My doctor had me on test cyp. I am not sure the cypionate was not causing a lot of side effects so I went back to the TU. You guy all know I am very unorthodox, so I had a very good Chinese pharma lab make me the migylol/grape seed oil blend. Migylol is a MTC oil, it is highly stable against oxidation and stays liquid at 0°C. So there is much less chance of the TU crashing in the winter even at higher mg formulations (300/350,g/ml). Myg also has a much lower viscosity than castor oil so it is easy to draw up the TU in an insulin syringe and very easy to inject it. I have used the TU with castor oil in a 31g syringe and it take several minutes to draw up even after heating it. With the miglyol/GSO combination it takes a few seconds, almost like water.
Why did I chose miglyol? Some of the eastern pharmaceutical companies as well as Asian, have started using it as a carrier oil. Miglyol 840 is used in pharmaceuticals because it improves the solubility and absorption of injectables.
An infusion can save lives and is used as a basic therapy in all areas of health care. The therapy, however, is complex and error-prone. Just as the patient relies on the correct diagnosis by the doctor and the proper execution by the specialist staff, so must the doctor and specialist staff...
Dynamic Viscosity Ratings (mPa.s) of common carrier oils at room temperature (~23.5C / 74F):
Castor 297.0
Tea seed 59.8
Crambe 53.6
High-Oleic Safflower 41.2
Peanut 39.6
Sunflower 37.1
Grapeseed 37.0
Sesame 35.3
Corn 34.9
Cottonseed 33.5
Soybean 32.6
Safflower 31.3
Miglyol - 9-12
Half-lives between Aveed made with castor oil and my special blend using miglyol/GSO will differ greatly. Research has show for instance that the castor oil preparation had a longer half-life than TU in tea seed oil (33.9+/-4.9 vs 20.9+/-6.0 days). So going the route I chose I am losing some off the half life (~< 20days, estimated ~ 17d) but by microdosing it should off set the half-life loss. I am not trying to go 90 days between doses so using castor oil is of no benefit in my case. So when comparing the peaks and troughs between 40mgof TC and 40mg of TU every 5 days the TC, the appear to be the about the same same. The difference it the time it takes to reach peak ester in the blood is much shorter than the castor oil version and not near as quick as TC in cottonseed oil (60d/90d).
Androgen preparations are indicated for the treatment of male hypogonadism. The re-establishment of normal testosterone (T) levels in hypogonadal men …
When looking under the shelf-life/stability section it usually states anywhere from 3-5 years from the date of production.
The shelf life of most testosterones are anywhere from 3-5 years from the date of production. The expiration date is 3 years on average. I have used them past the expiration date and saw no difference in labs. So I rather doubt they have a very quick degradation rate.