High SHBG on trt ..find the right way


my nerverendingstory whit High SHBG
before i start whit TRT i have long time high SHBG from 45 to 95!
I check i 6 months all things ,blood test(liver,throids)but all blood values whas good.

2,5 moths ago i start whit trt protocol
2x 45-50 mg testoterone e sq in week
no AI
no HCG

from the beging im tired on the 1 day when i have the testostesterone shot.
i do blood test and on the day 4 after shot my testosterone whas by
6,1(ref 2,1-9,1)
e2 by 39
SHBG by 79!

when i going down whit the dose for 2 weeks
35 mg x2 week
blood values on 3 day after shot:
tt 3,9 (ref 2,1-9,1)
e2 36
shbg 71

TSH whas falling on TRT from 2,4 to 1,2..

i can try 2 think
1.take a AI like arimedex ,becose the e2 whas the problem what rise my shbg
2.1 shot in a week not 2,but have here the problem whit e2
3.take proviron?

i know SHBG whas very dificult.
but whit this high value i dont have the right befits from TRT :-(

what whas here the best way for try?

thanks for helping
At the high point you use 50mg twice per week, that is what we consider the minimum dosing; 100mg per week. I think you should increase your dose to 120 or 140mg per week or 60/70mg E3.5D. Typically SHBG comes down with Testosterone injections. But my impression is that you're using far too little Testosterone to begin with.
hi vince
thank you for answer,its a good idea ,only problem is the high e2.
my e2 whas on day 4 after shot by 39.
and i feel the e2,more water under the skin and + 1 kg in 3-5 day when i switch from 35 mg to 50 mg :-(
thats mean i must us a AI-arimedex?!
zinc dont help inove us it 50 mg on day
You're not in the States, correct? YOu don't have acces to the ultrasensitive E2 testing. If that's the case your E2 may be over estimated. Nonetheless the use of an AI is sometimes a necessity. There is also something called "DIM" that you may or may not have access to that can help control E2, it is available over the counter (no prescription) in the States.
yes thats right,i from europe(sorry for bad englisch :-) )
in europe we have arimidex an other Ai,but must look for DIM too..
from the firs time an beginn whit trt protocol i will us only testosterone,but my body whas very sensitiv for all testosterone highs and down an i see it on e2 and shbg.
2 years ago i have my clomid cycle for fertility,all time when lh and testoerone going up,my e2 and shbg go up too.

last 1,5 year a do a lot of new certification in nutrition,diet.
i learn from forums like this and read books about trt and write and spoke whit guys around the world.
but every guy is individual and i must find my trt protocol too.

in europe al dr.give only nebido,the dont care about e2,shbg or hcg in this trt program.
thats why i dont have a dr. :-( but i use orginal testosteron..

but i forget to say i have insulin resistance too(bodybuilding diet long,long time 10-15 years ;-( ) resultat.
last year i starting whit low carb high fat diet ,and from this time i see i have high shbg value.
mayby its somthing whit liver/insulin too.

must go in low fat and too ..and still tray find the good way for me whit trt

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