I use 27 gauge 1/2 for delt injections, how much pain is normal?

I've been using nelson's method of injecting in deltoids, and I'm wondering how much pain is normal.

Generally when I inject, I go three fingers below the acromion process which is about 2 inches. I always have trouble when placing the needle on the skin, prior to pushing it in, because I will feel a sharp pinch. So I move the needle around slightly until I find a place that doesn't pinch.

Sometimes when injecting the testosterone, I will immediately(within about 30 seconds) feel some tightness in the muscle, similar to a muscle cramp feeling. I inject .3 ml in about 10-20 seconds. I don't think that's too fast.

Then if I have that muscle cramp feeling, it will usually hurt a bit more afterward. Not terribly, but about 3-4 out of 10.

Even when I don't get that, I still have some soreness the next couple of days. Like a doms feeling from working out, and if I lay on my shoulder at night, it will hurt more.

Again none of this is serious, not enough to worry about infection or anything, the only reason I'm asking here is because I notice a lot of guys mention that there's ZERO pain and I don't know if my technique is off, or if these guys are exaggerating.

I will say that I've been on TRT for about 4 weeks now, and my first couple of injections were almost pain free. Nothing more than a tiny pinch, but now I usually get the cramp feeling almost immediately.

I hope it's not some kind of allergic reaction because at first I didn't have this, now I do.

I am fairly lean, not much body fat, and not much muscle mass, as in I don't look like I lift. Typical 5'8 150lb hard gainer look. I would prefer to use insulin syringes because there's not much dead space, and I know that using the removable needle syringes wastes a lot over 4 months of every 3 days injections.

I also don't do any of that aspirating crap. I don't even know how one can do that if your injecting in shoulders, you only have one hand. I'd be moving the needle all around and that's not good.
Would it be virgin muscle after about 4 weeks of injections? Also, it didn't hurt with my first couple of injections, only after that. so I don't know if it was virgin muscle pain.
The main problem I have, is injecting in my left shoulder. The outside muscle sticks out further, so I have to be really careful that it does not tense up. I find if I can relax my shoulders (muscle) when injecting, it makes it very easy and pain free. I just injected this morning and it was pain free.
I usually sit down, and rest my elbow on my knee so that my shoulder muscle is completely relaxed. I have been watching my muscle and making sure that I'm not tensing it up.

I mean, the pain isn't terrible, it feels like I bumped my shoulder into a wall or something, kinda sore almost a black and blue feeling. Also the injection site is usually warm a day or so after, but not itchy, red, or any other signs that could be infection.
I only have issues when injecting my right delt (I'm right-handed). When injecting my right delt I often feel very sensitive spots and re-pin in another spot when that happens because I don't like that feeling. Also, when injecting my right delt I notice I get a burning feeling sometimes during the injection. When I feel that, I notice my arm is a bit sore the next day or two.

When I inject my left arm, I have never run into any issues. Never felt the sensitivity, the burning, or the soreness after. I wouldn't say it's 100% pain free, though, but a much better experience than any other spots I've tried before. I still feel the initial pinch when I'm first puncturing the skin (which is normal), but the rest is pretty pain free. I've never counted how long I take during the injection, but I'm assuming somewhere around 30-45 seconds while injecting .5cc's TCyp using 28g 1/2" Easy Touch insulin needles. Typically, I'm standing in front of a mirror with my arm hanging straight down when I'm injecting.
There's no reason to limit yourself to a delt, you mind that for you the individual, the upper outer thigh a better spot. Or glutes. Point being if delts bothers you in some way, move.
johndoesmith said:
I inject .3 ml in about 10-20 seconds. I don't think that's too fast.

IMHO, it's too fast. Try .1mL per 10 seconds for test. It's thick and oil based, so it's not going to go in lickety split like water based HCG.

I pin 1mL of Tri-Amino into my delts (alternating) EOD. Even though Tri-Amino is water based, I take my time and inject slowly. I use a 3mL syringe with a 1/2"/30ga luer lock needle. The 3mL syringe is easier for me handle with one hand than a 1mL insulin pin.

I use a different technique for pinning into my delts. I usually lie on my side on the bed or couch, and prop two or three pillows under my arm. This really stabilizes my arm, and I can totally relax the delt muscle for the injection. I know, I know...seems like overkill, but it works for me.
Well the only reason I like deltoids is because you can actually hit shallow IM with a 1/2 needle.

I guess quads can also be hit on a guy like me with low body fat. I can't really think of any other locations that can be hit with a 1/2 needle and go shallow IM. If there are some that I'm not thinking of, I would try that out over shoulders!


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