Is HCG Causing My Anxiety?

@lowe2sucks, have you ever used one of the Drug Interactions Checkers to make sure you don't have other issues with different prescripts/supplements/etc.
Your depakote comment threw up a big flag with me. It sounds like you have more than one doctor and they are not talking.

My only experience with HCG is I use it and love it.
I was on T Gel only for 9 months and my E2 went thru the roof, my balls turned to rasins and gave me sharp pains so I dumped that doctor and went with Defy.
My balls are back to normal and penis is fat as a beer can. All day long i get this warm humming feeling down there and it's fantastic.
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@FeelingLost what was your e2 on T Gel? The reason your balls turned to raisins wasn't E2 it's normal to have shrinkage on trt because your balls stop working.

as to depakote I went to a doc to prescribe me something because I got hypomanic after taking Sam-e which I tried for my depression.. I never using any psych meds in my life
@FeelingLost what was your e2 on T Gel? The reason your balls turned to raisins wasn't E2 it's normal to have shrinkage on trt because your balls stop working.

as to depakote I went to a doc to prescribe me something because I got hypomanic after taking Sam-e which I tried for my depression.. I never using any psych meds in my life
I was just listing all my T gel only symptoms. I know E2 is not testis related.

Ft 18.4 range 6.6-18.1
E2 62.8 range 7.6-42.6 pg/mL (no one needs to remind me this is not the right E test for men)
Prolactin 16.6 range 4.0-15.2
My nipples were very sensitive and I had lumps under them. I would cry when those Sarah McLachlan abused dog ads would show on TV.
No E2 test is really required for me I know when it's high.

I know nothing about Sam-e for depression but I do know SSRI for depression/panic attacks and TRT don't work worth a dam.
I had great success with BusPar, EMDR therapy and TRT. I am now just on TRT with Defy.
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ok wow you made the move to gel. so you had the 180mg 1x/wk cypionate. then the 40mg 2x/wk cypionate. your 180mg cyp i think you were on your best course and even had some good days right?? you gotta let that ride man and see it play out.

you maybe one of these advanced young guys who can handle higher doses. im running 250mg 1x/wk NO AI. letting that shit ride no matter what happens. Im at the point now where just taking a 0.25mg of adex my bench press will drop 20 lbs overnight its absolutely insane. Not to mention the floppy boners.
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I haven't noticed any of these effects from hCG. E2 does increase with hCG use though. On the flip side, I've never noticed any positive effects of hCG either.
I did trt caused praipism and panic attaks spontaneous erection gyno all of it stopped trt started hcg mono threapy it was working fine libido wise and every thing so sides i was doin 250iu eod started with 500 but was giving sides lowered to 250iu eod but after 6 months it started to give me panic attacks and anxiety i started waking up in middle of night hyper ventilated body shaking heart racing stopped hcg took xanax few days now i am fine but now i have limp dick and gaining fat its just been 2 weeks i m really sad its not working now i have no option to go to. Wtf is with anxiety and panic atta ks
Based on what you have said, my thinking is that it is the HCG, but again it's hard to verify unless you can actually get daily labs to show the effects when hcg is and isn't present. For me, like clockwork, I experience high agitation (irritability, anxiety, etc); at the 7-9 hour window post injection with HCG at any dose of 250 iu's or above (sometimes also at lower amounts). I can attest that I do also get the benefits of libido and fullness outside of this window, so it's a love/hate relationship for me. I have tried to take the med at night and make it through the 'anxiety window', but it's an insomnia event if I do this. So for right now I am doing 250 iu's 2x a week on back to back days; I may from time to time get anxiety but it's not as often and not as extreme as at the higher doses. I can also tolerate dailies of 100 iu but the verdict is out as to whether this is effective at increasing testicular production in the testes, which is one of the primary reasons for taking the med. For me, I have decided to stick it out with HCG until my next labs and follow-up; seems like when I find an HCG protocol that works, it is short-lived for say 3/4 weeks. So After labs and follow-up in a few months, I may just drop it completely depending on how I feel, because honestly this is the only portion of my therapy that has produced negative side effects.
I did trt caused praipism and panic attaks spontaneous erection gyno all of it stopped trt started hcg mono threapy it was working fine libido wise and every thing so sides i was doin 250iu eod started with 500 but was giving sides lowered to 250iu eod but after 6 months it started to give me panic attacks and anxiety i started waking up in middle of night hyper ventilated body shaking heart racing stopped hcg took xanax few days now i am fine but now i have limp dick and gaining fat its just been 2 weeks i m really sad its not working now i have no option to go to. Wtf is with anxiety and panic atta ks

Hi, I know you're struggling but what your wrote is a bit hard for others to read since you didn't use any periods in the sentences.

Anyways, from what I understood, there are too many unknowns in what you shared. There's no blood work or what your protocol was when you did TRT. May be best to start your own thread when you've gathered more data.

