TriMix desensitization.

You got it. I keep the vial in the freezer, along with the syringes I've filled. I just pull back the syringes a bit to give a little air space - as frozen liquids do expand.

When I run low on pre-filled syringes, I take the vial out of the freezer and let it sit for about 25 minutes to completely thaw (yet is still cold). I shake the vial really good to make sure the drugs are in a good suspension, load up 10 more syringes (remember the air space in the filled syringes) then put the vial and the syringes in the freezer. Defrosting a syringe takes no more than 2 minutes holding it in your hand. Once the syringe is thawed, I clean the injection site with an alcohol wipe, give the syringe a few thumps, remove the air from the syringe then inject.

I use 3/10 CC insulin syringes with a 1/2 inch long 30 gauge needle.

Frozen syringe looks like this:

I do the same thing.
One thing that my doctor taught me, which I haven't seen mentioned here, is that if you do Not get the needle into the Corpus Cavernosum correctly, you are not going to get hard.
Yes, I have accidentally done this and wasted good Trimix.

When you fully inject the syringe from the 10 or 2 o'clock position, pull back a bit on the plunge and make sure a bit of blood draws back into the syringe.
If no blood draws into syringe, you are Not in the correct spot and you're simply wasting your Trimix, time, causing unneeded pain, and will be dissatisfying both yourself and partner.
Don't know about you, but I can feel when that 1/2" 30 gauge needle makes it's way into the right place. Not painful mind you, but you know when it lands in the corpus cavernosum.
I do the same thing.
One thing that my doctor taught me, which I haven't seen mentioned here, is that if you do Not get the needle into the Corpus Cavernosum correctly, you are not going to get hard.
Yes, I have accidentally done this and wasted good Trimix.

When you fully inject the syringe from the 10 or 2 o'clock position, pull back a bit on the plunge and make sure a bit of blood draws back into the syringe.
If no blood draws into syringe, you are Not in the correct spot and you're simply wasting your Trimix, time, causing unneeded pain, and will be dissatisfying both yourself and partner.
Had a similar experience last night and frustrated me to no end. I injected 20cc but was wondering if me and my partner could give it a go again tonight or best to rest a day or two ?
Had a similar experience last night and frustrated me to no end. I injected 20cc but was wondering if me and my partner could give it a go again tonight or best to rest a day or two ?
20cc? Holy smokes! I think you mean 20 units on an insulin syringe (i.e. 0.20 cc). I usually inject between 5 and 8 units (depending on how long I want the session to last). That would be 0.05 cc to 0.08 cc. Personally, I wouldn't dare inject more than 10 units (0.10 cc). This stuff is potent!

My PA suggested starting at 5 units (0.05 cc) and gradually titrating up by one unit (0.01 cc) until I get the desired effect. Start with 5 units and wait for 15 to 20 minutes. If the 5 units didn't do much, inject another 2 to 3 units. For me, the 5 units did the trick the first time. I have injected twice in one day (once in the morning, another in the evening), and it worked equally well each time...but don't suggest doing so as it can cause fibrosis or the thickening and scarring of connective tissue. I'm not one who wants a case of Peyronie's disease.

It is suggested that Trimix being used no more than 2 to 3 times per week. To be on the safe side, wait a day or two then try again.
20cc? Holy smokes! I think you mean 20 units on an insulin syringe (i.e. 0.20 cc). I usually inject between 5 and 8 units (depending on how long I want the session to last). That would be 0.05 cc to 0.08 cc. Personally, I wouldn't dare inject more than 10 units (0.10 cc). This stuff is potent!

My PA suggested starting at 5 units (0.05 cc) and gradually titrating up by one unit (0.01 cc) until I get the desired effect. Start with 5 units and wait for 15 to 20 minutes. If the 5 units didn't do much, inject another 2 to 3 units. For me, the 5 units did the trick the first time. I have injected twice in one day (once in the morning, another in the evening), and it worked equally well each time...but don't suggest doing so as it can cause fibrosis or the thickening and scarring of connective tissue. I'm not one who wants a case of Peyronie's disease.

It is suggested that Trimix being used no more than 2 to 3 times per week. To be on the safe side, wait a day or two then try again.
Yes you're right I 20 units on an insulin syringe (i.e. 0.20 cc). My wording was wrong. 20 units is the dose I was given and been perfect so far but the first time where I used it and had that experience. Was curious if it would be possible for me and my partner to have another go at it tonight but think maybe you're right i'll just air on the side of caution and wait a day. Thanks for your reply.
Guys I'm not sure if the quantity people are using is relevant without knowing the ratios of your trimix. They will all have the same ingredients but the proportions will all vary. My initial prescription gave me meh results. The doctor then prescribed a stronger dose and now the same volume gives me much more satisfactory results.
Yes you're right I 20 units on an insulin syringe (i.e. 0.20 cc). My wording was wrong. 20 units is the dose I was given and been perfect so far but the first time where I used it and had that experience. Was curious if it would be possible for me and my partner to have another go at it tonight but think maybe you're right i'll just air on the side of caution and wait a day. Thanks for your reply.

Even 20 units is INSANE to me. I do THREE units, literally a tiny drop of this stuff and I'm rock hard for 3 hours. I'm wondering if people just don't mix/dilute with the correct amount of water maybe?
Just for a safety check, I've used alprostadil only (monomix?) and had great results. I know my nasal decongestant works in case of priapism (which can be super dangerous) so y'all might want to check same is true for bimix and trimix before experimenting too much. I also found that doing exercises like pull ups and squats pulled blood away which helped it go down (or maybe the timing was coincidence)--I think it's a good technique because I've never had a monster erection doing tons of pullups.
I have been using trimix for 17 years (80 yo). I find it to be extremely consistent in its effect (although I have had to gradually increase the dose as I aged).

The only exceptions are on those rare occasions in which I have apparently missed the right target region.

Do NOT triple the dose or you may end up in the emergency room. Instead concentrate on getting the injection in the right place.
Have you mixed it with very low dose tadalafil or similar PDE5 inhibitors? I wonder if there would be enough of a synergistic effect to allow significant reduction in dosage for both. Of course I would start low and titrate up slowly.
Have you mixed it with very low dose tadalafil or similar PDE5 inhibitors? I wonder if there would be enough of a synergistic effect to allow significant reduction in dosage for both. Of course I would start low and titrate up slowly
This is, without a doubt, something you should -never- do without first consulting with your physician...ever!

This sounds like a prescription for a trip to the ER.
Thanks for the reminder I guess? I'm more in favor of both consulting with a true expert and also using brain. The MD means little when tons of us have talked to white coats with horribly incorrect positions. Anyway, I'll let you know how it turns out. I think in general a more important ideal is to titrate very low and slow and be conservative with new products.
Thanks for the reminder I guess? I'm more in favor of both consulting with a true expert and also using brain. The MD means little when tons of us have talked to white coats with horribly incorrect positions. Anyway, I'll let you know how it turns out. I think in general a more important ideal is to titrate very low and slow and be conservative with new products.
It's been mentioned here that stacking the likes of PT-141 and Trimix is an acceptable approach. Tried it myself with very low doses of each, and it caused an erection that was very painful (pain is -not- good). After a little over 3 hours later, no signs of things letting up and things getting more painful, so ended up chewing about 200 mg of the "good" Sudafed tablets to fend off a trip to the ER.

Indeed starting low and titrating up from there is a reasonable approach. Just be extremely cautious...
Thanks. Helpful. Pt141 does little for me. I would probably do 1/4 of injectable and 1/8 of pde5 to start. And track with a spreadsheet as I titeare. I do also have the good decongestant on hand from reading similar stories.

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