Well, my rationale was to get my IM injection to drop as low as possible so I didnt add more testosterone to it making my levels too high.
I mean, I think the body should still have some testosterone after 11 days of IM injection test E, no?
I dont understand why subQ should take so much longer to get going, I mean, If i had injected IM instead with a low dose after 11 days, would I really feel this tired? Or does subQ take longer to absorb?
What do you not understand?
You stated....."I mean, I think the body body should still have some testosterone after 11 days of IM injection test E, no?"
First of you were injecting i.m. using 100mg/week and you have low shbg.....you stated your trough was 600ng/dl the day before your next weekly injection (friday am).
You than proceeded to wait 11 days before switching to sub-q injections so more than likely your testosterone levels were sub par, maybe even low....but you did not post labs on the 100mg/week protocol- free t, estradiol (sensitive assay) and only stated your TT 600 ng/dl and shbg between 18-20 you say.
Than you inject 30mg M/W/F and start ranting and raving that you feel like shit.....do you really think with 3 weekly injections of 30mg that all of a sudden you are going to feel the testosterone.....if anything you need to give the new protocol time to let blood levels stabilize before you start blaming sub-q not being effective!
Sure some men may not do well on sub-q or possibly have absorption issues but the only true way to know whether sub-q vs i.m. works is to stay on the protocol for 6 weeks until your levels have stabilized and than have blood work done to see where your total t, free t, estradiol (sensitive assay) sit to say whether you truly have an absorption issue regarding sub-q injections.
For all we know your free t is low, your e2 is out of whack.....many factors can contribute to why one may feel shitty.
It is not like one injects testosterone and than all of a sudden is suppose to feel good.....things take time.
5 days later you are jumping the gun again.
This has to be one of the most piss poor examples of a case where one blames sub-q injections not working.....you basically injected 30mg on M/W/F for one week than started complaining.....seriously?
Now 5 days later you are ready to throw in the towel!