Inexplicably high Estrogens

Never found an obvious reason for it.

To clarify the directed Anastrozole use it's actually .25mg Anast/200mg DIM @ EOD...mix up in the translation from my consult.
Ive been using Anastrozole since I got the last 88 test in October, I feel good, libido/interest is good to great, I took a new test today on the revised Cyp/AI/HCG protocol so more to come...
New results, E2 down to 51 from 88. For about two weeks I was using .30mg AI E3.5D, then from 2 Nov - test date = .15mg EOD on Direction from Defy.

Defy has further directed .25mg/200mg DIM EOD that is NOT shown in this test.

TT was my daily trough @ about 13hrs, no HCG for 3.5d prior.

Im doing pretty well, not quite so aggitated or PMSish, libido/interest is very good, still requires PDE5i + Nitric Oxide (which I do not mind using either).
Number one complaint now is being warm/hot in bed at night and then cold later in the nite, or alternating hot and cold almost simultaneously...really uncomfortable in bed.


New results, E2 down to 51 from 88. For about two weeks I was using .30mg AI E3.5D, then from 2 Nov - test date = .15mg EOD on Direction from Defy.

Defy has further directed .25mg/200mg DIM EOD that is NOT shown in this test.

TT was my daily trough @ about 13hrs, no HCG for 3.5d prior.

Im doing pretty well, not quite so aggitated or PMSish, libido/interest is very good, still requires PDE5i + Nitric Oxide (which I do not mind using either).
Number one complaint now is being warm/hot in bed at night and then cold later in the nite, or alternating hot and cold almost simultaneously...really uncomfortable in bed.

Still stubbornly elevated. Subjectively, are you surprised at the value?
Still following along - Vince.
1st protocol: 80 mg T x2/week; hCG 500 IU x2/week; DHEA 25 mg x2/day.
Labcor: TT - 1157; FT - 34.6; DHEA-S - 404; E2 - 87.3

2nd Procol: 70 mg T x2/week; hCG 500 IU x2/week; DHEA 25 mg/day; ADDED Anastrozole .25 mg w/DIM 200 x2/week.

So the same Anastrozole w/DIM, basically. I also sourced some bulk DIM to add during the week (?hCG aromitizing in the testes?). But in my case, I was given too much T to begin with, and I responded really well/quickly to it.
My e2 sensitive was 76 @ 140mg per week (40mg EOD). I've ramped down to 100mg per week now (50mg/3.5 days) and will test in a week.

I thought about adding DIM to help lower estrogen and am attempting to stay away from an AI.

Only relaying my story because of the similarities in high e2 measurements and to follow your progress.
40mg is a huge change, and DIM isn't going to lower your Estrogen, but help you metabolize (supposedly)...I'm not a proponent of DIM, myself.
At 140mg I was at TT 1441 trough. I went down to 120mg for about 6 weeks and that put my trough at roughly TT 1100.

I feel good at 100mg per week (50mgs 3.5 days) but haven't had blood work checked since then, about 2 weeks now.

Any other info you could provide on DIM and why you're not a proponent? Are there any other alternatives to an AI?

Honestly I don't even know if I'd feel better than I do now with a lower e2 level but I'd like to try and see what the results are. Obviously not too low though, thinking below 20.
AI is not a bad thing, if you need it, you need it, fair enough to adjust your dosing for your trough, I tried a lot but then accepted that I was going to need it.
No new test results to report but I have noticed my scrotum is looser and has more hang time, I've really noticed that. Still using .25mg/200mg DIM EOD.
Nurse wrote it in my consult notes, without discussing it with me prior and when I placed the order for Anastrozole, that's what I got. Not worth sending it back for replacement. Not being a proponent of it doesn't mean I'm against it it's not going to hurt anything at all I just wouldn't have asked for it or concurred with the nurse during the consult.

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