Well-Known Member
If you go directly to some of those same sources that are selling cheap GH they are also selling peptides. So you can get Ipam for ~$0.50 per 500mcg.Most people started doing peptide because they were a cheaper alternative to doing hGH. When you have to pay more than $2/dose you might as well go hGH. Good Chinese hGH easily goes for $0.70 - $1.00/iu. With 2mg of Ipa going for about $30, you are looking at $7.50/500mcg. Tesamorelin. is about $75/5mg so that is $1.50/100mcg injection. Either one of them costs far more than good Chinese hGH. If I had to choose between the two I would always go with hGH over peptides. If you pay $35 for modified GRF 1-29 that is $1.75/100mcg. Combine that with IPA and you are easily paying $9.25/dose. You can do 4iu of hGH for $2/dose. These prices all came from Peptide Sciences which is about average in prices on the web. Exactly why I appreciate places like @NuSciencePeptides for providing much less expensive prices. I always try to get the best bang for the buck.