Assuming that you are already on TRT, if you stick with 100-200 mg exogenous T weekly, 750-1500 IU HCG weekly (250 IU 3 x weekly up to 500 IU 3x weekly), and add in a DHT derivative in low/moderate dosage you should be fine.
Some guys aromatize at a higher rate than other guys due to the inherent 'efficacy' of their aromatase enzymes. For us guys who aromatize at a fairly significant rate and experience high E2 side effects that don't get better with lowering the T dosage and for those who don't want to take an AI, taking a DHT derivative will compete for receptor activity with estrogen (similar to a SERM) and will reduce the side effects you feel from estrogen. Mesterolone and drostanolone express their anti-estrogenic effects to a higher degree than other DHT derivatives, with drostanolone expressing the highest anti-estrogenic effects (so much so that it was previously used in breast cancer patients before the advent of AIs).
There is not going to be a definitive model or cookie-cutter protocol that one could layout for you to follow. However, it's always a best practice to start at the lower end of dosages and work your way up if deemed necessary. Primobolan, mesterolone, oxandrolone, stanozolol, and drostanolone are going to be your main DHT derivatives you can work with; oxandrolone and stanozolol being the only two that are legally available in the U.S.