so 1 more time my second bigest problem whit my hormon system
from my 1 posting a lot of thing whas chang,but not SHBG.
after my last try whit chlomid 2015(12,5 mg ed 2weeks)my high shbg shot UP,and my HPTA going down for a while..i kknow its not for my-chlomid,but its help my a lot whit sperm qualit
it whas a bad time,we know this all.
im a personal trainer and learn 2015-2016 a lot of new thing about Nutrition,hormone system,diet and..and all newst stoff in courses,school for professional and i us it on my body.
its help a lot i the theory,becose my TT whas going up from 3,5 to 7,2!!ref is to 9,1..
but SHBG whas still by rang of 70!
i check my throids level /upper level but in the range
i check liver all values whas grat(whit out beta globulin -5)
i have insulin resistance,but blood suger whas fine,obly too much insulin after carbs
i have low cortisol in the range of 10,becose my acth whas low-pituitary adenoma
PSA whas great but i have prostatitis-in the theory no cancer
and my lh whas by 3,4
i know animal protein rise up SHBG but i eat maximum 160 g per day..
dhea lower shbg,but reduced acth /cortisol too,thats why i dont us it in this moment
and i use a short cycle of testostereon 50mg 2x week for 3 week,to lower SHBG ,but it dont go down and i dont feel any difference in felling,mood only more tired,becose my lh level falling to 0,8
my e2 level whas in this time maximum 45,after more zink supplements falling to 35
in This time my testosterone going up to 7,8 but dont feel it.
im 39 year now i thing about next step,becose i try all best thing what possibly and nothings helps.
it does not matter i have TT natural high or whit testostereon injektion,somewhere in my body is a problem and this is the reason of high SHBG
testicles cancer?how looks than the blood test?
i check it for all other, CRP whas 0,2(no infektion)
mayby somone of the guys to have long time knowhow can write my,what i can do more
no benefit off high testosterone for my,becose my shbg whas still high whit normal e2..
thanks for helping ;-) and ideas
from my 1 posting a lot of thing whas chang,but not SHBG.
after my last try whit chlomid 2015(12,5 mg ed 2weeks)my high shbg shot UP,and my HPTA going down for a while..i kknow its not for my-chlomid,but its help my a lot whit sperm qualit

it whas a bad time,we know this all.
im a personal trainer and learn 2015-2016 a lot of new thing about Nutrition,hormone system,diet and..and all newst stoff in courses,school for professional and i us it on my body.
its help a lot i the theory,becose my TT whas going up from 3,5 to 7,2!!ref is to 9,1..
but SHBG whas still by rang of 70!
i check my throids level /upper level but in the range
i check liver all values whas grat(whit out beta globulin -5)
i have insulin resistance,but blood suger whas fine,obly too much insulin after carbs
i have low cortisol in the range of 10,becose my acth whas low-pituitary adenoma
PSA whas great but i have prostatitis-in the theory no cancer
and my lh whas by 3,4
i know animal protein rise up SHBG but i eat maximum 160 g per day..
dhea lower shbg,but reduced acth /cortisol too,thats why i dont us it in this moment
and i use a short cycle of testostereon 50mg 2x week for 3 week,to lower SHBG ,but it dont go down and i dont feel any difference in felling,mood only more tired,becose my lh level falling to 0,8
my e2 level whas in this time maximum 45,after more zink supplements falling to 35
in This time my testosterone going up to 7,8 but dont feel it.
im 39 year now i thing about next step,becose i try all best thing what possibly and nothings helps.
it does not matter i have TT natural high or whit testostereon injektion,somewhere in my body is a problem and this is the reason of high SHBG
testicles cancer?how looks than the blood test?
i check it for all other, CRP whas 0,2(no infektion)
mayby somone of the guys to have long time knowhow can write my,what i can do more
no benefit off high testosterone for my,becose my shbg whas still high whit normal e2..
thanks for helping ;-) and ideas
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