Most importantly, are you being managed by a doctor that you know is experienced in HRT and if not, I recommend you are.
My labs after 5 months of hcg usage and i pinned 3 days before the test. Before trt my test range was 2.8 to 3.1 but i had ED fatty body parchy facial hair almost no semen after test e my test shwed testosterone 5.1 on 50mg twice per week but that just messed me i got all the sides i stopped trt started hcg monothreapy which was working awesome with 500iu e3d it was up and down and i had few sides like water retention and puffy nipples AI scrwed me estro so didnt take it rather i lowered my dose tried 125iu ed didnt work than tried 250iu eod worked fine untile after 5 months i started having panic attacks mostly at night when i was about to sleep or even in sleep other than that no issue what so ever.


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As mentioned, it’s a bit difficult to read your posts without periods, but I understand your under anxiety.

The lab result is missing shbg and T numbers.

If your shbg is low, split up doses to every day. From what I see, people dosing every day can slightly-moderately decrease total dose compared to if they dosed weekly.

It’s not clear if the estradiol test is immunoassay/roche or sensitive but in either case, i believe 5pg/mL is pretty damn low. Research estradiol!

Progesterone and calcium’s slightly out of range but i dont know much about either. Research those.

I mention this again as its in your best interest. Do you have access to or have you found a professional experienced in ED and HRT? Where are you located? You are unsuccessful in treating symptoms and even if successful, it’s unwise to play with this stuff much without a experienced doc in your corner. Tips that you read online can help but as anyone can post online, you need to be careful of what advice you take in, even mines... but its good to compare advice received here and from doc to make better decisions.
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If I'm reading your results correctly then your testosterone and E2 are very, very low.

Whatever you're doing right now doesn't look like it's working. You are doing 250IU of HCG EOD? That does not seem to be enough to create testosterone and estrogen for you.
If I'm reading your results correctly then your testosterone and E2 are very, very low.

Whatever you're doing right now doesn't look like it's working. You are doing 250IU of HCG EOD? That does not seem to be enough to create testosterone and estrogen for you.

But i had no sides good libido good erections lost lot of fat improved mood and strength except after 6 months of hcg i started to get panoc attacks and at 500iu hcg i was having sides like puffy nipples soft erections started retaining water that is why i lowered the dose rather using AI as i took aromasin or nolva before really messed me up.
Before anything my test was 280 to 320 range i started trt 50mg 3.5 days caused lots of problems, than i did hcg monothreapy was working fine on 250iu eod which i adjusted after trying different protocols, AI sucked tried different doses still too much sides so I rather lowered the dose. 250iu hcg along with 75mg hmg twice per week was going ok but the tests remain same as i posted above, on the other hand my testicles were full and bigger i was hung well having good erection good amount of semen still no sperm though, lost lot of fat every thing was fine for like 5 months until i started having panic attacks and, anxiety was super high. I was waking up in middle of night hyper ventilated full of sweat rapid heart beat, went to hospital ecg was clear bp was normal except that doc said its anxiety you are having panic attacks i was like jumpy all day. And these episodes were happening after like 9 to 10 of last hcg injection. I stopped hcg and took xanax for few days all back to normal but now i have like soft erection low libido and like smallest drop of semen ever after ejaculation. Please some one any one need help now i have no option left.
Before anything my test was 280 to 320 range i started trt 50mg 3.5 days caused lots of problems, than i did hcg monothreapy was working fine on 250iu eod which i adjusted after trying different protocols, AI sucked tried different doses still too much sides so I rather lowered the dose. 250iu hcg along with 75mg hmg twice per week was going ok but the tests remain same as i posted above, on the other hand my testicles were full and bigger i was hung well having good erection good amount of semen still no sperm though, lost lot of fat every thing was fine for like 5 months until i started having panic attacks and, anxiety was super high. I was waking up in middle of night hyper ventilated full of sweat rapid heart beat, went to hospital ecg was clear bp was normal except that doc said its anxiety you are having panic attacks i was like jumpy all day. And these episodes were happening after like 9 to 10 of last hcg injection. I stopped hcg and took xanax for few days all back to normal but now i have like soft erection low libido and like smallest drop of semen ever after ejaculation. Please some one any one need help now i have no option left.

Are you able to get more blood work? What protocol are you on right now? Have you had blood work done while on that protocol? Can you post it if so?

What were the problems you were having when using the testosterone 50mg every 3.5 days?
Are you able to get more blood work? What protocol are you on right now? Have you had blood work done while on that protocol? Can you post it if so?

What were the problems you were having when using the testosterone 50mg every 3.5 days?

I have posted my blood work while i was on hcg and i will post the report when i was on test but i will write it few things which i remember my test was 5.2 on test e estro was bit low but its not sensitive estrodail test bit higher himotecrit lipids also got bit higher with just 2 weeks of test E aside from that i was having spontaneous painfull long erections i was jumpy and panicki all day hairfall acne water retention puffy nipples and pinching in nipples spike in bp

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