High E2 symptoms are gynomastia, lumps in the nipples, swollen extremities, increased body fat, enlarged prostate, and yes mood swings but mood swings happen with changes in testosterone as well. Eat more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower and take some DIM before you think about an AI.What are they then? When I looked them up it seemed they were. Water retention as well. Insomnia. I’ve seen a lot of guys on this site TRT to monitor their E2 and keep it at a certain range because of it getting too high. But I asked for you’re guys opinion and you gave it to me that’s fair. Mind you the e2 test was a sensitive test
a lot of guys on this site read bodybuilding mags and have a lot of old information regarding estrogen and think you don’t need estrogen and should keep it as low as possible. And yes, I don’t want it too high because it could cause other cardiovascular problems. But too low is much worse.