Increased Body Odor on Testosterone

Smokin Joe

Active Member
This is my 3rd week back on T at 20mg 3x a week. 60mg.
My body oder has gone over a cliff. My wife says that I smell like a garlic patch when working out of any kind to include sex.
Not very appealing.
Has anyone experienced this?
I noticed slightly years ago but this is off the norm.
Could it be the brand?
This is my 3rd week back on T at 20mg 3x a week. 60mg.
My body oder has gone over a cliff. My wife says that I smell like a garlic patch when working out of any kind to include sex.
Not very appealing.
Has anyone experienced this?
I noticed slightly years ago but this is off the norm.
Could it be the brand?
It's not the testosterone. It could be something you're eating. Garlic, onions, cumin and curry can.
My body oder has gone over a cliff.
My feet smell when I take off my socks when my vitamin D is 30> and have no smell at all when vitamin D is low. My socks are even wetter when I take them off.

I did smell like a skunk during the honeymoon period on TRT or when changing the dosages. I thought someone ran over a skunk in my neighborhood and closed to windows to no avail before I realized it was me.
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Maybe it is the honeymoon phase. I hope so otherwise I'll have to find a very high-powered deodorant!
Unfortunately I'm a very heavy sweater and that doesn't help any....
Has it reduced any at all after extended TRT use?
It's been pretty consistent. And it's not dependent on diet. For one thing my diet hasn't changed. For another, prior to TRT I could eat garlic and onions several times a week without the type of body odor I experience now. Prior to TRT, I could go without deodorant most of the time and barely have the slightest hint of a smell.
My personal opinion is being a heavy sweater is healthy. I moved from northern CA to a suburb of Houston. In the hot and humid summer I am totally drenched during a long and intense love-making session w/my wife.

Here's a suggestion that'll be different. Getting good amounts of chlorophyll in your system may be a big help. Nettle Leaf is a good source. It's also great for a bunch of other guy health stuff. Frontier Co-op makes a 1 pound bag of cut Nettle Leaf like for making tea out of it. I buy the bag and use a motor and pestle to grind the leaf into a powder. Then I load the powder in size "00" gel caps. A little tedious, but gets you very high quality for way less than buying capsules. You should give it a try. And I don't know, maybe you're one of those tea kind of people. I buy at
Thanks I will try that out.
I occasionally take nettle root but not like I used to. The root can block dht from what I understand. Don't need that.
Yes the heat and humidity here in South Georgia is brutal!
Constantly sweating when outdoors from May to end of September sometimes.
I experienced the same and have determined that it was the protocol/dose change that caused it similar to what @Systemlord mentioned. It always seems to dissipate in 1-2 weeks. But man it is rank!
Mine lasted about a year but basically the same thing. I avoid garlic so mine was just body odor. I'm on a low carb diet and was on it before I started test cyp. But it's not quite as bad now. Never really had body odor, well when I worked in the yard, yes. But everyday functions like lunch or grocery store, I used to stink.
I mean maybe some androgenic effects like oilier skin and the chemistry might account for some odor changes? Bacteria biome and such? Prob settle out as things balance.
Interesting for sure.
So I have been considering for some time switching to Natesto.
As it is in the formulary for my insurance I am going to try and persuade my Uro next month to let me do a trial run of 120 days to see if there's a difference in both libido and b.o. though I'm not overly concerned about b.o.
Up against libido.
We'll see.....
Thanks I will try that out.
I occasionally take nettle root but not like I used to. The root can block dht from what I understand. Don't need that.
Yes the heat and humidity here in South Georgia is brutal!
Constantly sweating when outdoors from May to end of September sometimes.
Root and leaf are different in effect. Some common. Some not. The chlorophyll is only in the leaf.
Thanks I will try that out.
I occasionally take nettle root but not like I used to. The root can block dht from what I understand. Don't need that.
Yes the heat and humidity here in South Georgia is brutal!
Constantly sweating when outdoors from May to end of September sometimes.
Is this the same as stinging nettles?
I have read also that they have positive properties to help with reducing prostate size

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