Hi guys first time posting here... I am also struggling with high rbc, hemoglobin and hematocrit issues.
Prior to TRT I believe my HCT was 47ish.
For the past 8 years or so i have had to Donate blood every 2.5 - 3 months! To control my levels.
I recently found out my Ferritin was 22! I have read it is 'normal' to have low Ferritin while on TRT....true?
I just got back from donating today, now started to take iron supplments and eat more red meat, especially the few days before donation and the week afterwards. Because i can feel low iron symptoms for 5-7 days of weak/fatigue after i donate.
How do i say this, oh will just say it, i am at the point now where i am getting sick of donating! I am trying to find out if there is a better way to control it. I have already tried: cardio, gallon of water a day, switching to Daily shots, no difference, lowered dose to pathetic low dose of 80mg a week now. Tried subq shots for the last month. I got a sleep study done recently, awaiting results, but not hopeful.
I am glad to hear iam not the only one experiencing this... wish there was a Safe drug to take to lower it! Heard there is peptide in Clinical Trials Phase III right now in the USA.
I am lost what to do if my sleep study comes back showing no sleep apnea or only mild. It is not like i can keep on lowering my dose!
What are others experience/symptoms of Low Ferritin less than 20?