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Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Hi - interesting post
Also treading very similar path, started 100mg Test cyp & HCG with clinic , bloods come back way over etc...
left as tbey wanted to just leave me on same doseage and felt that what was point in paying £150 a month to not even be getting Drs consultation/advice so started going alone with a reputable UGL.
Tried various esthers /doseages/HCG/proviron/pregnalone/DHEA etc
Found I responded positively to Sustanon better than Cyp & Prop
Reduced down to 90mg/wk Sustanon (bloods just over top end)

Currently @ 75mg 3 x week Sun pm/ Wed am/Fri noon
and HCG 300iu Tue am /Thurs noon/Sat pm
doing a 12 week stint before bloods in new year

Going to continue Dialing in around 50/60/75mg and similarly with HCG to keep balls functioning as i tried without for a month, and my libido/balls ground to a halt.

After a TBi and major accident my libido is shot compared to old me but i have improved EF symptons and Ejaculation frequency to a consistent 2 or 3 a week (as opposed to daily) pre crash but it was 1 every 2 weeks Pre TRT.

If you want any recomendation UGL wise PM me got a great UK lab with consistent results tests wise.

Keep us informed how you go please & good luck sir

I'm curious what lab you're using - i'm using Southern Ghost, very popular at the moment in the UK
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