the market is unlikely to justify that expenditure? Face it, only a minuscule fraction of guys on TRT care enough to push for this. I certainly don't. You haven't provided any solid evidence that using MCT oil would be better for health in the long run. Even if there is a difference it is probably too small to tease out. Once again you are hyper-focused on minutia rather than the real threats to good health.
Sorry, you can't thread this needle. If these companies are greedy then so are you. You are undoubtedly making plenty more than needed to live. You could instead accept the minimum necessary and work free the rest of the time, thus prioritizing people over money. This is especially true with the current nursing shortage. Essentially you're preaching socialism, but don't want it to apply to you.

Did it occur to you that switching to MCT oil might have significant costs for companies abiding by government regulations? Or that the market is unlikely to justify that expenditure? Face it, only a minuscule fraction of guys on TRT care enough to push for this. I certainly don't. You haven't provided any solid evidence that using MCT oil would be better for health in the long run. Even if there is a difference it is probably too small to tease out. Once again you are hyper-focused on minutia rather than the real threats to good health.

Ya but I’m not putting money over people by simply working for a specific wage. I actually lose money each month rn, after paying all my bills and expenses, so accepting less pay is definitely not an option lol. But u can’t compare corrupt entities that favor greed over people, like American government, big pharma, and the American medical system, for some examples, to the average person simply working to pay their bills, and ideally have a little extra each month, if possible

But ur right, there probably isn’t enough people that care about what carrier oil is in their test bottles to justify these companies to consider switching crap seed oils as their carrier oils, to something like MCT oil
Ya but I’m not putting money over people by simply working for a specific wage. I actually lose money each month rn, after paying all my bills and expenses, so accepting less pay is definitely not an option lol. ...
Something tells me there's more to those bills and expenses than food, clothing and shelter. You must forsake the rest if you really want to put people before money.

If there's corruption as you allege then it is bred by the regulatory state. Libertarians might argue it's an inevitable result of interfering with free markets. It's an interesting debate. On balance does the FDA help us or hurt us? There are certainly cases where regulation prevents harm. Unnoticed is the harm done by suppression of innovation. Would we have more and better treatment options for various diseases if it didn't cost a billion dollars to develop a new drug?

UGLs are a microcosm of sorts for an unregulated industry. Does it work?
Something tells me there's more to those bills and expenses than food, clothing and shelter. You must forsake the rest if you really want to put people before money.

If there's corruption as you allege then it is bred by the regulatory state. Libertarians might argue it's an inevitable result of interfering with free markets. It's an interesting debate. On balance does the FDA help us or hurt us? There are certainly cases where regulation prevents harm. Unnoticed is the harm done by suppression of innovation. Would we have more and better treatment options for various diseases if it didn't cost a billion dollars to develop a new drug?

UGLs are a microcosm of sorts for an unregulated industry. Does it work?

Two words, child support! Lol.

But ya idk what exactly started all the corruption. Like I’ve said before tho, I blame the game mostly, not the players really. If the system allows for corruption, that’s inevitably what ur gonna get. Can’t blame the people, as much, imo, for simply playing the game that they’re allowed to play.

UGL’s are interesting. The quality of the UGL I use seems way better than any pharma product that’s available. As far as AAS related compounds go. UGL sources tend to care more about their products and reputations, more so than profits. Obv profits are important to them, and why they are in this business in the first place, but quality of products and reputation are how they keep the money coming in, so to them, quality and reputation are literally everything. With the internet, a couple bad reviews or junk products could ruin ur reputation and kill ur business, aka kill ur income. I think some people would be very surprised to hear that some UGL sources put out higher quality products than big pharma does, but it’s true
Just to point out something about UGL often not considered.. recently there was a recall of carcinogens in PHARMA metformin several brands once they found out about it as must be something consistent in the synth.

how many UGL do you think may harbor similar things? its not 1% and matters little on the UGL(no man how many pros or bros tell you), and everything to do with sources and god knows what they are doing. even if tests 98% thats usually +/- 5%. so impurities could be benign or strange pseudo hormones that promote cancer or other left over products from synthesis which usually have alot of heavy metal catalists and solvents(and prob arent using highest purity solvents). essentially you are trusting a random chinese guy in a broom closet smoking cigerettes that his product is of high quality, no one does full QC testing so have 0 idea.

and no drug gangs that often run the UGL dont care about their product, they care about $$. afterall they are risking life in prison..

please provide evidence that UGL has higher quality that is more consistent than pharma... think someone sold u something because maybe UGL was overdosed? or used an oil someone prefered? or just prettier labeling?
Ya but I’m not putting money over people by simply working for a specific wage. I actually lose money each month rn, after paying all my bills and expenses, so accepting less pay is definitely not an option lol. But u can’t compare corrupt entities that favor greed over people, like American government, big pharma, and the American medical system, for some examples, to the average person simply working to pay their bills, and ideally have a little extra each month, if possible

But ur right, there probably isn’t enough people that care about what carrier oil is in their test bottles to justify these companies to consider switching crap seed oils as their carrier oils, to something like MCT oil
remember, as companies get larger and larger to bolster the economy (with the gov begging them to invest) and aquire ever more of farm land and residential property (30% currently owned by companies in USA, black rock i think holds 12-15% or so), eventually instead of being afraid of a communist gov, you have to worry about capitalism/big biz controlling every aspect of your live. heck in canada the conservative leader PP wants to sell his new centralized digital currency to the highest bidder so big biz can control the actual currency, not to mention track and control it..

I promise the HA that has its fingers in largest steroid labs does not care about ur health, nor spend millions on post marketing data.. not sure who sold u this idea of UGL caring, most are just REPs for the drug king pin, many of course involved in human trafficking exploit immigrants to work for pennies etc.

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