I'm fed up with these mood swings and sensitivity loss


New Member
I have been on TRT (test cyp only) for 6 months now. I inject one a week every Friday morning. First 4 months things just got better and better. Improved mood, energy, libido, morning wood etc. Now I'm getting intense mood swings and sensitivity loss. Seems like I am slow to heal when over training too. I told my Endo and had to convince her to give me another test a little early from the 6 month test. My T is still above average but my E is just over max. At my 3 month I brought up giving blood or increasing my injection frequency she said she never heard of doing that. This time she says do it as often as you wish just don't go over prescribed amount. She felt my E was fine and was more worried about my Hema which was a little high. I brought up giving blood again and she said good idea. LOL, she must me reading more. Btw I show no other classic signs that you list that my E is high besides the mood and sensitivity. Oh another important note. My mood swings kick in late Friday and end by Mon Morning.

My endo seems to be getting more informed and now I am trying to decide based on all the info from this site if I should inject twice a week or every 5 days, take an AI or switch to a gel. Also I am curious has anyone done injections along with gel? I really appreciate any info. I wish I knew people personally to discuss this with. Without this site I would be freaking out.
You bring up a good point, while I am not as far along in my HRT as you ie. with your improvements and I really don't have a Dr that I feel totally comfortable with , I have wondered about the combination of an IM and gel.

DO the different absorption characteristics and timing have possibly any beneficial effects?

Are you stating that your TT and/or FT are above the ref. range? If so, back off....at a TT of 14XX i felt like absolute garbage and libido was nonexistent. I feel better at 900 than 1100. Just a thought, hope it helps.
Oh sorry should have posted the details:
test = 704 241-827
Est = 40.2 nd-39.8
hema = 49.1 39.2-48.8
hemo = 17.1 13.2-16.8
free = she didn't test this time (ugh) but 3 months prior T was a hair lower and fee was 35 9-30

Your values look fine.

Is there a possibility that you are stressing about something that happens (or does not happen) on weekends?
looks like you are having your mood swings during the time that your T levels are the highest just after injection. If you Inject in the morning then by Friday evening your levels are raising. Due to the spike in T, the probability of E2 conversion goes up. My guess is since the spike in T you have more to aromatize into E2. By doing more frequent injections you will be able to avoid the E2 spike and eliminate your mood swings. I had a similar problem several years ago. I now do Sub Q injections every day due to low SHBG. This still provides my body chemistry with an appropriate raise and fall of T levels to somewhat mimic the circadian rhythm.
Mr. Vergel, you are correct. Since my sensitivity drops I have a harder time reaching orgasm so I get frustrated. During the week I am fine. Sensitivity, orgasm and doldrums were the reason I got tested in the first place and my t was 240. So it seems like I was hitting that crash point or as Jimo says the e2 conversion point. Not sure. Just trying to figure it out. My wife likes when I am more passionate(cuddle, hugs etc) but my emotions get a little nuts.

Jimo, I will try the twice a week route to see if there is any difference. Since I will be doing it more often is moving around the left and right vastus lateralis ok? I am comfortable injecting in this area.

Thanks guys
sure, with this placement I'm assuming you will be doing IM injections with 1inch needle. You have enough surface area that 2 shots a week using different spots on the vastus lateralis will work fine.
I've had mood swings while on test. My test level is great, E2 is in check. I've found either getting off with the wife or pounding one out myself seems to really help calm me down.
Jimo, I'm 6'5" and have plenty of space I believe. I use 1" 25 needles. I take advantage of the length of the muscle but I notice if you go forward past the half way point there is greater change of stabbing a nerve. So I will do Tuesday nites and Saturday morning. Looking forward to it.
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Here is a very interesting study that links low blood sugar and bad mood. Remember that testosterone replacement can improve insulin action and possibly decrease blood sugar and insulin blood levels. This effect may be higher at peak blood levels of testosterone after injections. It is just a hypothesis worth exploring.

"According to new research published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, spouses display more aggression toward each other when they have low blood sugar levels. As those who find themselves getting cranky with a loved one when their stomach is growling know, being “hangry” (that's hungry + angry) is a real thing—and now there's science to suggest why.The researchers measured people's aggression toward their partners in two ways: by having them choose how many pins—from 0 to 51—they wanted to stick into a voodoo doll representing their spouse, and by telling them they could play loud, annoying noise into their partner's headphones after competing against them.
“As expected, the lower the level of glucose in the blood, the greater number of pins participants stuck into the voodoo doll, and the higher intensity and longer duration of noise participants set for their spouse,” the researchers wrote in the study's abstract."
Nelson, that is a very interest article. I am making a voodoo doll right now. No just kidding. Btw, my moods are very rarely of anger. Frustration when sensitivity is low for sure. I may get upset(frustrated) but not with my wife. Most of the emotions are much to the feminine side. Even my wife says so. Now this can be handy. I am definitely more into the whole aspect of making love. I like to cuddle, hug etc. But then there is the negative side. I won't spell all those out. I rarely cry about anything but now holy crap. So I can probably get used to the whole mood thing because of all the positives but the sensitivity part is a drag. And when I say sensitivity I mean my penis. I did my first biweekly injection tonight. Not sure if I will notice a difference or when.
I think my moods have become much more even. I was "flying off the handle" while driving and in certain situations where I felt there was unfairness, so while I was aware of these emotions and tried to keep them in check, now I find Im not so hot headed. I feel better.

As far as sensitivity I notice a marked decrease in my penis............cant wait for that to return to "normal".....soon
Today, was an appt with my Dr, I asked about twice weekly injections and he instead is prescribing Bitestosterone ( proprianate + cyprionate ) 0.5 mL once a week. I am experiencing some testicular ascension and atrophy. They were normal size to begin with and now I feel like Im regressing to an 11 y/o boy.
I have not seen any discussion about Bitestosterone on a forum here..........? Any comments

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