These are the things that happen when people start messing with their hormones and a lot of people including doctors are not very familiar with it. I can only imagine the mess a lot of these transgender ppl are going to go through in coming years. Try micro dosing to help with spikes such as buying insulin pins which you barely feel any pain and in inject every other day ex. 200mg divide by 7 and inject that every other day. Whenever you feel off do blood work. People make the mistake of only looking at test when many other factors need to be checked including Thyroid (THS T4 T3 levels) tied with thyroid is the liver ( check liver enzymes) and also your iron levels, feratin levels , vitamin D, SHBG and proclactin levels for sex drive. These are very important. Also check your Growth Hormone levels. Also provide with some body weight and fat levels which also play role In estrogen.