This certainly gives some credence to why EOD creams or prop works well by those who swear by it. A doc who goes by @highpull over at T nation has a few patients (a minority) who swear prop twice a week is the best for them. Logically, it doesn't make sense as we are all brainwashed into thinking "stable levels" are the best and you will feel like shit when you go below a certain level. However, in the context of the above, we may now have some explanation as to why what people feel does not always correlate with their blood (or supposed blood) levels.
Maybe this is the answer to why the guy on the every 3 week injection frequency has a sky high libido (and there's a LOT of them out there, who don't bother to post, because they have no complaints. Their docs just followed the Pfizer leaflet and all is dandy).
Maybe this is the answer to why the guy on the every 3 week injection frequency has a sky high libido (and there's a LOT of them out there, who don't bother to post, because they have no complaints. Their docs just followed the Pfizer leaflet and all is dandy).