Don't know who prescribed or compounded the mixture you received, but the standard TriMix formula is : Papaverine 30 mg/Phentolamine 1 mg/Prostaglandin 10 mcg/mL

Note that I get this in a 5 mL vial from Empower (Rx thru Defy). You mix no more and no less than 5 cc of bac. water to it then shake it up really good.

5 to 7 units of in a 3/10th's CC syringe (30 gauge, 1/2" needle) is all I need. The next two to two-and-one-half hours are gonna be nine kinds of fun. Wifey loves it!
Don't know who prescribed or compounded the mixture you received, but the standard TriMix formula is : Papaverine 30 mg/Phentolamine 1 mg/Prostaglandin 10 mcg/mL

Note that I get this in a 5 mL vial from Empower (Rx thru Defy). You mix no more and no less than 5 cc of bac. water to it then shake it up really good.

5 to 7 units of in a 3/10th's CC syringe (30 gauge, 1/2" needle) is all I need. The next two to two-and-one-half hours are gonna be nine kinds of fun. Wifey loves it!

Thanks. That's the formula I have. Just wasn't sure if some of you were working with stronger mixes. Mine came from Olympia and was already reconstituted. Either my injection technique is missing the mark, the 5 to 20 units just aren't enough for my issue, or maybe the efficacy was compromised during shipping. I'm going to fill up a few other syringes and see if the next doses perform any better. The prescribing physician did tell me to not be super concerned if the 10 or 15 units didn't make much of a difference and to not be afraid to titrate up with the antidote on hand.
It could also be a matter of setting my expectations lower. I mean, if I have a great erection for 45 minutes to an hour, ejaculate, and then go soft should I really categorize that as a disappointment just because I'm not getting the never yielding boner, repeat rounds, and priapism scare after 2 hours?
My prescriptions come my way dry and with a vial of bac. water to reconstitute. This stuff must be kept refrigerated. Once reconstituted, I keep my vial in the freezer. I pre-fill like 10 syringes then pull them back for some air (expansion) space. They all go right into the freezer. Time comes, it takes just a minute or so to thaw a syringe out holding it in your hand. Keeps the mixture fresh way beyond the expiration date.

Oh...and shake the vial good before filling your syringe.
My prescriptions come my way dry and with a vial of bac. water to reconstitute. This stuff must be kept refrigerated. Once reconstituted, I keep my vial in the freezer. I pre-fill like 10 syringes then pull them back for some air (expansion) space. They all go right into the freezer. Time comes, it takes just a minute or so to thaw a syringe out holding it in your hand. Keeps the mixture fresh way beyond the expiration date.

Oh...and shake the vial good before filling your syringe.

Yes, I'm wondering if the vial could've been compromised during shipping. It had ice packs in the box but wasn't very cold and had been on my porch all morning on like a 60 degree day. I'm sure it's fine but that along with me not knowing to shake the vial really well before pre-filling my syringes has me wondering about the quality of the formula. I'm sure it's okay and I'm either not injecting properly or just haven't found the dose for me. I'm going to shake my vial up when filling more syringes tonight and see if that makes any difference. I'm also interested in seeing if there's a difference using it with my girlfriend than alone. Oh, I like freezing the pre-filled syringes, too. I saw a doctor on YouTube suggest the freezing and unthawing could affect the medication but it's super convenient and they thaw in minutes like you said when it's time to inject.
It could be that the mixture had settled and needing shaking...it could be a bad mix from the pharmacy. Outside of shaking the vial and trying again, it's hard to tell.

Doc on YouTube can say whatever he/she wants - won't change my mind. I've had frozen vials of TriMix that were more than 9 months beyond expiration (I don't use the stuff all that often). Those vials were just as potent "beyond expiration" as the day they were mixed...all by freezing the vial between syringe fills.
Appreciate you guys continuing my thread,, the truth is i still have not tried my trimix... the bottle is still in my freezer, next to all my ice cream LOL....my mom always asks what it is? and i lied to her and told her its for some red bumps that grew on my balls,, and btw, at age 48 , i do have these red like pimples on my balls,, but there on the inside of my sack,, I've been checked for all std,s and im 100 percent clean,, my doctor says that there normal ,, but yea i wish i could get rid of them... the reason why i havnt tried the trimix shot, is i keep watching this gruesome videos on youtube with guys getting priasapms,, and i know if i use a low dose (5 units) the chances are rare that i get one,, anyways i took a 20 MG Cialis pill,, and had sex with one of my girlfriends,, i got rock hard, AND we went at it not MSOG ,, but actually 3 times.. she was incredibly hot girl guess the looks of a girl plays a huge roll in my erections on cialis,, because i have taken cialis with other girls and i could not even get it up at all....
Appreciate you guys continuing my thread,, the truth is i still have not tried my trimix... the bottle is still in my freezer, next to all my ice cream LOL....my mom always asks what it is? and i lied to her and told her its for some red bumps that grew on my balls,, and btw, at age 48 , i do have these red like pimples on my balls,, but there on the inside of my sack,, I've been checked for all std,s and im 100 percent clean,, my doctor says that there normal ,, but yea i wish i could get rid of them... the reason why i havnt tried the trimix shot, is i keep watching this gruesome videos on youtube with guys getting priasapms,, and i know if i use a low dose (5 units) the chances are rare that i get one,, anyways i took a 20 MG Cialis pill,, and had sex with one of my girlfriends,, i got rock hard, AND we went at it not MSOG ,, but actually 3 times.. she was incredibly hot girl guess the looks of a girl plays a huge roll in my erections on cialis,, because i have taken cialis with other girls and i could not even get it up at all....

