Injecting 2x a week vs 3x a week vs EOD

I have been injecting 60mg every 3.5 days for 7 months now. Results are good, but having some minor HCT, Estrogen, and emotional/energy fluctuation issues. Although I can’t pin point them to my injection schedule, I am considering going to 3x a week or Even EOD injections. I travel for a living, so taking all that stuff on the road is going to be a pain. Also there will be times when I can’t inject at certain times (morning injection cant be done until that night). Is it worth it , or am I just overthinking this?? If I go to 3x a week (MWF), inject early M Morning, and late F night? The reason to go to that schedule would be stability of test levels, but wouldn’t the weekend length mess that up? Maybe EOD is the better Play??

Thanks for the input.
I have tried EOD, I noticed no morning wood,
Went to twice weekly and had amazing honeymoons periods, But I don’t remember having good morning wood.

now I am doing 100mg once weekly and morning wood is daily. I remember dr.McLain advice to do once weekly 250mg I know people here will not like it and may cuz different problems but fluctuations as everybody talk about could be very good.

not saying I would do 250mg, god knows what are my readying now. But 250mg will cuz higher fluctuation better than now.

cream would be really good as pointed out. High fluctuation and easy to use. Even higher I guess than 250.
I had similar fluctuation issues. I went to EOD and have been pretty happy since.

Regarding travel and inconvenience in maintaining schedule, what do you mean by "all that stuff"? you can preload syringes and have them ready to go. A small syringe container plus a few alcohol wipes and you're good to go. On the fly it only takes a couple minutes to wipe skin with alcohol and inject, re-cap needle and put back in the container, and you're done. And for me, foregoing HCG for a couple doses doesn't make much difference, though YMMV.

For longer travel it does become a little more of a pain, but I have traveled for months with nothing but a backpack with little kit bag for TRT supplies, and a gel pack to keep HCG cool, and done fine. If the places I stay don't have in room fridge, I just ask hotel and hostel personnel to store it in their fridge... never has failed.

BTW, HCT does not fluctuate in a matter of days. RBCs lifespan is ~120days, i.e. long term.
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I had similar fluctuation issues. I went to EOD and have been pretty happy since.

Regarding travel and inconvenience in maintaining schedule, what do you mean by "all that stuff"? you can preload syringes and have them ready to go. A small syringe container plus a few alcohol wipes and you're good to go. On the fly it only takes a couple minutes to wipe skin with alcohol and inject, re-cap needle and put back in the container, and you're done. And for me, foregoing HCG for a couple doses doesn't make much difference, though YMMV.

For longer travel it does become a little more of a pain, but I have traveled for months with nothing but a backpack with little kit bag for TRT supplies, and a gel pack to keep HCG cool, and done fine. If the places I stay don't have in room fridge, I just ask hotel and hostel personnel to store it in their fridge... never has failed.

BTW, HCT does not fluctuate in a matter of days. RBCs lifespan is ~120days, i.e. long term.

I have never done the preload thing, but I think that’s how I need to go. No Hcg so I am not worried about the cooling. How long are preloaded syringes good for? Would 6 days be too much?
I have never done the preload thing, but I think that’s how I need to go. No Hcg so I am not worried about the cooling. How long are preloaded syringes good for? Would 6 days be too much?

I'd personally be OK with 6 days with being super hygienic/clean loading and storing the syringes for transport. There are some nifty cases for this purpose like these: Syringe cases

I have done well with new clean toothbrush travel cases with gauze or cotton ball padding in the ends. With insulin syringes 2 fit easily, some cases will accommodate three.
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I was doing EOD with the same dosage as you 120mg/week ... and blood tests revealed it was too much so we lowered the dose... Now EOD at the smaller dose I was feeling a little flat... went back to twice a week and feeling better... I had gone to EOD to try to lower estrogen ... however, with the lower dose, I guess estrogen was too low on eod... thus a little higher on every 3.5 days... Morning wood came back, energy is good but especially mood...

