My Journey to Severe ED and Trimix


New Member
I am currently 56. This thread is about my journey with ED, which started at 40. And got progressively worse. I have good lipids, no risk factors for CVD, excellent insulin resistance, am fit and very low body fat and muscly physique. Yes : my ED has confounded doctors but then, none of them approached the issue like the learned men on here.

So at 40 I started experiencing total erection failure about once a month during intercourse with my wonderfulll sexy partner (ten years my junior and a hottie). I can even remember the exact day it first happened, as I had never, and I mean never, had a single problem with getting and maintining an erection in my life to that day (not even sick). So about six months later after the first bout I went to the doctor and got a 50mg script for Viagra. I remember that day too. The result was phenomenal. You all know it, a super hard and near aching erection that lasted even after climaxing. The facial flush and headache was also "amazing". I used Viagra sparingly as my ED was minor.

Over the years the dose and frequency all increased as the ED got worse. And climaxing became more difficult too. By 50 I could not get a solid erection for intercourse. I sometimes used Cialis, Levitra or both. The results were still truly excellent. Then, two years ago I got my first fails with PdE5s. Over the period of one year i ended up on whats called "failure doses", 200mg of Viagra and 40mg of Cialis (these doses have been trialled in supervised studies and shown to be beneficial for men who fail at maximum dose). Then ... yep ... even those enormous doses failed. I also by this time has ZERO nocturnal erections and daily dosing for some months did not achieve a useful improvement (some yes). Also at 50 I went on TRT, Sustanon 250 and then Reandron. Helped with libido and muscle mass, did virtually nothing for the ED which is not surprising.

So we come to the previous year. I have been single for two years and intend to stay that way. I have what youd call "good luck" with the ladies and in particular younger women. But ten months ago, after three terrible ED failures with pretty young women, I was ready to give sex up. Now I do NOT subscribe to the therapists who advocate doing "other things" ; I love intercourse and doing it for extended periods. I am not that focused on climaxing as I can have a climax any time on my own : but sex with a woman is not available to a single man so much. And while the sex therapists may advocate their "touchy feely" approach for guys my age, I can tell you, a young women you just met does NOT want touchy feely ; they want to be "banged". Excuse the language. The issue with not cumming is also actually a problem with these younger women as they all seem to be very keen to be cummed on or in (unlike my youth where cum was "yuk" for girls : go figure. Thats another post, my anoragsmia)

So i finally found a ED doctor with a relationship with a compounding pharmacy who are experts in all the Mixes (trimix, super, mega, bimix, quad). The intro strength did not work well and was very very hit and miss. So we went straight to Mega Trimix (sorry, the label does NOT have the actual ratios : i WILL find this out and edit the post). First shot was suggested at 20 units but I just did 10 units. Had a 4 hour erection with two sudafed to boot (yes the "real" sudafed) so went to doc (still open) and erection got a tiny bit softer at the doc, so we waited and sure enough, all good. Took an hour to go down (ice on the perinium or scrotum does nothing for me and even makes my penis harder). I have since found hard core anaerobic bouts of exercise are excellent (like leg squats and lunges). But bloody annoying and stupid at 2am. Mega Trimix is a little too strong I think, so I dilute it with 1ml of BA Water per 5ml trimix.

So gents, I then began a trial and error journey with trimix. WARNING : I did things that are against the medical instructions for Trimix. I used myself as a research subject. I am presenting my experience here to increase knowledge on Trimix as it is so very scarce.

CONTEXT : I do not have the magical "understanding wife / partner" to talk about my ED and Trimix. I only have casual sex with hookups and fuck buddies and the occasional sex party. These situations are truly TERRIBLE to bring your trimix kit out and start explaining what you are doing.

How often have i used Trimix? : On two occasions 3 times in a 24 hour period. On MANY occasions twice in a 24 hour period. I never suffered any issues : I may do in the future. I inject alternating sites.

Why so often ? I have never and will never have sex just three times a week with two days gap between having an erection. If a girl stays over for a weekend, she is keen multiple times over a 36 hour period. That is why PdE5s are SO MUCH BETTER than Trimix. Trimix really is the drug for married people I have to say (as in you can explain the situation to your wife). It sucks for how I and most younger women like to have sex. BUT : better this convoluted method than none at all eh !!

Dosing : It really took months to get this right. My usual dose varies from 4 or 5 units for a 1 to 2 hour erection; to 8 to 10 units for a 4 hour erection (which stays hard after climax which I do NOT like). Now, like other men have found, Trimix is more effective if I inject on one side over the other. The first time I injected into my lower left side it was an ER job at 4am. Erection was about 5 hours then. Now this is intersting : this city hospital had seen a lot of priapism from *** men mostly on drugs. So had good experience with it. They said if the penis is still pretty hard but NOT aching badly, not pointing up, and not glowing with purple colour, they say is is not usually an issue. And mine was indeed hard, but no longer pointing up, no ache, and not angry looking. So it did go down at six hour mark.

Combining with PdE5 ; this is a really tricky one and not recommended. I do it when the dose fails. So, I inject, get hard for ten minutes, then go soft quick. I then take 50mg of Viagra (remember 200mg used to do nothing) and in 10 to 20 minutes minutes, boom : erection comes back WITH arousal, just like Viagra is meant to work. These are by far the best times i have on Trimix. It is like the good old days. I get aroused, i get a great erection. I stop sex, the erection goes down (by about 70%). I am not yet brave enough to try with Cialis, even at 5mg.

My opinion of Trimix : at first it was amazing. I tried it about 5 times on my own. Then the first 2 or 3 times was with very casual sex, so that worked wonders ! But still having a crazy boner is a bit weird for girls as they expect a "soft-on" as that signifies the man is satisfied. Like a lot of men, something odd happens on Trimix with sensitivity. I am POSITIVE. For me, it makes cumming virtually impossible. So that's a real negative in a lot of mens and womens sex life i would say.

The convoluted way you get an erection is "OK" on Trimix but only in my own home (lets be honest, taking a pill is about 1,000% easier than injecting your dick). Going to a hotel for a night is just OK (you need to time it right to do that injection). Going to their place ... its starting to get a bit ridiculous. Carrying the stuff, it is hot here : i wear a t shirt and jeans when i go out to a bar for god sake. Nothing else. Nowhere to hide it (not even in those pen type carriers : even my car keys are a tight fit) But i have managed it.

What I HATE about Trimix relates to the best sex I used to have. Spontaneous outdoor sex. I used to love banging a girl on the way home, around a empty street corner or in a deserted park, in the car. Or carpark. At a empty beach. In the countryside. Or she just gets horny suddenly and grabs your penis and wants to bang : right there. Its a crying shame all that is gone. Yeah : youre at the beach on a 90 degree day with a cooling box for the trimix and she gets keen "oh excuse me while i go half a mile back to the bush or public toilet to inject".

So maybe an implant is for me. I am looking into it. Dont get me wrong, I am so so thankful for Trimix. I have been that stud at three sex parties. Had girls marvel at the sheer hardness. But I have also had to make up a story or two why we cant suddenly right there get it on (because I have no more pre-loaded Trimix on me) and i woke up once to a raging erection at the six hour mark as I fell asleep with an erection. It sucks having to stay up waiting for the erection to go down just to be sure. i want to go to damned bed.

I hope this has been a bit amusing and informative. I thank you all for the posts that helped me before I went to seek out Trimix.

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