I honestly do not know. I have not done enough lab work with one or the other to see any changes. I had been with Empower for quite some time, and only due to the hurricane here in Houston that allowed me to end up with Hallandale again. It had to be purchased in FL and mailed to me as Hallandale is not licensed to ship to Texas any more. Within 1.5 weeks of starting Hallandale my testies were fuller, softer, and I got a HUGE spike in libido. This lasted the whole bottle of the HCG. My next order I am back to Empower, and testies have gotten smaller, and harder, libido also lower.
I just looked back on some labs, I found I went from 1000+ trough to a 850 trough running the same protocol, but couldnt tell you if HCG brand was a part of the reason. The past two HCG injections Ive went with 350 shallowIM and 150 subQ and have gotten good results. I have a vial of HCG from
reliableRX that I have yet to try, just waiting for my current Empower vial to get lower. This stuff is expensive.
edit...I want to add that along with the smaller/harder testicles, I also began having dull pain in both testicles, as I did with TRT before starting on HCG. Ive always thought this to be the beginning of atrophy. The pain isnt a buckling over pain, just a dull achy type that is tolerable and will clear out of my mind when I get busy with something. Since increasing my Empower dose higher, I have not felt this (knock on wood).