I see a big difference in mood with estrogen levels... I kind of like my estrogen... lol

Maybe you would benefit from a lower dose too... I feel much better at 100mg/week...
I have tried EOD, I noticed no morning wood,
Went to twice weekly and had amazing honeymoons periods, But I don’t remember having good morning wood.

now I am doing 100mg once weekly and morning wood is daily. I remember dr.McLain advice to do once weekly 250mg I know people here will not like it and may cuz different problems but fluctuations as everybody talk about could be very good.

not saying I would do 250mg, god knows what are my readying now. But 250mg will cuz higher fluctuation better than now.

cream would be really good as pointed out. High fluctuation and easy to use. Even higher I guess than 250.

Interesting. What is your SHBG?
I found that sometimes 4-5 days is better, sometimes 8 days is better. Whatever is best for your feeling of wellbeing (which after all, is what it's all about). Namaste.
Interesting. What is your SHBG?

around 22.

not only this now I am doing once weekly and morning wood is daily. ED or EOD will kill testosterone fluctuation and it seems at least for me having swings up and down in testosterone may have a lot of benefits.

normally human have fluctuation for about 40% in testosterone DAILY for example morning 800 and around night around 450 testosterone is not fixed number it moves up and down daily. Cream can do this but injection do more like 40% weekly !!!

plenty of talk about this topic in this forum.
around 22.

not only this now I am doing once weekly and morning wood is daily. ED or EOD will kill testosterone fluctuation and it seems at least for me having swings up and down in testosterone may have a lot of benefits.

normally human have fluctuation for about 40% in testosterone DAILY for example morning 800 and around night around 450 testosterone is not fixed number it moves up and down daily. Cream can do this but injection do more like 40% weekly !!!

plenty of talk about this topic in this forum.

During the 24hr circadian rhythm of a healthy young male testosterone level will start to increase gradually overnight reaching peak levels between 6-8 am and by 11-12 pm will start to decline late afternoon/early evening reaching trough between 6-8 pm.

Fluctuations from peak--->trough would be around 20-25%.

When using exogenous testosterone whether injecting daily/EOD/M/W/F, twice weekly (every 3.5 days) or once weekly although there will be a big difference n peak--->trough levels depending on the injection frequency chosen you would never mimic the natural 24hr circadian rhythm of a healthy young male.

Injections result in steady-state let alone most are forcing testosterone levels upon themselves which one could never produce naturally as many are running very high TT/FT levels 24/7 and you would be amazed at what these levels are at a trough.

Sure you would have a drastic peak--->trough level when injecting once weekly but it is in no way comparable to the 24hr circadian rhythm of a healthy young male.
During the 24hr circadian rhythm of a healthy young male testosterone level will start to increase around 3-4 am reaching peak levels between 6-8 am and by 11-12 pm will start to decline late afternoon/early evening reaching trough between 6-8 pm.

Fluctuations from peak--->trough would be around 20-25%.

When using exogenous testosterone whether injecting daily/EOD/M/W/F, twice weekly (every 3.5 days) or once weekly although there will be a big difference n peak--->trough levels depending on the injection frequency chosen you would never mimic the natural 24hr circadian rhythm of a healthy young male.

Injections result in steady-state let alone most are forcing testosterone levels upon themselves which one could never produce naturally as many are running very high TT/FT levels 24/7 and you would be amazed at what these levels are at a trough.

Sure you would have a drastic peak--->trough level when injecting once weekly but it is in no way comparable to the 24hr circadian rhythm of a healthy young male.
I see your point madman, I have tried EOD and I can tell for sure once weekly was much better I felt really flat with EOD. Even twice weekly was good though I didn’t give it enough time like I did with EOD and once weekly.
I took measurement after my injection day
Seems my peak is around 50 nmo/l with one injection 100mg weekly.

taking another measurement before my injection day just to see my trough.
I see your point madman, I have tried EOD and I can tell for sure once weekly was much better I felt really flat with EOD. Even twice weekly was good though I didn’t give it enough time like I did with EOD and once weekly.
I took measurement after my injection day
Seems my peak is around 50 nmo/l with one injection 100mg weekly.

taking another measurement before my injection day just to see my trough.

Stick to what works for you.
[QUOTE = "sh1973, publicación: 185065, miembro: 17540"]
He descubierto que una vez a la semana para mí es mucho mejor que dividir la dosis.
cuál es su shbg en
qué dosis está actualmente


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