Few points :
- No longer be afraid of priapism, as long as you have your pseudoepinephrine or decongestant with you, just take it after the deed is done. It works like magic.
- IMO the hot of the girl and looks is always playing huge roles in erection. With or without Cialis. It's the oxytocyn hormone flowing. ha ha.... I also always have this issue since teenager.
- my issue with trimix is actually the syringe, after researching a lot in franktalk, I'm now using 30 gauge rather than 29. Lot different.
If you managed to get a "blue veined throbber" using 20 mg of Cialis, you don't need TriMix.
Few points :
- No longer be afraid of priapism, as long as you have your pseudoepinephrine or decongestant with you, just take it after the deed is done. It works like magic.
- IMO the hot of the girl and looks is always playing huge roles in erection. With or without Cialis. It's the oxytocyn hormone flowing. ha ha.... I also always have this issue since teenager.
- my issue with trimix is actually the syringe, after researching a lot in franktalk, I'm now using 30 gauge rather than 29. Lot different.
I think you mean dopamine. Oxytocin is the "cuddle" hormone.
Yea , when I'm little bit over-dosage of Cialis (I got vision issue which is fixable), even then the erection quality is not as strong as the Bimix. The viagra still has stronger quality than Cialis.

Nowadays there're few shops that sells a combination of Viagra+Cialis+APO in ***** version, when taken at the right moment, this is the "closest" quality to be almost the same with Bimix/Trimix.

....thing is, all these PDE5i work good when you have empty stomach. The same thing produces less quality if there's food in the system.
Yea , when I'm little bit over-dosage of Cialis (I got vision issue which is fixable), even then the erection quality is not as strong as the Bimix. The viagra still has stronger quality than Cialis.

Nowadays there're few shops that sells a combination of Viagra+Cialis+APO in ***** version, when taken at the right moment, this is the "closest" quality to be almost the same with Bimix/Trimix.

....thing is, all these PDE5i work good when you have empty stomach. The same thing produces less quality if there's food in the system.
What is APO ?
You can have plenty of blood flow and ample nitric oxide...but if you're lacking dopamine, you're not going to get "excited". More than one factor in erections.
Not discounting the role of dopamine. I don't know if we lack dopamine, as much as it might be issues with receptors, though someone could have a low level. For me, I've tried cabergoline(tiny dose)and it made me hyper, gave me a headache, worsened my sleep but did zero for erectile function. Same with Wellbutrin. I can be excited(libido, desire) but either poor erection or no erection.
Hello and thanks for viewing my post, im 48 years old and i had no problems getting an erection,, however past 8 months i hit a brick wall sort of speak, just having a hard time getting or mainting an erection,, my urologist gave me cialis and it is amazing,, but the side effects are nasty lingering head aches that last all day , even the next day,, so i asked my doctor to prescribe me trimix injection ,, he was ok with it,, cost me $120 for the bottle, compound pharmacy near boston ,,

So now my big question and fear, i used to do PE exersises ..jelqing , hanging weights , plus a girth exersise called "clamping".. one day of doing a 45 minute clamping session,, i had the urge too pee ( URINATE),, i peed blood,, was kind of freakin out ,, but i figured i would drink alot of water, and it would flush me out and i could pee, well my worst nightmare happened, i could not pee at all ,, went to the hospital , and they told me if it does not improve there gonna have to use a cathetar to get my urine out,, after drinking alot of water for 3 hours ,, my bladder was about to explode , i was driving like 100 mph to the hospital ,, thinking my bladder is ready to burst,, they rushed me into a room, inserted a catheter ( FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE),, and emptyied my bladder,, let me tell you i have never experianced so much pain when the shoved a tube inside my penis , i cringe and have nightmares of this ever happening again

so i want to try trimax,, however in the back of my mind, im scared maybe ill get a 2 hour erection , and the blood will pool up again and cause another blockage,, i have googled trmix injection, but have not stumbled on what happed to me,, i keep reading "drain your blood" if your erection does not go away , and you end up at the ER,, is that code words for inserting a catheitor? please excuse my poor grammer and mis spellings,, i truly hope someone can tell me yes or no on if its even remotley possible.. that if i get a priapasm, (erection that wont go away)... that i might get a blockage, be unabe too pee???, and have to get a cathetier inserted again??, i promise, i will update you guys on my experiance when i actually use trimix,, its in my freezer right now,, im chomping at the bit to try it,, hope to get alot of info,, thanks again for reading :)
I’ve used Trimix for over 6 months with great results. It takes awhile to get the correct dose and you need to have a good relationship with your Urologist or GP to get this right. It took three separate prescriptions to get me in the sweet spot.

Once you get the correct prescription, you then need to get the dosage correct. My physician writes to dose between 0.1 to 0.5 ml to be injected. You as the patient need to find what dosage works best for you.

As for erections, mine last between 1.5 to 3 hours; again this relates to dosage [inject more for a longer erection].

After orgasm if erect for 2-3 hours, I take 2 pseudoephedrine tablets which counteracts the Trimix.

Hope this helps!
Don't know who prescribed or compounded the mixture you received, but the standard TriMix formula is : Papaverine 30 mg/Phentolamine 1 mg/Prostaglandin 10 mcg/mL

Note that I get this in a 5 mL vial from Empower (Rx thru Defy). You mix no more and no less than 5 cc of bac. water to it then shake it up really good.

5 to 7 units of in a 3/10th's CC syringe (30 gauge, 1/2" needle) is all I need. The next two to two-and-one-half hours are gonna be nine kinds of fun. Wifey loves it!
I get mine compounded from a private pharmacy who charges $85 for a 5 ml vial. My Urologist does not go by the standard Trimix formulary.

My RX is compounded for me at 50/60/3 mg/ml. I use insulin syringes 31 gauge, 5/16 inch

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