Hello FeelingLost (Hopefully FeelingGood soon

I am glad you joined us. Sorry you have been feeling so crappy. Hopefully we can help guide you through your new journey.
Can you expand of what type of gel, how much T concentration it has, how much you apply daily, and how long you have been on it? Also, can you share any other lab test values (thyroid and others)?
Hello Nelson thank you so much for this site.
There is so much great info here and membership has been really helpful and patient with all my noobie questions.
I am having issues trying to post my last blood test. Which I have learned here is not complete.
I only have a txt doc with little formating and no hard copy to photograph. But I will copy and past what I can.
I have new blood work coming March 3rd. I emailed my doc your TRT blood test list and the info I got from DiscountLabs.
He replied that he reviewed the info and has ordered all the correct blood test this time. We will see.
My current perscription:
Testim 50mg/5g gel applied to the shoulders post morning shower on clean dry skin. I have applied 29 tubs and Monday will pickup my next 30 tubs.
Cut and paste from my bloodtest in December 2016
Lipid Panel was ran but all lvl are high. I did not fast.
My PCP wanted my other blood numbers
now and did not care about blood sugar (glucose).Also please remember this blood test was not to Diagnose a low T condition.
He was looking every where to try and figure out what was wrong with me.
Why was I anxious and having panic attacks. Why did I go from an extremely active outdoors person to one day sitting down in my comfy chair and never
wanting to leave it or a better discription afraid to leave it.
Only when Antidepressants did not make me feel better and my complete
physical exam revealed nothing did I suggest we try getting my T lvl back up to something normal for my age.
He agreed to try.
Order: Triiodothyronine (T3) Total - LC 002188
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Triiodothyronine (T3) 12/13/2016 127.00 71-180
Order: Prostate-Specific Ag, Serum - LC 010322
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 12/13/2016 0.60 0.0-4.0
Order: Tsh, 3rd Generation - LC 004259
Name Date Value Units Range Source
TSH 12/13/2016 1.43 0.450-4.500
Order: Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct, S - LC 001974
Name Date Value Units Range Source
T4, FREE(Direct) 12/13/2016 1.26 0.82-1.77
Order: Testosterone,Total, Serum - LC 004226
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Testosterone, Serum 12/13/2016 173.00 348-1197
Order: Comp. Metabolic Panel (14) - LC 322000
Name Date Value Units Range Source
Glucose, Serum 12/13/2016 151.00 65-99
BUN 12/13/2016 23.00 8-27
Creatinine, Serum 12/13/2016 0.82 0.76-1.27
eGFR If NonAfricn AM 12/13/2016 94.00 >59
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 12/13/2016 28.00 10-22
Sodium, Serum 12/13/2016 140.00 134-144
Potassium, Serum 12/13/2016 4.50 3.5-5.2
Chloride, Serum 12/13/2016 101.00 96-106
Carbon Dioxide, Total 12/13/2016 25.00 18-28
Calcium, Serum 12/13/2016 8.70 8.6-10.2
Protein, Total, Serum 12/13/2016 6.90 6.0-8.5
Albumin, Serum 12/13/2016 4.20 3.6-4.8
Globulin, Total 12/13/2016 2.70 1.5-4.5
A/G Ratio 12/13/2016 1.60 1.1-2.5
Bilirubin, Total 12/13/2016 0.20 0.0-1.2
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 12/13/2016 57.00 39-117
AST (SGOT) 12/13/2016 18.00 0-40
ALT (SGPT) 12/13/2016 33.00 0-44
Order: CBC With Differential/Platelet - LC 005009
Name Date Value Units Range Source
WBC 12/13/2016 5.40 3.4-10.8
RBC 12/13/2016 5.27 4.14-5.80
Hemoglobin 12/13/2016 15.90 12.6-17.7
Hematocrit 12/13/2016 47.60 37.5-51.0
MCV 12/13/2016 90.00 79-97
MCH 12/13/2016 30.20 26.6-33.0
MCHC 12/13/2016 33.40 31.5-35.7
RDW 12/13/2016 14.20 12.3-15.4
Platelets 12/13/2016 239.00 150-379
Neutrophils 12/13/2016 44.00
Lymphs 12/13/2016 44.00
Monocytes 12/13/2016 9.00
Eos 12/13/2016 3.00
Basos 12/13/2016 0.00
Immature Cells 12/13/2016
Neutrophils (Absolute) 12/13/2016 2.40 1.4-7.0
Lymphs (Absolute) 12/13/2016 2.40 0.7-3.1
Monocytes(Absolute) 12/13/2016 0.50 0.1-0.9
Eos (Absolute) 12/13/2016 0.20 0.0-0.4
Baso (Absolute) 12/13/2016 0.00 0.0-0.2
Immature Granulocytes 12/13/2016 0.00
Immature Grans (Abs) 12/13/2016 0.00 0.0-0.1
I would also like to note I live at 6200ft above sealevel which migh effect my Hematocrit #s
To give you guys some idea of my fitness lvl before that day 2 years ago when I satdown in that chair I was in the middle of my bucket list.
Taking my mtn bike out for rides like this weekly.
I even spent 9 days paddling 20 miles perday thru the GrandCanyon