I have been injecting 60mg every 3.5 days for 7 months now. Results are good, but having some minor HCT, Estrogen, and emotional/energy fluctuation issues. Although I can’t pin point them to my injection schedule, I am considering going to 3x a week or Even EOD injections. I travel for a living, so taking all that stuff on the road is going to be a pain. Also there will be times when I can’t inject at certain times (morning injection cant be done until that night). Is it worth it , or am I just overthinking this?? If I go to 3x a week (MWF), inject early M Morning, and late F night? The reason to go to that schedule would be stability of test levels, but wouldn’t the weekend length mess that up? Maybe EOD is the better Play??
Thanks for the input.
Thanks for the input.