Hey guys thanks for looking at my post. I have a fiance and shes amazing and wonderful and I love her to death the problem is I am dreading marriage life and feel like my life is over. I don't sleep with her that well. She falls asleep very easily unlike myself and I dread once having kids sleepless nights. I also feel like whats the point why keep exercising why eat healthy I'm found my girl, I have nothing else to live for in a sense. I've had amazing crazy sex with gorgeous women, but we all know those aren't the girls you settle down with. I know I need to stay on point but feel helpless. How did you guys keep in shape after marriage? Despite being 33 I look at younger girls and am repulsed by them. They might have hot bodies but grossly that's all I'd want them for. Almost none are even contemplating the meaning of life or how to serve your community or growing a successful business etc.