Hello fellas, i have opened a thread a couple months ago where I wrote how Everytime I try to go subQ TRT after 2-3 weeks it's like i am off TRT...
I have tried this 3! Times and always ended up going intra muscular again.
I didn't have any problems with IM injections. But I wanted to inject 3 times a week and didn't want to inject IM that often.
Here is how i solved my Problem. OK! First of all. SubQ works! It really works. If it works for me it will for you too!
I had a bottle of dbols which i didn't use for many years. When I started my 4. Experiment with subQ i took 1 dbol daily for 4 weeks and injected with the insulin small 8 mm needle. Right VG Monday/
Right shoulder Wednesday and left VG Friday.
90 mg total testosterone. Every injecton 30 mg.
Last Week I stopped taking dbol and today i made bloodwork.
Total test: 1000 Ng/dl
Free test: 35 Ng/dl
Estradiol 65.
If I stay on this dose I need to take a bit AI here and there. I get symptoms on that number. But overall i feel ok. But since m shbg is 12-18 my androgen index is still through the roof.
I will probably inject 75 mg from now on and call it a day finally. Honestly i think that even 60 mg weekly total puts my total to 600s which is great.
I just write this because I know there are many guys who wanted to try subQ but stopped after 2-3 weeks because the were not patient enough like me. But it seems like when You go subQ from IM on some people or maybe most it needs to build up like you start TRT again. You really need to give it time. And You don't need dbols like me. The only reason I took it was because i just wanted to be sure.
Hope this helps. Sorry for my bad English.