Increase in resting heart rate


I have been on TRT for 2 weeks now and there is an increase in resting heart rate. I am taking both TRT+HCG. I am taking 150 mg per week test n 500mg HCG. Before TRT, my heart rate was around 70 and now its 90 and sometimes 100. Does anyone have experienced this?
Before TRT, my heart rate was around 70 and now its 90 and sometimes 100. Does anyone have experienced this?

You threw your body a curveball, you started TRT which is starting to shut down your natural production and added HCG which is probably throwing your other hormones out of whack and are now experiencing the side effects as a result.

HCG can cause a lot of side effects if you don't need it which is why I recommend starting TRT in isolation and adding other stuff later once you have dialed in on TRT. It could be a case of your TRT dosage being too high, but it's impossible to make sense of it because you are on two different compounds rather than TRT by itself.

It could be that your hormone levels are in flux and your body is trying to adapt.
Does anyone have experienced this?
Almost everyone experiences what you are experiencing.
Thanks for the reply. I am waiting for my blood report to show up. It will be ready by tomorrow. I am testing cbc, lipids n hormones. Ill post it right away.
Btw, Do u think i should decrease TRT dosage? I need HCG as i am already having low sperm count. Do u think i should reduce it to 250iu twice a week and see if it makes any difference or completely stop HCG and use it after 2 or 3 months once testosterone levels are optimal.
Looks like its HCG which is causing heart beats bcas i felt the increase in heartbeat while i was using hcg monotherapy.
Btw, i am primary hypogonadism candidate. So my testicles are not working properly, so no amount of hcg will increase my testosterone or sperm. I am just using it to maintain testicular size and stoping my sperm count from reaching zero.
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How did u overcome it? Increase in heart rate is due to increase in cholestrol, rbc or estrogen? I mean, does it resolves my itself? Do i need to worry?
How did u overcome it? Increase in heart rate is due to increase in cholestrol, rbc or estrogen? I mean, does it resolves my itself? Do i need to worry?

LOL! Have a look at normal range for hemoglobin. I am sure my circumstance does not apply to you. Not resolved, I have been anemic for almost 6 months due to Leukemia. I am due for two units of blood tomorrow.
I am testing cbc, lipids n hormones. Ill post it right away.

It's pointless to run labs 2 weeks after starting TRT because your hormone levels are fluctuating, labs are done at a minimum of 6 weeks after dosing changes.

It would be no different if you tried to measure the water level in a pool that has waves splashing water all over the place. The water height will constantly be changing, you hormones are doing the same thing.

Btw, i am primary hypogonadism candidate.

Then HCG won't do hardly anything for testicular size because you have testicular failure. Your increase in heart rates is likely do to fluctuating hormone levels which is perfectly normal.
LOL! Have a look at normal range for hemoglobin. I am sure my circumstance does not apply to you. Not resolved, I have been anemic for almost 6 months due to Leukemia. I am due for two units of blood tomorrow.
Sorry to hear that bro. Hope u recover soon. I am anemic too but doctors were unable to figure out reason. My iron is fine. I figured it must be bcas of low T.
It's pointless to run labs 2 weeks after starting TRT because your hormone levels are fluctuating, labs are done at a minimum of 6 weeks after dosing changes.

It would be no different if you tried to measure the water level in a pool that has waves splashing water all over the place. The water height will constantly be changing, you hormones are doing the same thing.

Then HCG won't do hardly anything for testicular size because you have testicular failure. Your increase in heart rates is likely do to fluctuating hormone levels which is perfectly normal.
Yes i know its too soon to do blood test but i am little worried bcas my LDL n Tryglycerides are already very high even before i start TRT. So i just want to check my lipid levels as i was freaked out bcas of rapid heart beat. Ill do another blood check after 1 or 2 months. Seems like i need to cut my dosage.
well my story goes like this....

Started TRT and along with it, 5000iu of D, fish oil, etc.

After about 3-4 months in TRT my blood pressure stated to rise. Nothing in my blood work indicated a reason for the increase...HCT around 46.

Tried all kinds of changes. Nothing helped.

I stopped TRT. BP remained elevated.

Had a minor surgery a few months ago. Was instructed to stop all vitamins and supplements a few weeks before surgery.
At preop my BP was nice and low. Strange.

A month following surgery my BP was still nice and low.

Started back with my vitamins and supplements. Witching a week my BP was elevated again.
I stopped all again. BP went down.

Tracked It down to the vit D. For whatever reason, the D causes my BP to rise pretty substantially.

I have spoken to two DR’s about it and they had no clue why that is happening and had never heard of anything like it.

So....everyone is different and not saying this could be your issue....
Very Interesting!! I never heard about it. Thanks for sharing. Based on my knowledge, Vitamin D increases your calcium intake by 20 times. Increase in calcium can cause plaque in the arteries. So, I suggest you take Vitamin k2 along with Vitamin D. Thats why few brands sell Vit D+k2. K2 eliminates excess calcium from the arteries.
My blood pressure is normal. Its just rapid heart beat.
Stay the course and give you body 6 weeks minimum. Are you on BP meds currently?

Edited to Add: Cottonseed oil messed with my BP / HR when I first started TRT (2 week mark). I switched to Grape Seed Oil and BP / HR normalized within days. I'm not sure if the oil made the difference or just waiting it out.
I am currently using cottonseed oil. Looks like that might be the reason. I have another vial with enanthate which is of sesame oil. Ill use it next time and see if that makes any difference. Thanks for sharing info.
I have been on TRT for 2 weeks now and there is an increase in resting heart rate. I am taking both TRT+HCG. I am taking 150 mg per week test n 500mg HCG. Before TRT, my heart rate was around 70 and now its 90 and sometimes 100. Does anyone have experienced this?

Test C only here. I had that happen during the first 3-4 weeks. Sleep sucked too. Went magically away after that, now 3 months in all good...well not anymore since I’ve just changed protocol but that’s to be expected. The increase in RHR reminded me of times when I had a bad infection. Edibles tend to do the same thing to me. About a 15% increase. Allergic reactions can give me 30% - serious ones up to 80%...ah well.
So do u think increase in RHR is due to test cyp or oil or hcg? What protocol did u change? I have problem with sleep too.

Just change one thing at a time and continue waiting out the 6 weeks. I would just switch to the Sesame Seed Oil and give it a week before changing anything else. Keep us posted before making another change.
Definitely ill keep posted. For time being, i am not taking anything and will be doing blood work after 2 weeks to check if testosterone has come down.
I have been on TRT for 2 weeks now and there is an increase in resting heart rate. I am taking both TRT+HCG. I am taking 150 mg per week test n 500mg HCG. Before TRT, my heart rate was around 70 and now its 90 and sometimes 100. Does anyone have experienced this?
Yes something similar with me. Not quite as dramatic tho. My resting HR went from 55 to 64-65 on cypionate. I'm not happy about it. But I would rather not quite TRT

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